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(define debug-nfa #t)
(define pretty-debug-nfa (lambda (x) (when debug-nfa (pretty-print x))))
(define debug-min #f)
(define pretty-debug-min (lambda (x) (when debug-nfa (pretty-print x))))
; ======================================================================
; ======================================================================
; Non-Terminalss
; x is an AVS
(define-structure (L x))
(define-structure (LI x))
(define-structure (U x))
(define-structure (UI x))
(define eq-nt?
[(($ L x1) ($ L x2)) (eq? x1 x2)]
[(($ LI x1) ($ LI x2)) (eq? x1 x2)]
[(($ U x1) ($ U x2)) (eq? x1 x2)]
[(($ UI x1) ($ UI x2)) (eq? x1 x2)]
[_ #f]))
(define nt?
[(or ($ L) ($ U) ($ LI) ($ UI)) #t]
[_ #f]))
(define same-nt-type?
[(($ L x1) ($ L x2)) #t]
[(($ LI x1) ($ LI x2)) #t]
[(($ U x1) ($ U x2)) #t]
[(($ UI x1) ($ UI x2)) #t]
[_ #f]))
(define nt->AVS
[($ L x1) x1]
[($ LI x1) x1]
[($ U x1) x1]
[($ UI x1) x1]))
(define nt-chg-AVS
[(f ($ L x)) (make-L (f x))]
[(f ($ LI x)) (make-LI (f x))]
[(f ($ U x)) (make-U (f x))]
[(f ($ UI x)) (make-UI (f x))]))
(define drop-I
[(and nt (or ($ L _) ($ U _))) nt]
[($ LI x) (make-L x)]
[($ UI x) (make-U x)]))
(define mem-nt?
(lambda (nt l)
(and (not (null? l))
(or (eq-nt? nt (car l))
(mem-nt? nt (cdr l))))))
(define (set-NT-prop! NT val)
(let* ([AVS (nt->AVS NT)]
[old (get-AVS-prop AVS 'NT-prop #f)]
[old (if old old
(let ([v (vector #f #f #f #f)])
(add-AVS-prop! AVS 'NT-prop v)
(match NT
[($ L x1) 0] [($ LI x1) 1] [($ U x1) 2] [($ UI x1) 3])
(define (get-NT-prop NT)
(let* ([AVS (nt->AVS NT)]
[old (get-AVS-prop AVS 'NT-prop #f)]
[old (if old old
(let ([v (vector #f #f #f #f)])
(add-AVS-prop! AVS 'NT-prop v)
(match NT
[($ L x1) 0] [($ LI x1) 1] [($ U x1) 2] [($ UI x1) 3]))))
; ======================================================================
; Right hand side of a production
(define-structure (rhs* grsym nts))
(define (make-rhs grsym nt) (make-rhs* grsym (list nt)))
(define-structure (grsym ineq fn sign template field-no))
;; ineq is '<= or '>=
;; fn is 'inj, 'inj-tst or 'ext
;; sign is #t (monotonic) or #f (antimonotonic)
;; field-no may be #f
(define (make-grsym->=inj+ t f) (make-grsym '>= 'inj #t t f))
(define (make-grsym->=inj- t f) (make-grsym '>= 'inj #f t f))
(define (make-grsym->=inj? t f) (make-grsym '>= 'inj '? t f))
(define (make-grsym-<=inj-tst+ t f) (make-grsym '<= 'inj-tst #t t f))
(define (make-grsym-<=inj-tst- t f) (make-grsym '<= 'inj-tst #f t f))
(define (make-grsym-<=ext+ t f) (make-grsym '<= 'ext #t t f))
(define (make-grsym->=ext- t f) (make-grsym '>= 'ext #f t f))
(define (make-grsym->=ext+ t f) (make-grsym '>= 'ext #t t f))
(define (make-grsym-<=ext- t f) (make-grsym '<= 'ext #f t f))
;; a grsym can also be '>=epsilon or '<=epsilon
(define grsym-eq?
[(($ grsym i1 f1 s1 t1 n1) ($ grsym i2 f2 s2 t2 n2))
(and (eq? i1 i2) (eq? f1 f2) (eq? t1 t2) (eqv? n1 n2))]
[(x y) (eq? x y)]))
; ======================================================================
;; Initializing the L, ... fields of an AVS
(define (add-AVS-LI! AVS x) (set-AVS-LI! AVS (cons x (AVS-LI AVS))))
(define (add-AVS-UI! AVS x) (set-AVS-UI! AVS (cons x (AVS-UI AVS))))
(define (add-AVS-L! AVS x) (set-AVS-L! AVS (cons x (AVS-L AVS))))
(define (add-AVS-U! AVS x) (set-AVS-U! AVS (cons x (AVS-U AVS))))
(define zeroary-op-AVS (void))
(define (calc-productions! list-AVS use-AVS?
