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(module grammar mzscheme
;; Constructs to create and access grammars, the internal
;; representation of the input to the parser generator.
(rename export-make-item make-item)
(rename make-gram make-grammar)
;; Things that work on items
start-item? item-prod item-prod-index item->string
sym-at-dot move-dot-right item<? nullable-after-dot?
;; Things that operate on grammar symbols
gram-sym-symbol gram-sym-index term-prec gram-sym->string
non-term? term? nullable? non-term<? term<?
;; Things that work on precs
prec-num prec-assoc
;;Things that work on grammars
get-nt-prods get-init-prod
(rename gram-non-terms grammar-non-terms)
(rename gram-terms grammar-terms)
(rename gram-num-prods grammar-num-prods)
(rename gram-prods grammar-prods)
(rename gram-end-terms grammar-end-terms)
;; Things that work on productions
prod-index prod-prec prod-rhs prod-lhs prod-action)
;;---------------------- LR items --------------------------
;; LR-item = (make-item production nat (int | #f))
;; The n field contains the least integer such the item is nullable
;; after the dot if the dot is to the right of the nth position.
(define-struct item (prod dot-pos n) (make-inspector))
(define (export-make-item a b)
(make-item a b #f))
(define (item-prod-index x)
(prod-index (item-prod x)))
;; item<?: LR-item * LR-item -> bool
;; Lexicographic comparison on two items.
(define (item<? i1 i2)
(let ((p1 (prod-index (item-prod i1)))
(p2 (prod-index (item-prod i2))))
(or (< p1 p2)
(and (= p1 p2)
(let ((d1 (item-dot-pos i1))
(d2 (item-dot-pos i2)))
(< d1 d2))))))
(define (start-item? i)
(= 0 (non-term-index (prod-lhs (item-prod i)))))
;; move-dot-right: LR-item -> LR-item | #f
;; moves the dot to the right in the item, unless it is at its
;; rightmost, then it returns false
(define (move-dot-right i)
((= (item-dot-pos i) (vector-length (prod-rhs (item-prod i)))) #f)
(else (make-item (item-prod i)
(add1 (item-dot-pos i))
(item-n i)))))
;; sym-at-dot: LR-item -> gram-sym | #f
;; returns the symbol after the dot in the item or #f if there is none
(define (sym-at-dot i)
((= (item-dot-pos i) (vector-length (prod-rhs (item-prod i)))) #f)
(else (vector-ref (prod-rhs (item-prod i)) (item-dot-pos i)))))
;; nullable-after-dot?: LR1-iten * grammar -> bool
;; determines if the string after the dot is nullable
(define (nullable-after-dot? i g)
((item-n i) => (lambda (x) (>= (item-dot-pos i) x)))
(let ((str (prod-rhs (item-prod i))))
(let loop ((c (sub1 (vector-length str))))
((= c -1) (set-item-n! i 0))
((term? (vector-ref str c)) (set-item-n! i (add1 c)))
((nullable? g (vector-ref str c)) (loop (sub1 c)))
(else (set-item-n! i (add1 c))))))
(>= (item-dot-pos i) (item-n i)))))
;; print-item: LR-item ->
(define (item->string it)
(let ((print-sym (lambda (i)
(let ((gs (vector-ref (prod-rhs (item-prod it)) i)))
((term? gs) (format "~a " (term-sym gs)))
(else (format "~a " (non-term-sym gs))))))))
(format "~a -> " (non-term-sym (prod-lhs (item-prod it))))
(let loop ((i 0))
((= i (vector-length (prod-rhs (item-prod it))))
(if (= i (item-dot-pos it))
". "
((= i (item-dot-pos it))
(string-append ". " (print-sym i) (loop (add1 i))))
(else (string-append (print-sym i) (loop (add1 i)))))))))
;; --------------------- Grammar Symbols --------------------------
;; gram-sym = (make-term symbol int prec)
;; | (make-non-term symbol int)
(define-struct term (sym index prec) (make-inspector))
(define-struct non-term (sym index) (make-inspector))
(define (non-term<? nt1 nt2)
(< (non-term-index nt1) (non-term-index nt2)))
(define (term<? nt1 nt2)
(< (term-index nt1) (term-index nt2)))
(define (gram-sym-index gs)
((term? gs) (term-index gs))
(else (non-term-index gs))))
(define (gram-sym-symbol gs)
((term? gs) (term-sym gs))
(else (non-term-sym gs))))
(define (gram-sym->string gs)
(symbol->string (gram-sym-symbol gs)))
;; ------------------------- Precedences ---------------------------
;; a precedence declaration. the sym should be 'left 'right or 'nonassoc
;; prec = (make-prec int sym)
;; | #f
(define-struct prec (num assoc) (make-inspector))
;; ------------------------- Grammar ------------------------------
;; grammar = (make-gram (production list vector)
;; (production list)
;; (bool vector)
;; (non-term list)
;; (term list)
;; int
;; (term list))
;; The nt-prods field is indexed by the number assigned to the non-term and
;; contains the list of productions for that non-term
;; The prods field contains a list of all productions
;; The nulls field is indexed by the index for a non-term and is trus iff
;; the non-term is nullable
(define-struct gram
(nt-prods prods nulls non-terms terms num-prods end-terms)
;; get-nt-prods: grammar * non-term -> production list
;; returns the productions for the given non-term
(define (get-nt-prods g nt)
(vector-ref (gram-nt-prods g) (non-term-index nt)))
;; get-init-prod: grammar -> production
;; gets the starting production
(define (get-init-prod g)
(car (vector-ref (gram-nt-prods g) 0)))
(define (nullable? g nt)
(vector-ref (gram-nulls g) (non-term-index nt)))
;; ------------------------ Productions ---------------------------
;; production = (make-prod non-term (gram-sym vector) int prec syntax-object)
(define-struct prod (lhs rhs index prec action) (make-inspector))