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;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; map from left to right
(define mapLR
(lambda (f l)
(match l
[() '()]
[(x . y) (let ([v (f x)]) (cons v (mapLR f y)))]
[l (error 'mapLR "Bad list ~s" l)])))
;; map from right to left
(define mapRL
(lambda (f l)
(match l
[() '()]
[(x . y) (let ([v (mapRL f y)]) (cons (f x) v))])))
(define foldl-with-n
(lambda (f i l)
(recur loop ([l l][acc i][n 0])
(match l
[() acc]
[(x . y) (loop y (f x n acc) (add1 n))]))))
;; fold for a 2-argument function
;; right operand of f is accumulator
(define foldr2
(lambda (f i l1 l2)
(recur loop ([l1 l1][l2 l2])
(match (list l1 l2)
[(() ()) i]
[((x1 . y1) (x2 . y2)) (f x1 x2 (loop y1 y2))]))))
;; filter elements out of a list by a predicate
(define filter
(lambda (p l)
(match l
[() '()]
[(x . y) (if (p x) (cons x (filter p y)) (filter p y))])))
;; filter and map left to right
(define filter-map
(lambda (p l)
(match l
[() '()]
[(x . y)
(match (p x)
[#f (filter-map p y)]
[x (cons x (filter-map p y))])])))
;; filter and map left to right, and return (filtered-list . unfiltered)
(define filter-map-split
(lambda (p l)
(recur loop ([done-filtered '()][done-unfiltered '()][l l])
(match l
[() (values done-filtered done-unfiltered)]
[(x . y)
(match (p x)
[#f (loop done-filtered (cons x done-unfiltered) y)]
[x (loop (cons x done-filtered) done-unfiltered y)])]))))
;; last element of a list
(define rac
(lambda (l)
(match l
[(last) last]
[(_ . rest) (rac rest)])))
;; all but the last element of a list
(define rdc
(lambda (l)
(match l
[(_) '()]
[(x . rest) (cons x (rdc rest))])))
;; map left to right over a list, but also pass f a 0-based index
(define map-with-n
(lambda (f l)
(recur loop ([l l][n 0])
(match l
[() '()]
[(x . y) (let ([v (f x n)]) (cons v (loop y (+ 1 n))))]
[l (error 'map-with-n "Bad list ~s" l)]))))
;; for-each, but also pass f a 0-based index
(define for-each-with-n
(lambda (f l)
(recur loop ([l l][n 0])
(match l
[() '()]
[(x . y) (f x n) (loop y (+ 1 n))]))))
;; map on a (possibly improper) list
(define map-ilist
(lambda (f l)
(recur loop ([l l])
(match l
[() '()]
[(x . y) (cons (f x) (loop y))]
[x (f x)]))))
;; length on a (possibly improper) list
(define length-ilist
[(x . y) (add1 (length-ilist y))]
[_ 0]))
(define improper?
[(x . y) (improper? y)]
[() #f]
[_ #t]))
(define (flatten-ilist l)
(cond [(null? l) '()]
[(pair? l) (cons (car l) (flatten-ilist (cdr l)))]
[else (list l)]))
;; map a binary function down 2 lists, left to right
(define map2
(lambda (f a b)
(match (cons a b)
[(() . ())
[((ax . ay) . (bx . by))
(let ([v (f ax bx)]) (cons v (map2 f ay by)))]
[else (error 'map2 "lists differ in length")])))
; map over a list of lists
(define (mapmap f ll) (map (lambda (l) (map f l)) ll))
;; interate a binary function down 2 lists, left to right
(define for-each2
(lambda (f a b)
(match (cons a b)
[(() . ())
[((ax . ay) . (bx . by))
(f ax bx)
(for-each2 f ay by)]
[else (error 'for-each2 "lists differ in length")])))
;; andmap for 2 lists
(define andmap2
(lambda (f a b)
(match (cons a b)
[(() . ())
[((ax) . (bx))
(f ax bx)]
[((ax . ay) . (bx . by))
(and (f ax bx) (andmap2 f ay by))]
[else (error 'andmap2 "lists differ in length")])))
;; andmap for 2 lists, fail on inequal lengths
(define andmap2len
(lambda (f a b)
(match (cons a b)
[(() . ())
[((ax) . (bx))
(f ax bx)]
[((ax . ay) . (bx . by))
(and (f ax bx) (andmap2len f ay by))]
[else #f])))
;(define andmap andmap2)
;; ormap for 2 lists
(define ormap2
(lambda (f a b)
(match (cons a b)
[(() . ())
[((ax) . (bx))
(f ax bx)]
[((ax . ay) . (bx . by))
(or (f ax bx) (ormap2 f ay by))]
[else (error 'ormap2 "lists differ in length")])))
;; make a list containing n copies of e
(define list-n-copies
(lambda (n e)
(if (zero? n)
(cons e (list-n-copies (sub1 n) e)))))
(define (count p l)
(recur loop ([c 0][l l])
[(null? l) c]
[(p (car l)) (loop (add1 c) (cdr l))]
[else (loop c (cdr l))])))
(define (index l x)
(recur loop ([l l][i 0])
[(null? l) #f]
[(eq? x (car l)) i]
[else (loop (cdr l) (add1 i))])))
(define (get-prefix l1 l2)
(if (eq? l1 l2)
(cons (car l1) (get-prefix (cdr l1) l2))))
(define (mklist n)
(if (zero? n)
(cons n (mklist (sub1 n)))))
(define (nth l n)
(if (zero? n)
(car l)
(nth (cdr l) (sub1 n))))
; Takes an atom and a list and returns the position of the atom in the list
(define list-pos
(lambda (a l)
(recur loop ([l l][i 0])
[(null? l) #f]
[(eqv? a (car l)) i]
[else (loop (cdr l) (add1 i))]))))
; Takes an atom and a list and returns the position of the atom in the list
; uses equal?, returns #f if no match
(define list-pos-equal
(lambda (a l)
(recur loop ([l l][n 0])
[(null? l) #f]
[(equal? a (car l)) n]
[else (loop (cdr l) (add1 n))]))))
;; Returns first element in set satisfying a predicate, or #f
(define (find p l)
(recur loop ([l l])
[(null? l) #f]
[(p (car l)) (car l)]
[else (loop (cdr l))])))