tree zeroary
epsilon-L epsilon-U epsilon-LI epsilon-UI
L->LI U->UI)
;; tree : bool -- controls if produce RTG or regular grammar
;; epsilon-...: bool -- control epsilon transitions
;; L->LI, ... : bool -- controls L->LI production rule
(lambda (AVS)
(set-AVS-L! AVS '())
(set-AVS-U! AVS '())
(set-AVS-LI! AVS '())
(set-AVS-UI! AVS '())
(set-AVS-edgefrom! AVS '()))
;; ------ Invert edges
(lambda (AVS)
(lambda (to) (when (use-AVS? to) (add-AVS-edgefrom! to AVS)))
(AVS-edgeto AVS)))
;; ------ Now make L, etc, from AV, constraints and edges
(lambda (AVS)
;; ------ Invert original AV
[($ AV _ (and template ($ template type signs)) misc fields)
(let ([l (vector-length fields)])
;; Make rhs
(add-AVS-L! AVS
(make-rhs* (make-grsym->=inj? template #f)
(lambda (f sign)
(case sign
[>=inj+ (make-L f)]
[>=inj- (make-U f)]))
(vector->list fields)
(vector->list signs))))]
;; o/w not tree
[(= l 0)
;; Terminal
(add-AVS-L! AVS
(make-rhs* (make-grsym->=inj+ template #f) '()))]
;; Non-terminal - return all prods
(for i 0 l
(let ([f (vector-ref fields i)])
(when (use-AVS? f)
(case (vector-ref signs i)
(add-AVS-L! AVS
(make-rhs (make-grsym->=inj+ template i)
(make-L f)))]
(add-AVS-L! AVS
(make-rhs (make-grsym->=inj- template i)
(make-U f)))]))))])
(if (and zeroary (zero? l))
;; Fake a unary op
(add-AVS-UI! zeroary-op-AVS
(make-rhs (make-grsym-<=ext+ template 0)
(make-UI AVS)))
(for i 0 l
(let ([f (vector-ref fields i)])
(when (use-AVS? f)
(case (vector-ref signs i)
(make-rhs (make-grsym-<=ext+ template i)
(make-UI AVS)))]
(make-rhs (make-grsym->=ext- template i)
(make-UI AVS)))]))))))])
(AVS-orig-objs AVS))
;; ------ Invert constraints
[($ con _ (and template ($ template type signs)) field-no AVS2)
(when (use-AVS? AVS2)
(case (vector-ref signs field-no)
(add-AVS-U! AVS
(make-rhs (make-grsym-<=inj-tst+ template field-no)
(make-U AVS2)))
(add-AVS-LI! AVS2
(make-rhs (make-grsym->=ext+ template field-no)
(make-LI AVS)))]
(add-AVS-U! AVS
(make-rhs (make-grsym-<=inj-tst- template field-no)
(make-L AVS2)))
(add-AVS-UI! AVS2
(make-rhs (make-grsym-<=ext- template field-no)
(make-LI AVS)))]))]
[($ con-filter _ filter AVS2)
(printf "Warning: con-filter~n")])
(AVS-constraints AVS))
(lambda (to)
(when epsilon-L (add-AVS-L! to (make-rhs '>=epsilon (make-L AVS))))
(case epsilon-LI
[#t (add-AVS-LI! to (make-rhs '>=epsilon (make-LI AVS)))]
(add-AVS-LI! to (make-rhs '>=concrete-epsilon (make-LI AVS)))])
(when epsilon-U (add-AVS-U! AVS (make-rhs '<=epsilon (make-U to))))
(when epsilon-UI (add-AVS-UI! AVS (make-rhs '<=epsilon (make-UI to)))))
(AVS-edgeto AVS))
(when L->LI (add-AVS-L! AVS (make-rhs '>=epsilon (make-LI AVS))))
(when U->UI (add-AVS-U! AVS (make-rhs '<=epsilon (make-UI AVS))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Restricting the grammer to certain NTs
(define (restrict-nts! list-AVS use-nt?)
;;(display `(restrict-nts! ,(map nt->sym list-nt))) (newline)
(let* ([filter-nt
(lambda (rhs*)
[(and rhs ($ rhs* grsym nts))
(if (or (null? nts) (ormap use-nt? nts))
(lambda (AVS)
[(set-AVS-NT! make-NT AVS-NT)
(set-AVS-NT! AVS (if (use-nt? (make-NT AVS))
(filter-nt (AVS-NT AVS))
(list (list set-AVS-L! make-L AVS-L)
(list set-AVS-U! make-U AVS-U)
(list set-AVS-LI! make-LI AVS-LI)
(list set-AVS-UI! make-UI AVS-UI))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; for-each-prods
;; For this to work, must have AVS-L etc setup.
(define (for-each-prods f nt)
(match nt
[($ L x) (for-each f (AVS-L x))]
[($ U x) (for-each f (AVS-U x))]
[($ LI x) (for-each f (AVS-LI x))]
[($ UI x) (for-each f (AVS-UI x))]))
;; ======================================================================
(define (add-prod nt grsym nt*)
(assert (andmap nt? nt*))
(let ([rhs (make-rhs* grsym nt*)])
(match nt
[($ L x) (add-AVS-L! x rhs)]
[($ LI x) (add-AVS-LI! x rhs)]
[($ U x) (add-AVS-U! x rhs)]
[($ UI x) (add-AVS-UI! x rhs)])))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Assumes grammar is result of N->D
;; So is a D-RTG, and only has productions on L,U
;; not on LI,UI
(define (convert-productions-to-AV-etc! list-AVS)
;;(pretty-print `(cvt-prods ,(map name-for-AVS list-AVS)))
(let* ([AVS-empty (mk-AVS-tmp 'empty)]
(lambda (AVS template field-no AVS2)
;; Is the zeroary-op-AVS field
(>= field-no (vector-length (template-signs template)))
;; Reuse old AV, if possible
[($ AV _ (? (lambda (t) (eq? t template))) _ fields)
[(eq? (vector-ref fields field-no) AVS-empty)
;;; empty, fill it
(vector-set! fields field-no AVS2)
[(eq? (vector-ref fields field-no) AVS2)
;; Already in there
[else;; this won't work
[_ #f])
(get-AVS-objs AVS))
;; No AV in there, create and add one
(let* ([l (vector-length (template-signs template))]
[fields (make-vector l AVS-empty)])
(vector-set! fields field-no AVS2)
AVS (create-AV-nolist template '() fields)))))])
;; Examine each production rule, and convert it.
(lambda (AVS)
;;(pretty-print `(convert-prods AVS ,(AVS-num AVS)))
;; L-AVS
[($ rhs* (or '>=epsilon '>=concrete-epsilon) ((or ($ L x) ($ LI x))))
(unless (eq? AVS x) (add-edge! x AVS))]
[($ rhs* ($ grsym '>= 'inj sign template field-no) ())
(add-nohash-orig-AV! AVS (create-AV-nolist template '() (vector)))]
[($ rhs* ($ grsym '>= 'inj sign template #f)
((or ($ L x*) ($ U x*)) ...))
