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(module util mzscheme
(require (lib ""))
(provide (all-defined-except split-acc))
(define-struct lex-abbrev (abbrev))
(define-syntax test-block
(syntax-rules ()
((_ defs (code right-ans) ...)
(let* defs
(let ((real-ans code))
(unless (equal? real-ans right-ans)
(printf "Test failed: ~e gave ~e. Expected ~e~n"
'code real-ans 'right-ans))) ...))))
#;(define-syntax test-block
(syntax-rules ()
((_ x ...) (void))))
;; A cache is (X ( -> Y) -> Y)
;; make-cache : -> cache
;; table map Xs to Ys. If key is mapped, its value is returned.
;; Otherwise, build is invoked and its result is placed in the table and
;; returned.
;; Xs are compared with equal?
(define (make-cache)
(let ((table (make-hash-table 'equal)))
(lambda (key build)
(hash-table-get table key
(lambda ()
(let ((new (build)))
(hash-table-put! table key new)
(test-block ((cache (make-cache)))
((cache '(1 2) (lambda () 9)) 9)
((cache '(2 1) (lambda () 8)) 8)
((cache '(1 2) (lambda () 1)) 9))
;; make-counter : -> -> nat
;; makes a function that returns a higher number by 1, each time
;; it is called.
(define (make-counter)
(let ((counter 0))
(lambda ()
(set! counter (add1 counter))))))
(test-block ((c (make-counter))
(d (make-counter)))
((c) 0)
((d) 0)
((c) 1)
((d) 1)
((c) 2))
;; remove-dups : (list-of X) (X -> number) -> (list-of X)
;; removes the entries from l that have the same index as a
;; previous entry. l must be grouped by indexes.
(define (remove-dups l index acc)
((null? l) (reverse acc))
((null? acc) (remove-dups (cdr l) index (cons (car l) acc)))
((= (index (car acc)) (index (car l)))
(remove-dups (cdr l) index acc))
(remove-dups (cdr l) index (cons (car l) acc)))))
(test-block ()
((remove-dups '((1 2) (2 2) (1 3) (1 4) (100 4) (0 5)) cadr null)
'((1 2) (1 3) (1 4) (0 5)))
((remove-dups null error null) null))
;; do-simple-equiv : (list-of X) (X -> nat) -> (list-of X)
;; Sorts l according to index and removes the entries with duplicate
;; indexes.
(define (do-simple-equiv l index)
(let ((ordered (mergesort l (lambda (a b) (< (index a) (index b))))))
(remove-dups ordered index null)))
(test-block ()
((do-simple-equiv '((2 2) (1 4) (1 2) (100 4) (1 3) (0 5)) cadr)
'((2 2) (1 3) (1 4) (0 5)))
((do-simple-equiv null error) null))
;; replace : (list-of X) (X -> bool) (X -> (list-of X)) (list-of X) ->
;; (list-of X)
;; If (pred? r) for some r in l, splice (get r) in place of r in the resulting
;; list.
(define (replace l pred? get acc)
((null? l) acc)
((pred? (car l)) (replace (cdr l) pred? get (append (get (car l)) acc)))
(else (replace (cdr l) pred? get (cons (car l) acc)))))
(test-block ()
((replace null void (lambda () (list 1)) null) null)
((replace '(1 2 3 4 3 5)
(lambda (x) (= x 3))
(lambda (x) (list 1 2 3))
'(5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 2 1)))
;; make-range : int * int -> char list
;; creates a list of all chars between i and j. i <= j
(define (make-range i j)
(letrec ((make-range
(lambda (i j)
((= i j) (list (integer->char i)))
(cons (integer->char i) (make-range (add1 i) j)))))))
(make-range i j)))
(test-block ()
((make-range 97 110) (string->list "abcdefghijklmn"))
((make-range 111 111) '(#\o)))
;; merge : (list-of char) (list-of char) -> (list-of char)
;; Combines 2 sorted, duplicate-free lists into 1, removing duplicates.
(define (merge l1 l2)
((null? l2) l1)
((null? l1) l2)
(else (let ((cl1 (car l1))
(cl2 (car l2)))
((> (char->integer cl1) (char->integer cl2))
(cons cl2 (merge l1 (cdr l2))))
((< (char->integer cl1) (char->integer cl2))
(cons cl1 (merge (cdr l1) l2)))
(else (merge (cdr l1) l2)))))))
(test-block ()
((merge (string->list "abcd")
(string->list "abde"))
(string->list "abcde"))
((merge null null) null)
((merge null '(#\1)) '(#\1))
((merge '(#\1) null) '(#\1)))
(define (split-acc l1 l2 i l1-i l2-i)
((null? l1) (values (reverse! i) (reverse! l1-i) (reverse! (append! (reverse l2) l2-i))))
((null? l2) (values (reverse! i) (reverse! (append! (reverse l1) l1-i)) (reverse! l2-i)))
(else (let ((cl1 (car l1))
(cl2 (car l2)))
((> (char->integer cl1) (char->integer cl2))
(split-acc l1 (cdr l2) i l1-i (cons cl2 l2-i)))
((< (char->integer cl1) (char->integer cl2))
(split-acc (cdr l1) l2 i (cons cl1 l1-i) l2-i))
(split-acc (cdr l1) (cdr l2) (cons cl1 i) l1-i l2-i)))))))
;; split : (list-of char) (list-of char) -> (list-of char) (list-of char) (list-of char)
;; Takes sorted, duplicate-free l1 and l2 and returns (l1 intersect l2),
;; l1 - (l1 intersect l2) and l2 - (l1 intersect l2)
(define (split l1 l2)
(split-acc l1 l2 null null null))
(test-block ()
((let-values (((a b c)
(split (string->list "abcdghjkl")
(string->list "abdeijmn"))))
(list a b c))
(list (string->list "abdj") (string->list "cghkl") (string->list "eimn")))
((let-values (((a b c) (split null null)))
(list a b c)) (list null null null))
((let-values (((a b c) (split '(#\1) null)))
(list a b c)) (list null '(#\1) null))
((let-values (((a b c) (split null '(#\1))))
(list a b c)) (list null null '(#\1))))