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(module yacc-helper mzscheme
;; General helper routines
(provide duplicate-list? remove-duplicates overlap? vector-andmap)
(define (vector-andmap f v)
(let loop ((i 0))
((= i (vector-length v)) #t)
(else (if (f (vector-ref v i))
(loop (add1 i))
;; duplicate-list?: symbol list -> #f | symbol
;; returns a symbol that exists twice in l, or false if no such symbol
;; exists
(define (duplicate-list? l)
(letrec ((t (make-hash-table))
(dl? (lambda (l)
((null? l) #f)
((hash-table-get t (car l) (lambda () #f)) =>
(lambda (x) x))
(hash-table-put! t (car l) (car l))
(dl? (cdr l)))))))
(dl? l)))
(require (lib ""))
;; remove-duplicates: syntax-object list -> syntax-object list
;; removes the duplicates from the lists
(define (remove-duplicates sl)
(let ((t (make-hash-table)))
(letrec ((x
(lambda (sl)
((null? sl) sl)
((hash-table-get t (syntax-object->datum (car sl)) (lambda () #f))
(x (cdr sl)))
(hash-table-put! t (syntax-object->datum (car sl)) #t)
(cons (car sl) (x (cdr sl))))))))
(x sl))))
;; overlap?: symbol list * symbol list -> #f | symbol
;; Returns an symbol in l1 intersect l2, or #f is no such symbol exists
(define (overlap? l1 l2)
(let/ec ret
(let ((t (make-hash-table)))
(for-each (lambda (s1)
(hash-table-put! t s1 s1))
(for-each (lambda (s2)
((hash-table-get t s2 (lambda () #f)) =>
(lambda (o) (ret o)))))