(map-with-n (lambda (x n) (add-AV-field! AVS template n x))
[($ rhs* ($ grsym '>= 'inj sign template field-no)
((or ($ L x) ($ U x))))
(add-AV-field! AVS template field-no x)]
[($ rhs* ($ grsym '>= ext #t template field-no)
((or ($ LI x) ($ L x))))
(add-con! x (create-con template field-no AVS))]
[($ rhs* ($ grsym '>= ext #f template field-no)
((or ($ UI x) ($ U x))))
(add-AV-field! x template field-no AVS)]
[($ rhs* grsym nts)
(error 'prod-to-AV "Bad L/LI rhs ~s ~s"
(grsym->rep grsym) (map nt->sym nts))]
[rhs (error 'prod-to-AV "Bad L/LI rhs ~s" rhs)])
(append (AVS-L AVS) (AVS-LI AVS)))
;; U-AVS
[($ rhs* '<=epsilon ((or ($ U x) ($ UI x))))
(unless (eq? AVS x) (add-edge! AVS x))]
[($ rhs* ($ grsym '<= 'inj-tst #f template field-no) (($ L x)))
(add-con! AVS (create-con template field-no x))]
[($ rhs* ($ grsym '<= 'inj-tst #t template field-no) (($ U x)))
(add-con! AVS (create-con template field-no x))]
[($ rhs* ($ grsym '<= 'ext #f template field-no)
((or ($ L x) ($ LI x))))
(add-con! x (create-con template field-no AVS))]
[($ rhs* ($ grsym '<= 'ext #t template field-no)
((or ($ U x) ($ UI x))))
(add-AV-field! x template field-no AVS)]
[($ rhs* grsym nts)
(error 'prod-to-AV "Bad U/UI rhs ~s ~s"
(grsym->rep grsym) (map nt->sym nts))]
[rhs (error 'prod-to-AV "Bad U/UI rhs ~s" rhs)])
(append (AVS-U AVS) (AVS-UI AVS))))
;; Now prop AVs
(lambda (AVS)
(for-each (lambda (AV) (prop-AV! AVS AV))
(AVS-orig-objs AVS)))
; ======================================================================
; ======================================================================
(define (epsilon-close-nt nt)
(epsilon-close-nts (list nt)))
(define (epsilon-close-nts nts)
(let ([done '()])
(letrec ([traverse
(lambda (nt)
(unless (mem-nt? nt done)
(set! done (cons nt done))
[($ rhs* (or '>=epsilon '<=epsilon) (nt2))
(traverse nt2)]
[_ (void)])
(for-each traverse nts)
; --------------------
(define for-each-prods-joined
(lambda (fn nt*)
(let* ([rhs* '()])
(lambda (nt)
(for-each-prods (lambda (rhs) (set! rhs* (cons rhs rhs*)))
(recur loop ([rhs* rhs*])
(match rhs*
[() (void)]
[(($ rhs* grsym _) . _)
([(nt** . rest)
[($ rhs* grsym2 nt*)
(if (grsym-eq? grsym grsym2) nt* #f)])
(fn grsym nt**)
(loop rest))])))))
; --------------------
(define (grammar-calc-reached roots)
(let ([reached '()]
[tag (gensym)])
(lambda (nt)
(unless (eq? (get-NT-prop nt) tag)
(set-NT-prop! nt tag)
(set! reached (cons nt reached))
[($ rhs* _ nt*)
(for-each traverse nt*)])
(for-each traverse roots)
(list reached (lambda (nt) (eq? (get-NT-prop nt) tag))))))
; --------------------
(define (grammar-calc-nonempty num-NT NT->num num->NT final)
(let* ([table (make-vector num-NT '())])
;; entry is #t if nonempty,
;; or else list of NT to make nonempty if proved nonempty
(letrec ([set-nonempty!
(lambda (n)
'(pretty-print `(set-nonempty! ,(nt->sym (num->NT n))))
(let ([l (vector-ref table n)])
(vector-set! table n #t)
(when (list? l)
(for-each set-nonempty! l))))]
(lambda (i j)
'(pretty-print `(add-depends ,(nt->sym (num->NT i))
,(nt->sym (num->NT j))))
(if (list? (vector-ref table j))
(vector-set! table j (cons i (vector-ref table j)))
(set-nonempty! i)))])
;; fill out table
(for i 0 num-NT
(let ([nt (num->NT i)])
;;(pretty-print `(i ,i nt ,(nt->sym nt) ,(mem-nt? nt final)))
(if (mem-nt? nt final)
(set-nonempty! i)
;; Look at prods
[($ rhs* grsym nt*)
;;(pretty-print `(-> ,(grsym->rep grsym) ,(nt->sym nt)))
(if (null? nt*)
(set-nonempty! i)
(for-each (lambda (nt) (add-depends i (NT->num nt)))
;; return list of nonempty nts, plus membership predicate
(list (filter-map
(lambda (x) x)
(lambda (entry n)
(if (eq? entry #t)
(num->NT n)
(vector->list table)))
;; nonempty-nt?
(lambda (nt) (if (and (NT->num nt)
(eq? (vector-ref table (NT->num nt)) #t))
#t #f))
; ======================================================================
; ======================================================================
(define select-L
(lambda (nt*)
(filter-map (match-lambda [($ L x) x][_ #f]) nt*)))
(define select-LI
(lambda (nt*)
(filter-map (match-lambda [($ LI x) x][_ #f]) nt*)))
(define select-U
(lambda (nt*)
(filter-map (match-lambda [($ U x) x][_ #f]) nt*)))
(define select-UI
(lambda (nt*)
(filter-map (match-lambda [($ UI x) x][_ #f]) nt*)))
; --------------------
(define (epsilon-close-forwards AVS)
(let ([done '()])
(recur traverse ([AVS AVS])
(unless (memq AVS done)
(set! done (cons AVS done))
(for-each traverse (AVS-edgeto AVS))))
(define (epsilon-close-backwards AVS)
(let ([done '()])
(recur traverse ([AVS AVS])
(unless (memq AVS done)
(set! done (cons AVS done))
(for-each traverse (AVS-edgefrom AVS))))
; ======================================================================
; Could use list-AVS to be more efficient here!
