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380 lines
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(require-library "")
(define TILE-HW 24)
(define WIDTH 16)
(define HEIGHT 16)
(define BOMB-COUNT 30)
; Temporary
(define FRDW 12)
(define FRDH 39)
(define PANEL-HEIGHT 50)
(define TIME-WIDTH 600)
(define COUNT-WIDTH 600)
; 0th is background; 8th is foreground
(build-vector 9 (lambda (i)
(send wx:the-colour-database find-colour
(vector-ref DIGIT-COLOR-NAMES i)))))
(define BG-COLOR (vector-ref DIGIT-COLORS 0))
(define FG-COLOR (vector-ref DIGIT-COLORS 8))
(define EXPLODE-COLOR (send wx:the-colour-database find-colour "RED"))
(define BG-PEN (send wx:the-pen-list find-or-create-pen BG-COLOR 1 wx:const-solid))
(define FG-PEN (send wx:the-pen-list find-or-create-pen FG-COLOR 1 wx:const-solid))
(define step-while
(opt-lambda (first test until step f [accum void] [init (void)])
(let loop ([n first][a init])
(if (test n until)
(loop (step n) (accum a (f n)))
(define tile:plain%
(class null ()
[state 'covered]
[neighbor-bomb-count 0])
(lambda (newstate)
(set! state newstate))]
(lambda ()
(lambda (c)
(set! neighbor-bomb-count c))]
(lambda ()
(lambda (dc x y w h hilite? border? str color)
(if border?
(send dc set-pen FG-PEN)
(send dc set-pen BG-PEN))
(send dc draw-rectangle x y w h)
(when hilite?
(send dc draw-rectangle
(add1 x) (add1 y)
(- w 2) (- h 2)))
(when str
(if color
(send dc set-text-foreground color)
(send dc set-text-foreground FG-COLOR))
(let ([tw (box 0)][th (box 0)])
(send dc get-text-extent str tw th)
(send dc draw-text str
(+ x (/ (- w (unbox tw)) 2))
(+ y (/ (- h (unbox th)) 2))))))]
(lambda (dc x y w h hilite?)
(case state
[(covered) (draw-text-tile dc x y w h hilite? #t #f #f)]
[(flagged) (draw-text-tile dc x y w h hilite? #t "X" #f)]
[(semi-flagged) (draw-text-tile dc x y w h hilite? #t "?" #f)]
[(uncovered) (draw-text-tile
dc x y w h #f #f
(if (zero? neighbor-bomb-count)
(number->string neighbor-bomb-count))
(vector-ref DIGIT-COLORS neighbor-bomb-count))]))])))
(define tile:bomb%
(class tile:plain% ()
(inherit get-state draw-text-tile)
(rename [super-draw draw])
[explode-source? #f])
(lambda (s?)
(set! explode-source? s?))]
(lambda (dc x y w h hilite?)
(if (eq? (get-state) 'uncovered)
(draw-text-tile dc x y w h #f #f "*"
(and explode-source? EXPLODE-COLOR))
(super-draw dc x y w h hilite?)))])
(define (get-tile b x y)
(vector-ref (vector-ref b x) y))
(define (set-tile! b x y t)
(vector-set! (vector-ref b x) y t))
(define (do-surrounding b x y accum start default f)
(step-while -1 <= 1 add1
(lambda (dx)
(step-while -1 <= 1 add1
(lambda (dy)
(if (and (not (and (zero? dx) (zero? dy)))
(< -1 (+ x dx) WIDTH)
(< -1 (+ y dy) HEIGHT))
(f dx dy)
accum start))
accum start))
(define (is-bomb? x)
(is-a? x tile:bomb%))
(define (count-surrounding-bombs b x y)
b x y + 0 0
(lambda (dx dy)
(if (is-bomb? (get-tile b (+ x dx) (+ y dy)))
(define (for-each-tile b f)
(step-while 0 < WIDTH add1
(lambda (x)
(step-while 0 < HEIGHT add1
(lambda (y)
(f (get-tile b x y) x y))))))
(define (make-board)
(let ([b (build-vector WIDTH
(lambda (i)
(build-vector HEIGHT
(lambda (j)
(make-object tile:plain%)))))])
(let loop ([n BOMB-COUNT])
(unless (zero? n)
(let rloop ()
(let* ([x (random WIDTH)]
[y (random HEIGHT)]
[t (get-tile b x y)])
(if (is-a? t tile:bomb%)
(set-tile! b x y (make-object tile:bomb%))
(loop (sub1 n))))))))
(for-each-tile b (lambda (t x y)
(send t
(count-surrounding-bombs b x y))))
(define f (make-object mred:frame% null "Minesweeper"))
(define vpanel (make-object mred:vertical-panel% f))
(define ms:canvas%
(class mred:canvas% args
(inherit get-dc clear
set-min-width set-min-height
stretchable-in-x stretchable-in-y)
[panel (make-object mred:horizontal-panel% vpanel)])
(send panel stretchable-in-y #f))
[lspace (make-object mred:vertical-panel% panel)]
[time (make-object mred:message% panel "Time: 00000")]
[lmspace (make-object mred:vertical-panel% panel)]
[button (make-object mred:button% panel (lambda (b e) (reset)) "Reset")]
[rmspace (make-object mred:vertical-panel% panel)]
[count (make-object mred:message% panel "Count: 000")]
[rspace (make-object mred:vertical-panel% panel)]
(lambda (t)
(send time set-label (string-append "Time: " (number->string t))))]
(lambda (c)
(send count set-label (string-append "Bombs: " (number->string c))))]
[clicking #f]
[clicking-x 0]
[clicking-y 0]
[ready? #t]
[start-time #f]
[elapsed-time 0]
[timer #f]
[bomb-count BOMB-COUNT]
[cover-count (* HEIGHT WIDTH)]
[board null])
(lambda ()
(when timer
(send timer stop)
(set! timer #f))))
(lambda ()
(set! start-time (current-seconds))
(set! timer
(class-asi wx:timer%
(lambda ()
(let ([e (- (current-seconds) start-time)])
(when (> e elapsed-time)
(set! elapsed-time e)
(set-time e))))]))))
(send timer start 100 #f)))
(lambda (win?)
