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;; a mesh is a graph of the connectivities of the points.
(define-struct mesh (index children))
;; an image is a 2d array of color values, all of which are between
;; one and zero.
;; input:
;; src-verticies: the positions in the mesh where the
;; verticies are in the src image.
;; src-img: the source image
;; dest-verticies: the positions in the mesh where the
;; verticies are in the dest image.
;; src-img: the destination image
;; w: a constant between zero and one indicating how far the morph between
;; the images.
;; It returns a function which computes the color value for the pixel
;; x and y, which should be a number between one and zero.
(define engine-simple
(lambda (mesh src-lookup dest-lookup w)
(lambda (x y)
(let ([scale-pt (+ (* w (src-lookup x y))
(* (- 1 w) (dest-lookup x y)))]
[x (- (/ (random 101) 400) 1/8)])
(max 0 (min 1 (+ scale-pt x)))))))
(define ormap-count 'uhoh)
(define ormap-debug
(lambda (f list)
(letrec ([helper
(lambda (i l)
[(null? l) (set! ormap-count 'not-there)
[else (let ([w (f (car l))])
(if w
(set! ormap-count (cons i w))
(helper (1+ i) (cdr l))))]))])
(helper 1 list))))
(define engine
(lambda (mesh src-lookup dest-lookup w)
(let* ([tmp-triangles (build-triangles w mesh)]
[triangles (cons (car tmp-triangles) tmp-triangles)]
[1-w (- 1 w)])
(lambda (x y)
(let* ([bc-tri (ormap (point-in-triangle? (make-posn x y)) triangles)])
(if bc-tri
(let* ([bc (car bc-tri)]
[triangle-triple (cdr bc-tri)]
[to-p (find-euclid (triangles-to triangle-triple) bc)]
[to-x (posn-x to-p)]
[to-y (posn-y to-p)]
[from-p (find-euclid (triangles-from triangle-triple) bc)]
[from-x (posn-x from-p)]
[from-y (posn-y from-p)])
(set-car! triangles triangle-triple)
(values (+ (* w from-x) (* 1-w to-x))
(+ (* w from-y) (* 1-w to-y))
(+ (* w (src-lookup from-x from-y))
(* 1-w (dest-lookup to-x to-y)))))
(values x
(begin '(/ (+ (src-lookup x y) (dest-lookup x y)) 2)
'(define engine engine-simple)
(define get-points
(lambda (node)
(let ([value (graph:value node)])
(values (car value) (cdr value)))))
;; this returns either #f or a pair, the triangle and the barycentric
;; coordinates of (x,y) with respect to that triangle.
(define point-in-triangle?
(lambda (posn)
(lambda (triangle-triple)
(let* ([intermediate-triangle (triangles-intermediate triangle-triple)]
[bary (find-barycentric-area intermediate-triangle posn)])
(if (and (<= 0 (bary-a bary))
(<= 0 (bary-b bary))
(<= 0 (bary-c bary)))
(cons bary triangle-triple)
;; This maps over a list pairwise, e.g.
;; (for-each-pairwise (list 1 2 3) f)
;; =
;; (begin (f 1 2) (f 2 3) (f 3 1))
(define for-each-pairwise
(lambda (l f)
[(<= (length l) 1) (void)]
[(= 2 (length l)) (f (first l) (second l))]
[else (letrec ([first-ele (car l)]
(lambda (l)
[(null? (cdr l)) (begin '(f (first l) first-ele)
[else (f (first l) (second l))
(helper (cdr l))]))])
(helper l))])))
(define-struct triangles (from intermediate to))
(define build-triangles
(lambda (w mesh)
(let* ([triangles null]
[1-w (- 1 w)]
(lambda (p q)
(make-posn (+ (* w (posn-x p)) (* 1-w (posn-x q)))
(+ (* w (posn-y p)) (* 1-w (posn-y q)))))])
(lambda (node)
(let-values ([(left right) (get-points node)])
(let ([children (graph:children node)])
(when (= (length children) 3)
(let ([one (first children)]
[two (second children)]
[three (third children)])
(let-values ([(left-one right-one) (get-points one)]
[(left-two right-two) (get-points two)]
[(left-three right-three) (get-points three)])
(let* ([int (combine left right)]
[int-one (combine left-one right-one)]
[int-two (combine left-two right-two)]
[int-three (combine left-three right-three)]
[left-tri1 (build-tri left left-one left-two)]
[int-tri1 (build-tri int int-one int-two)]
[right-tri1 (build-tri right right-one right-two)]
[left-tri2 (build-tri left left-three left-one)]
[int-tri2 (build-tri int int-three int-one)]
[right-tri2 (build-tri right right-three right-one)])
(set! triangles
(make-triangles left-tri1 int-tri1 right-tri1)
(make-triangles left-tri2 int-tri2 right-tri2)
(if (null? triangles)
(error 'build-triangles "empty mesh")