(define calc-NT<->num
(lambda (list-nt)
(let* ([num-NT 0]
[num->NT (make-vector (* 4 (length list-nt)) #f)]
[AVS->L-NT (make-vector num-AVS #f)]
[AVS->LI-NT (make-vector num-AVS #f)]
[AVS->U-NT (make-vector num-AVS #f)]
[AVS->UI-NT (make-vector num-AVS #f)]
[add-NT! (lambda (NT)
(vector-set! num->NT num-NT NT)
(set! num-NT (add1 num-NT))))])
(lambda (nt)
(match nt
[($ L AVS) (vector-set! AVS->L-NT (AVS-num AVS) (add-NT! nt))]
[($ LI AVS) (vector-set! AVS->LI-NT (AVS-num AVS) (add-NT! nt))]
[($ U AVS) (vector-set! AVS->U-NT (AVS-num AVS) (add-NT! nt))]
[($ UI AVS) (vector-set! AVS->UI-NT (AVS-num AVS) (add-NT! nt))]))
(list num-NT
[($ L x) (vector-ref AVS->L-NT (AVS-num x))]
[($ LI x) (vector-ref AVS->LI-NT (AVS-num x))]
[($ U x) (vector-ref AVS->U-NT (AVS-num x))]
[($ UI x) (vector-ref AVS->UI-NT (AVS-num x))])
(lambda (num) (vector-ref num->NT num))))))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define leq->equiv
(lambda (list-e e->num e-leq?)
;; Takes a list of elements in list-e,
;; with e-leq? a partial order
;; Calculates an equivalence relation
([e-eq? (lambda (i j)
(let ([r (and (e-leq? i j) (e-leq? j i))])
'(when r (printf "~s=~s~n" (nt->sym i) (nt->sym j)))
[AVS-leq? (lambda (x y)
(and (NT-leq? (make-L x) (make-L y))
(NT-leq? (make-LI x) (make-LI y))
(NT-leq? (make-U y) (make-U x))
(NT-leq? (make-UI y) (make-UI x))))]
[AVS->rep-AVS (make-vector num-AVS #f)]
[list-rep-AVS '()]
[old-AVS->AVS (lambda (old-AVS)
(let ([AVS (vector-ref AVS->rep-AVS
(AVS-num old-AVS))])
[old-nt->nt (lambda (nt) (nt-chg-AVS old-AVS->AVS nt))]
[(($ AV _ template1 misc1 fields1)
($ AV _ template2 misc2 fields2)
(and (eq? template1 template2)
(eq? misc1 misc2)
(andmap2 AVS-leq?
(vector->list fields1)
(vector->list fields2)))])])
;; Have equivalence relation in AVS-eq?
;; want to create mapping AVS -> new AVS
(printf "Calculating AVS -> new AVS~n")
(lambda (AVS)
(lambda (rep)
[(eq? AVS rep)
;; This AVS not included in any representative AVS
(let ([rep-AVS (mk-AVS-nolist 'eqvcl)])
(vector-set! AVS->rep-AVS (AVS-num AVS) rep-AVS)
(set! list-rep-AVS (cons (cons AVS rep-AVS) list-rep-AVS))
[(AVS-eq? AVS rep)
;; This NT is equivalent to rep
(let ([rep-AVS (vector-ref AVS->rep-AVS (AVS-num rep))])
;(assert (eq? rep ))
(vector-set! AVS->rep-AVS (AVS-num AVS) rep-AVS)
(set! list-rep-AVS (cons (cons AVS rep-AVS) list-rep-AVS)))
[else;; continue
,(map (lambda (AVS)
(cons (AVS-num AVS)
(AVS-num (vector-ref AVS->rep-AVS (AVS-num AVS)))))
(printf "Num rep AVS=~s~n" (length list-rep-AVS))
;; Now fill in the AV's and constraints in the representative AVS
;; Maybe want to remove duplicate constraints
;; Not removing duplicate AV's from different AVSs in same rep-AVS
(printf "Copying grammar~n")
[(old-AVS . rep-AVS)
[(get-nt set-nt!)
[($ rhs* grsym nt*)
;; Check if already there
(ormap (match-lambda
[($ rhs*
(? (lambda (grsym2) (grsym-eq? grsym grsym2)))
(? (lambda (nt2*) (andmap2 eq-nt? nt* nt2*))))
[_ #f])
(get-nt rep-AVS))
;; Add it
(set-nt! rep-AVS
(cons (make-rhs*
(map old-nt->nt nt*))
(get-nt rep-AVS))))])
(get-nt old-AVS))])
(list (list AVS-L set-AVS-L!)
(list AVS-LI set-AVS-LI!)
(list AVS-U set-AVS-U!)
(list AVS-UI set-AVS-UI!)))])
;; Done, return mapping
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define apply-equivalence-relation
(lambda (list-nt num-NT NT->num num->NT NT-leq?)