(set! ready? #f)
(set! start-time #f)
(unless win?
(set-count BOMB-COUNT)))
(lambda ()
(end-of-game #f)))
(lambda ()
(end-of-game #t)))
(lambda ()
(set! ready? #t)
(set! start-time #f)
(set! elapsed-time 0)
(set! cover-count (* HEIGHT WIDTH))
(set-time 0)
(set! bomb-count BOMB-COUNT)
(set-count BOMB-COUNT)
(set! board (make-board))
(lambda ()
(for-each-tile board
(lambda (t x y)
(when (is-bomb? t)
(change-state t (send t get-state) 'uncovered #f)
(paint-one t x y))))))
(lambda (x y)
board x y void (void) (void)
(lambda (dx dy)
(let* ([x2 (+ x dx)]
[y2 (+ y dy)]
[t (get-tile board x2 y2)]
[state (send t get-state)]
[nc (send t get-neighbor-bomb-count)])
(unless (eq? state 'uncovered)
(change-state t state 'uncovered #t)
(paint-one t x2 y2)
(when (zero? nc)
(autoclick-surrounding x2 y2))))))))
(lambda (t old-state new-state update-count?)
(send t set-state new-state)
(when (and update-count? (not (eq? new-state old-state)))
(when (eq? new-state 'uncovered)
(set! cover-count (sub1 cover-count)))
(when (eq? old-state 'uncovered)
(set! cover-count (add1 cover-count)))
(when (eq? new-state 'flagged)
(set! bomb-count (sub1 bomb-count))
(set-count bomb-count))
(when (eq? old-state 'flagged)
(set! bomb-count (add1 bomb-count))
(set-count bomb-count)))))
(lambda (x y flag?)
(let* ([t (get-tile board x y)]
[state (send t get-state)]
(case state
(if flag? 'flagged 'uncovered)]
(if flag? 'semi-flagged state)]
(if flag? 'covered 'uncovered)]
[else state])]
[nc (send t get-neighbor-bomb-count)]
[new-uncover? (and (eq? new-state 'uncovered)
(not (eq? state 'uncovered)))]
[bomb? (is-bomb? t)])
(change-state t state new-state #t)
(when (and new-uncover? bomb?)
(send t set-explode-source #t))
(paint-one t x y)
(when new-uncover?
(if bomb?
(when (zero? nc)
(autoclick-surrounding x y))))
(when (and ready? (= cover-count BOMB-COUNT))
(lambda (e)
(when ready?
(unless start-time
(when (send e button-down?)
(let* ([x (quotient (inexact->exact (floor (send e get-x))) TILE-HW)]
[y (quotient (inexact->exact (floor (send e get-y))) TILE-HW)]
[t (if (and (< -1 x WIDTH)
(< -1 y HEIGHT))
(get-tile board x y)
[(and clicking (or (not (eq? t clicking))
(not (or (send e button-up?)
(send e dragging?)))))
(let ([old clicking])
(set! clicking #f)
(paint-one old clicking-x clicking-y))]
[(and t
(not (eq? (send t get-state) 'uncovered))
(or (send e button-down?)
(and (send e dragging?)
(= x clicking-x)
(= y clicking-y))))
(set! clicking t)
(set! clicking-x x)
(set! clicking-y y)
(paint-one t x y)]
[(send e button-down?) ; click not on a tile
(set! clicking-x -1)]
[(and clicking (send e button-up?))
(set! clicking #f)
(do-select x y (send e button-up? 3))]
[else 'ok])))))
(lambda (t x y)
(let ([xloc (* x TILE-HW)]
[yloc (* y TILE-HW)])
(send t draw dc xloc yloc TILE-HW TILE-HW
(eq? t clicking)))))
(lambda ()
(for-each-tile board (lambda (t x y)
(paint-one t x y))))))
(apply super-init args)
(set-min-width (* TILE-HW WIDTH))
(set-min-height (* TILE-HW HEIGHT))
(stretchable-in-x #f)
(stretchable-in-y #f))
[dc (get-dc)])
(send dc set-text-background BG-COLOR)
(send dc set-brush (send wx:the-brush-list find-or-create-brush
BG-COLOR wx:const-solid)))))
(define c (make-object ms:canvas% vpanel))
(send f show #t)