;; NT-leq? is ordering on NTs
([list-AVS (list->set (map nt->AVS list-nt))]
[NT-eq? (lambda (i j)
(let ([r (and (NT-leq? i j) (NT-leq? j i))])
'(when r (printf "~s=~s~n" (nt->sym i) (nt->sym j)))
[AVS-eq? (lambda (x y)
(let ([r
(and (NT-eq? (make-L x) (make-L y))
(NT-eq? (make-LI x) (make-LI y))
(NT-eq? (make-U x) (make-U y))
(NT-eq? (make-UI x) (make-UI y)))])
'(when r (printf "~s=~s~n"
(name-for-AVS x) (name-for-AVS y)))
[AVS-leq? (lambda (x y)
(and (NT-leq? (make-L x) (make-L y))
(NT-leq? (make-LI x) (make-LI y))
(NT-leq? (make-U y) (make-U x))
(NT-leq? (make-UI y) (make-UI x))))]
[AVS->rep-AVS (make-vector num-AVS #f)]
[list-rep-AVS '()]
[old-AVS->AVS (lambda (old-AVS)
(let ([AVS (vector-ref AVS->rep-AVS
(AVS-num old-AVS))])
[old-nt->nt (lambda (nt) (nt-chg-AVS old-AVS->AVS nt))]
[(($ AV _ template1 misc1 fields1)
($ AV _ template2 misc2 fields2)
(and (eq? template1 template2)
(eq? misc1 misc2)
(andmap2 AVS-leq?
(vector->list fields1)
(vector->list fields2)))])])
;; Have equivalence relation in AVS-eq?
;; want to create mapping AVS -> new AVS
(printf "Calculating AVS -> new AVS~n")
(lambda (AVS)
(lambda (rep)
[(eq? AVS rep)
;; This AVS not included in any representative AVS
(let ([rep-AVS (mk-AVS-nolist 'eqvcl)])
(vector-set! AVS->rep-AVS (AVS-num AVS) rep-AVS)
(set! list-rep-AVS (cons (cons AVS rep-AVS) list-rep-AVS))
[(AVS-eq? AVS rep)
;; This NT is equivalent to rep
(let ([rep-AVS (vector-ref AVS->rep-AVS (AVS-num rep))])
;(assert (eq? rep ))
(vector-set! AVS->rep-AVS (AVS-num AVS) rep-AVS)
(set! list-rep-AVS (cons (cons AVS rep-AVS) list-rep-AVS)))
[else;; continue
,(map (lambda (AVS)
(cons (AVS-num AVS)
(AVS-num (vector-ref AVS->rep-AVS (AVS-num AVS)))))
(printf "Num rep AVS=~s~n" (length list-rep-AVS))
;; Now fill in the AV's and constraints in the representative AVS
;; Maybe want to remove duplicate constraints
;; Not removing duplicate AV's from different AVSs in same rep-AVS
(printf "Copying grammar~n")
[(old-AVS . rep-AVS)
[(get-nt set-nt!)
[($ rhs* grsym nt*)
;; Check if already there
(ormap (match-lambda
[($ rhs*
(? (lambda (grsym2) (grsym-eq? grsym grsym2)))
(? (lambda (nt2*) (andmap2 eq-nt? nt* nt2*))))
[_ #f])
(get-nt rep-AVS))
;; Add it
(set-nt! rep-AVS
(cons (make-rhs*
(map old-nt->nt nt*))
(get-nt rep-AVS))))])
(get-nt old-AVS))])
(list (list AVS-L set-AVS-L!)
(list AVS-LI set-AVS-LI!)
(list AVS-U set-AVS-U!)
(list AVS-UI set-AVS-UI!)))])
;; Done, return mapping
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (make-minimization-algorithm table-builder-helper)
(lambda (list-nt roots final)
([(num-NT NT->num num->NT) (calc-NT<->num list-nt)]
[table-leq (make-vector (* num-NT num-NT) (lambda () (void)))]
;; table-leq[x][y] = #f => not(x<=y)
;; otherwise a thunk to perform if not(x<=y)
[NT->rep-NT (make-vector num-NT)]
[list-rep-NT '()])
([lookup (lambda (x y) (vector-ref table-leq (+ (* num-NT x) y)))]
(lambda (x y v) (vector-set! table-leq (+ (* num-NT x) y) v))]
(lambda (x y)
`(record-not-leq ,(nt->sym (num->NT x))
,(nt->sym (num->NT y))))
(when (not (= x y))
(match (lookup x y)
[#f (void)]
(set-table-leq! x y #f)
(lambda (d-p d-q thunk)
`(record-not-leq-action ,(nt->sym (num->NT d-p))
,(nt->sym (num->NT d-q))))
(unless (eq? d-p d-q)
(match (lookup d-p d-q)
[#f (thunk)]
[entry (set-table-leq! d-p d-q
(lambda () (thunk) (entry)))])))]
[epsilon-close (make-vector num-NT #f)]
[nt->grsym->fields (make-vector num-NT #f)])
(printf "Calculating epsilon-close~n")
(for i 0 num-NT
(vector-set! epsilon-close i
(epsilon-close-nt (num->NT i))))
(printf "Calculating (x,c) -> { z* | x ->* y, y->c(z*) }~n")
(for i 0 num-NT
(let* ([alist '()])
(lambda (grsym nt**)
'(printf "nt ~s grsym ~a nt** ~s~n"
(nt->sym (num->NT i))
(grsym->rep grsym)
(set! alist (cons (cons grsym nt**) alist)))
(epsilon-close-nt (num->NT i)))
(vector-set! nt->grsym->fields i alist)))
(printf "Marking final NT's as distinct~n")
(lambda (f)
(let ([n-f (NT->num f)])
(when n-f
(for i 0 num-NT
(unless (= n-f i)
(record-not-leq n-f i)
(record-not-leq i n-f))))))
(printf "Filling not-leq table, num-NT=~s~n" num-NT)
;; Fill out table-leq
(for i 0 num-NT
;;(printf "i ~s ~s~n" i (nt->sym (num->NT i)))
(when (zero? (modulo i 25)) (printf ".") (flush-output))
[($ rhs* (or '>=epsilon '<=epsilon) (nt))
(for j 0 num-NT
(NT->num nt) j
(lambda () (record-not-leq i j))))]
[($ rhs* grsym nt*)
(for j 0 num-NT
'(printf "i ~s j ~s grsym ~s nt ~s ~s ~n"
(nt->sym (num->NT i))
(nt->sym (num->NT j))
(map nt->sym nt*)
(map NT->num nt*))
(unless (= i j)
(let* ([nt** (or (ormap
[(grsym2 . nt**)
(if (grsym-eq? grsym grsym2)
(vector-ref nt->grsym->fields j))
[n (length nt**)])
'(printf "i ~s grsym ~a j ~s nt** ~s~n"
(nt->sym (num->NT i))
(grsym->rep grsym)
(nt->sym (num->NT j))
[(zero? n) (record-not-leq i j)]
[(null? nt*) ; is a terminal
i j nt* nt** n NT->num
record-not-leq record-not-leq-action)]))))])
(num->NT i)))
(display (map (lambda (x) (if x #t #f)) (vector->list table-leq)))
(lambda (nt1)
(lambda (nt2)
(when (and (not (eq? nt1 nt2))
(same-nt-type? nt1 nt2)
(lookup (NT->num nt1) (NT->num nt2)))
(printf "~s <= ~s~n" (nt->sym nt1) (nt->sym nt2))))
;; Apply the equivalence relation
(printf "Applying the eqv rel~n")
num-NT NT->num num->NT
(lambda (i j)
(let ([num-i (NT->num i)]
[num-j (NT->num j)])
[(and (not num-i) (not num-j)) #t]
[(or (not num-i) (not num-j)) #f]
[else (lookup (NT->num i) (NT->num j))]))))))))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (DFA-min list-nt roots final)
(printf "Calculating min DFA~n")
(lambda (i j nt* nt** n NT->num record-not-leq record-not-leq-action)
;; i -> c(nt*)
;; j -> c(nt*) forall nt* in nt**
(lambda (nt*2)
(lambda (nt nt2)
(record-not-leq-action (NT->num nt) (NT->num nt2)
(lambda () (record-not-leq i j))))
nt* nt*2))
list-nt roots final))
(define (NFA-min list-nt roots final)
(printf "Calculating min NFA~n")
(lambda (i j nt* nt** n NT->num record-not-leq record-not-leq-action)
;; i -> c(nt*)
;; j -> c(nt*) forall nt* in nt**
(recur loop ([nt* nt*][nt** nt**])
(unless (null? nt*)
(let* ([f (car nt*)]
[f* (map car nt**)]
[c n]
[fn (lambda ()
(set! c (sub1 c))
(when (zero? c) (record-not-leq i j)))])
(lambda (f2)
(record-not-leq-action (NT->num f) (NT->num f2) fn))
(loop (cdr nt*) (map cdr nt**)))))))
list-nt roots final))
(define (RTG-min list-nt roots final)
(printf "Calculating min NFA~n")
(lambda (i j nt* nt** n NT->num record-not-leq record-not-leq-action)
;; i -> c(nt*)
;; j -> c(nt*) forall nt* in nt**
(let ([c n])
(lambda (nt*2)
(let ([nt*2-done #f])
(lambda (nt nt2)
(NT->num nt)
(NT->num nt2)
(lambda ()
(unless nt*2-done
(set! nt*2-done #t)
(set! c (sub1 c))
(when (zero? c) (record-not-leq i j))))))
nt* nt*2)))
list-nt roots final))
; ======================================================================;
; N->D section
; ======================================================================;
(define (N->D roots final tidy?)
;; n is an old nt
;; d is new nt
(printf "Calculating N->D~n")
([n*->d '()] ; Maps set of NFA nts to a DFA nt
(lambda (n1* n2*)
(andmap (lambda (n1) (mem-nt? n1 n2*)) n1*))]
(lambda (n1* n2*)
(and (n*<= n1* n2*) (n*<= n2* n1*)))]
(lambda (n*)
(recur loop ([l n*->d])
[(null? l) #f]
[(n*= n* (caar l)) (cdar l)]
[else (loop (cdr l))])))]
[AVS->nu-AVS ; Use same d for L-AVS and U-AVS
(let ([l '()])
(lambda (AVS)
(match (assq AVS l)
[(_ . nuAVS) nuAVS]
[#f (let ([nuAVS (mk-AVS-nolist 'dfa-nuAVS)])
(set! l (cons (cons AVS nuAVS) l))
[(($ L x)) (make-L (AVS->nu-AVS x))]
[(($ U x)) (make-U (AVS->nu-AVS x))]
[(($ L _) ...) (make-L (mk-AVS-nolist 'dfa-L))]
[(($ U _) ...) (make-U (mk-AVS-nolist 'dfa-U))])]
[count 0]
(lambda (n*)
(when (zero? (modulo count 25)) (printf ".") (flush-output))
(set! count (add1 count))
(let* ([n* (epsilon-close-nts n*)]
[n*-noI (map drop-I n*)])
'(pretty-print `(traverse ,(map nt->sym n*)))
(or (lookup n*-noI)
;; Need to traverse
;; assume n* epsilon-closed
(let* ([d (make-d-for-nt* n*-noI)])
(set! n*->d (cons (cons n*-noI d) n*->d))
(lambda (grsym nt**)
(if (and (not tidy?)
(not (null? nt**))
(not (null? (car nt**)))
(not (null? (cdar nt**))))
;; Don't want to tidy multi-arity constructor
(lambda (nt*)
(add-prod d grsym
(map (lambda (nt) (traverse (list nt)))
;; Yeah, tidy it
(recur loop ([nt** nt**][d* '()])
(match nt**
[(() ...)
;; All done - add the resulting production
(add-prod d grsym (reverse d*))]
[((nt* . nt**) ...)
;; nt* is all nts for a particular field
(loop nt** (cons (traverse nt*) d*))]))))
(for-each (lambda (nt) (traverse (list nt)))
(printf "Table:~n")
(map (match-lambda
[(n* . d) (cons (map nt->sym n*) (nt->sym d))])
(printf "Calculating new roots, final~n")
;; Return new roots, and nu final
;; new roots
(map (lambda (nt) (lookup (map drop-I (epsilon-close-nt nt))))
;; new final
(map (lambda (nt)
(let* ([nt-noI (drop-I nt)]
[nu-nt (make-d-for-nt* (list nt-noI))])
[(n* . d)
(when (mem-nt? nt-noI n*)
(add-prod d
(match d
[($ L) '>=epsilon]
[($ U) '<=epsilon])
(list nu-nt)))])
;; ======================================================================
;; A series of composable grammar manipulation stages
;; Each takes and returns (roots final list-NT list-AVS . rest)
;; May just return (roots final)
(define (stage-restrict-reached roots final list-NT list-AVS)
(printf "Calculating reached~n")
([(reached-nt reached-nt?) (grammar-calc-reached roots)])
(printf "Restricting NTs~n")
(restrict-nts! list-AVS reached-nt?)
;;(display (map nt->sym reached-nt)) (newline)
(list roots final reached-nt list-AVS)))
(define (stage-restrict-nonempty roots final list-NT list-AVS)
([_ (printf "Calculating NT<->num~n")]
[(num-NT NT->num num->NT) (calc-NT<->num list-NT)]
[_ (printf "Calculating nonempty~n")]
[(nonempty-nt nonempty-nt?)
(grammar-calc-nonempty num-NT NT->num num->NT final)])
(printf "Restricting NTs~n")
(restrict-nts! list-AVS nonempty-nt?)
;;(display (map nt->sym nonempty-nt)) (newline)
(list roots final nonempty-nt list-AVS)))
(define (stage-N->D roots final list-NT list-AVS)
([(nuroots nufinal) (N->D roots final #t)])
(list nuroots nufinal)))
(define (stage-N->D-notidy roots final list-NT list-AVS)
([(nuroots nufinal) (N->D roots final #f)])
(list nuroots nufinal)))
(define (stage-DFA-min roots final list-NT list-AVS)
([old-nt->nu-nt (DFA-min list-NT roots final)])
(list (map old-nt->nu-nt roots)
(map old-nt->nu-nt final))))
(define (stage-NFA-min roots final list-NT list-AVS)
([old-nt->nu-nt (NFA-min list-NT roots final)])
(list (map old-nt->nu-nt roots)
(map old-nt->nu-nt final))))
(define (stage-RTG-min roots final list-NT list-AVS)
([old-nt->nu-nt (NFA-min list-NT roots final)])
(list (map old-nt->nu-nt roots)
(map old-nt->nu-nt final))))
(define (stage-kill-live-AVS roots final list-NT list-AVS)
(lambda (AVS)
(set-AVS-edgefrom! AVS '())
(set-AVS-edgeto! AVS '())
(set-AVS-objs! AVS '())
(set-AVS-orig-objs! AVS '())
(set-AVS-constraints! AVS '()))
(list roots final))
(define (stage-invert-grammar roots final list-NT list-AVS)
(convert-productions-to-AV-etc! list-AVS)
(calc-productions! list-AVS
(lambda (AVS) (memq AVS list-AVS))
#t #t #t #t
#f #f)
(list (append (map make-LI list-AVS)
(map make-UI list-AVS))
(map make-UI (select-L roots))))
(define (stage-nothing roots final list-NT list-AVS)
(list roots final))
(define (calc-roots-final-L->R B list-AVS use-AVS?)
(calc-productions! list-AVS use-AVS?
#t #f
#t #t #t #t
#t #f)
(list (map make-L B)
(append (map make-UI B))))
(define (calc-roots-final-LU->center B list-AVS use-AVS?)
(calc-productions! list-AVS use-AVS?
#t #t #t #t
#t #f)
([L-B (map make-L B)]
[(reached _) (grammar-calc-reached L-B)]
;[_ (pretty-print `(reached ,(map nt->sym reached)))]
[reached-L (select-L reached)]
;[_ (pretty-print `(reached-L ,(map name-for-AVS reached-L)))]
[reached-U (select-U reached)]
;[_ (pretty-print `(reached-U ,(map name-for-AVS reached-U)))]
[cross-over (intersect reached-L reached-U)]
[final (append (map make-L cross-over)
(map make-U cross-over))])
;(pretty-print `(cross-over ,(map name-for-AVS cross-over)))
;(pretty-print `(final ,(map nt->sym final)))
(list L-B final)))
(define (calc-roots-final-center->out B list-AVS use-AVS?)
(set! zeroary-op-AVS (mk-AVS-tmp 'zeroary-op))
(calc-productions! list-AVS use-AVS?
#t #t
#t #t #t #t
#f #f)
([L-B (map make-L B)]
[(reached _) (grammar-calc-reached L-B)]
;[_ (pretty-print `(reached ,(map nt->sym reached)))]
[reached-L (select-L reached)]
;[_ (pretty-print `(reached-L ,(map name-for-AVS reached-L)))]
[reached-U (select-U reached)]
;[_ (pretty-print `(reached-U ,(map name-for-AVS reached-U)))]
[cross-over (intersect reached-L reached-U)]
[roots (append (list (make-UI zeroary-op-AVS))
(map make-LI cross-over)
(map make-UI cross-over))]
[final (map make-UI B)])
;(pretty-print `(cross-over ,(map name-for-AVS cross-over)))
;(pretty-print `(roots ,(map nt->sym roots)))
;(pretty-print `(final ,(map nt->sym final)))
(list roots final)))
(define (calc-roots-final-center->out-concrete-epsilon B list-AVS use-AVS?)
(set! zeroary-op-AVS (mk-AVS-tmp 'zeroary-op))
(calc-productions! list-AVS use-AVS?
#t #t
#t #t 'concrete #t
#f #f)
([L-B (map make-L B)]
[(reached _) (grammar-calc-reached L-B)]
;[_ (pretty-print `(reached ,(map nt->sym reached)))]
[reached-L (select-L reached)]
;[_ (pretty-print `(reached-L ,(map name-for-AVS reached-L)))]
[reached-U (select-U reached)]
;[_ (pretty-print `(reached-U ,(map name-for-AVS reached-U)))]
[cross-over (intersect reached-L reached-U)]
[roots (append (list (make-UI zeroary-op-AVS))
(map make-LI cross-over)
(map make-UI cross-over))]
[final (map make-UI B)])
;(pretty-print `(cross-over ,(map name-for-AVS cross-over)))
;(pretty-print `(roots ,(map nt->sym roots)))
;(pretty-print `(final ,(map nt->sym final)))
(list roots final)))
(define (get-AVS-select-L roots final) (select-L roots))
(define (get-AVS-select-LIUI roots final)
(select-UI final))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define calc-size
(lambda (str roots)
([(reached-nt reached-nt?) (grammar-calc-reached roots)]
[reached-AVS (list->set (map nt->AVS reached-nt))])
(printf "==========> ~a: #nt=~s #AVS=~s~n"
(length reached-nt)
(length reached-AVS))
;;(printf "~s~n" (map name-for-AVS list-AVS))
(list reached-nt reached-AVS))))
; --------
(define resultshow (void))
(define resultprod (void))
(define (minimize-constraints list-AVS use-AVS? B strategy)
(printf "#### STRATEGY: ~s~n" strategy)
([((calc-roots-final get-AVS) . stages) strategy]
[(roots final) ((eval calc-roots-final) B list-AVS use-AVS?)])
(recur loop ([roots roots]
[final final]
[rest '()]
[stages stages]
[sizes '()])
(match stages
([(list-NT list-AVS) (calc-size "At end" roots)])
(printf "Creating AV, constraints, edges from grammar~n")
(convert-productions-to-AV-etc! list-AVS)
(set! resultshow (lambda () (for-each show-AVS list-AVS)))
(set! resultprod (lambda () (for-each prods-AVS list-AVS)))
(list ((eval get-AVS) roots final)
(reverse (cons (list (length list-NT) (length list-AVS))
[(stage . rest-stages)
([(list-NT list-AVS)
(calc-size (format "Before ~a" stage) roots)])
(match (apply (eval stage) roots final list-NT list-AVS rest)
[(roots final . _)
(loop roots final '() rest-stages
(cons (list (length list-NT) (length list-AVS))
(define (minimize-all-constraints B stages)
(let ([n num-AVS])
(minimize-constraints list-AVS
(lambda (AVS) (< (AVS-num AVS) n))
B stages)))
; ======================================================================
(define (st:L files)
(st:analyze files)
(calc-productions! list-AVS (lambda (AVS) #t)
#t #t #t #t
#t #f))
(define (test-min-strategy files strategy)
(printf "TEST-MIN: ~s~n" files)
(st:flow-sensitive #f)
(st:if-split #f)
([(_ in out)
([mrspidey:progress-handler (mrspidey:text-progress)]
[mrspidey:error-handler mrspidey:text-error])
(time (sba-analyze-a-file-in-out (files->file-thunk* files))))]
[io (map cdr (append in out))])
(for-each display (reverse summary))
(printf "Orig # AVSs: ~s~n" num-AVS)
[(sym . AVS)
(printf "Def: ~s, AVS-num=~s~n" sym (AVS-num AVS))
(pretty-print (AVS->SDL AVS))])
([(nu-defs . sizes) (time (minimize-all-constraints io strategy))])
(printf "~n=========== Summary of final types =========~n")
(for-each (lambda (AVS)
(printf "AVS-num=~s~n" (AVS-num AVS))
(pretty-print (AVS->SDL AVS)))
(define (test-min files) (test-min-strategy files default-strategy))
; ======================================================================
(define (to) (test-min "test/"))
(define (ts) (test-min "test/"))
(define (tt) (test-min "test/"))
(define test-files
(map (lambda (s) (string-append "mod/" s ".ss"))
; mod-interp - match
; - syntax error
; mod-pp - match
; "elevator" - match
; - too big
; - too big
; ======================================================================
(define strategy-L->R-NFA-min
'((calc-roots-final-L->R get-AVS-select-L)
(define strategy-L->R-RTG-min
'((calc-roots-final-L->R get-AVS-select-L)
(define strategy-fast
'((calc-roots-final-center->out-concrete-epsilon get-AVS-select-LIUI)
(define default-strategy
'((calc-roots-final-L->R get-AVS-select-L)
;(define default-strategy strategy-fast)
(define strategy-options
'(((calc-roots-final-L->R get-AVS-select-L)
(calc-roots-final-center->out get-AVS-select-LIUI)
(stage-N->D stage-N->D-notidy stage-nothing)
(stage-RTG-min stage-NFA-min stage-DFA-min stage-nothing)
(define strategy-options
'(((calc-roots-final-center->out-concrete-epsilon get-AVS-select-LIUI)
(calc-roots-final-L->R get-AVS-select-L)
(calc-roots-final-center->out get-AVS-select-LIUI)
(stage-DFA-min stage-RTG-min stage-NFA-min stage-nothing)
(define test-strategies
(recur loop ([opt strategy-options])
(match opt
[() '(())]
[((? pair? opt1) . rest)
(let ([rest (loop rest)])
(apply append
(map (lambda (r)
(map (lambda (o) (cons o r)) opt1))
[(x . rest) (map (lambda (r) (cons x r))
(loop rest))])))
; ======================================================================
(define (test-min-files)
(lambda (file)
(printf "============================================================~n")
(let ([r (test-min file)])
(pretty-print r)
(define (test-min-strategies)
(map (lambda (s)
(printf "#########################################################~n")
(set! default-strategy s)
(list s (test-min-files)))
;(trace NFA-min)
;(trace calc-LI-UI!)
;(trace make-minimization-algorithm)
;(trace minimize-constraints)
;(trace grammar-calc-nonempty)
(define (summarize l)
[(desc nums)
(let ([last-pairs (map (lambda (x) (rac (car x))) nums)])
(list desc
(apply + (map car last-pairs))
(apply + (map cadr last-pairs))))])