#cs (module parser-builder mzscheme (require "input-file-parser.ss" "table.ss" "parser-actions.ss" "grammar.ss") (provide build-parser) (define (strip so) (syntax-local-introduce (datum->syntax-object #f (syntax-object->datum so) so so))) (define (fix-check-syntax start terms prods) (syntax-case prods () ((_ (bind ((bound ...) x ...) ...) ...) (let ((binds (syntax->list (syntax (bind ...)))) (bounds (cons start (apply append (map syntax->list (apply append (map syntax->list (syntax->list (syntax (((bound ...) ...) ...))))))))) (terms (get-term-list terms))) `(if #f (let ,(map (lambda (bind) `(,(strip bind) void)) (append terms binds)) (void ,@(map strip bounds)))))))) (define (build-parser filename src-pos suppress error-expr input-terms start end assocs prods runtime src) (let* ((grammar (parse-input start end input-terms assocs prods runtime src-pos)) (table (build-table grammar filename suppress)) (table-code `((lambda (table-list) (let ((v (list->vector table-list))) (let build-table-loop ((i 0)) (cond ((< i (vector-length v)) (let ((vi (vector-ref v i))) (cond ((list? vi) (vector-set! v i (cond ((eq? 's (car vi)) (make-shift (cadr vi))) ((eq? 'r (car vi)) (make-reduce (cadr vi) (caddr vi) (cadddr vi))) ((eq? 'a (car vi)) (make-accept))))))) (build-table-loop (add1 i))) (else v))))) (quote ,(map (lambda (action) (cond ((shift? action) `(s ,(shift-state action))) ((reduce? action) `(r ,(reduce-prod-num action) ,(reduce-lhs-num action) ,(reduce-rhs-length action))) ((accept? action) `(a)) (else action))) (vector->list table))))) (num-non-terms (length (grammar-non-terms grammar))) (token-code `(let ((ht (make-hash-table))) (begin ,@(map (lambda (term) `(hash-table-put! ht ',(gram-sym-symbol term) ,(+ num-non-terms (gram-sym-index term)))) (grammar-terms grammar)) ht))) (actions-code `(vector ,@(map prod-action (grammar-prods grammar)))) (parser-code `(letrec ((err ,error-expr) (err-state 0) (table ,table-code) (term-sym->index ,token-code) (actions ,actions-code) (input->token (lambda (ip) ,(if src-pos `(cond ((and (list? ip) (= 3 (length ip))) (let ((tok (car ip))) (cond ((symbol? tok) (make-token tok #f)) ((token? tok) tok) (else (raise-type-error 'parser "(list (token or symbol) position position)" 0 ip))))) (else (raise-type-error 'parser "(list (token or symbol) position position)" 0 ip))) `(cond ((symbol? ip) (make-token ip #f)) ((token? ip) ip) (else (raise-type-error 'parser "token or symbol" 0 ip)))))) (reduce-stack (lambda (s n v) (if (> n 0) ,(if src-pos `(reduce-stack (cddddr s) (sub1 n) `(,(cadr s) ,(caddr s) ,(cadddr s) ,@v)) `(reduce-stack (cddr s) (sub1 n) (cons (cadr s) v))) (values s v)))) (fix-error (lambda (stack tok ip get-token) (letrec ((remove-input (lambda () (let ((a (find-action stack tok ip))) (cond ((shift? a) ;; (printf "shift:~a~n" (shift-state a)) ,(if src-pos ``(,(shift-state a) ,(if (token? ip) (token-value ip) #f) ,(cadr ip) ,(caddr ip) ,@stack) ``(,(shift-state a) ,(if (token? ip) (token-value ip) #f) ,@stack))) (else ;; (printf "discard input:~a~n" tok) (set! ip (get-token)) (set! tok (input->token ip)) (remove-input)))))) (remove-states (lambda () (let ((a (find-action stack (make-token 'error #f) #f))) (cond ((shift? a) ;; (printf "shift:~a~n" (shift-state a)) (set! stack ,(if src-pos ``(,(shift-state a) ,#f ,(cadr ip) ,(caddr ip) ,@stack) ``(,(shift-state a) ,#f ,@stack))) (remove-input)) (else ;; (printf "discard state:~a~n" (car stack)) (cond ((< (length stack) ,(if src-pos `5 `3)) (printf "Unable to shift error token~n") #f) (else ,(if src-pos `(set! stack (cddddr stack)) `(set! stack (cddr stack))) (remove-states))))))))) (remove-states)))) (find-action (lambda (stack tok ip) (array2d-ref table (car stack) (hash-table-get term-sym->index (token-name tok) (lambda () ,(if src-pos `(err #t (token-name tok) (token-value tok) (cadr ip) (caddr ip)) `(err #t (token-name tok) (token-value tok))) (raise-read-error (format "parser: got token of unknown type ~a" (token-name tok)) #f #f #f #f #f))))))) (lambda (get-token) (let parsing-loop ((stack (list 0)) (ip (get-token))) (let* ((tok (input->token ip)) (action (find-action stack tok ip))) (cond ((shift? action) ;; (printf "shift:~a~n" (shift-state action)) (let ((val (token-value tok))) (parsing-loop ,(if src-pos ``(,(shift-state action) ,val ,(cadr ip) ,(caddr ip) ,@stack) ``(,(shift-state action) ,val ,@stack)) (get-token)))) ((reduce? action) ;; (printf "reduce:~a~n" (reduce-prod-num action)) (let-values (((new-stack args) (reduce-stack stack (reduce-rhs-length action) null))) (let* ((A (reduce-lhs-num action)) (goto (array2d-ref table (car new-stack) A))) (parsing-loop ,(if src-pos ``(,goto ,(apply (vector-ref actions (reduce-prod-num action)) args) ,(if (null? args) (cadr ip) (cadr args)) ,(if (null? args) (caddr ip) (list-ref args (- (* (reduce-rhs-length action) 3) 1))) ,@new-stack) ``(,goto ,(apply (vector-ref actions (reduce-prod-num action)) args) ,@new-stack)) ip)))) ((accept? action) ;; (printf "accept~n") (cadr stack)) (else ,(if src-pos `(err #t (token-name tok) (token-value tok) (cadr ip) (caddr ip)) `(err #t (token-name tok) (token-value tok))) (let ((new-stack (fix-error stack tok ip get-token))) (if new-stack (parsing-loop new-stack (get-token)) (raise-read-error "parser: Could not parse input" #f #f #f #f #f))))))))))) (datum->syntax-object runtime `(begin ,(fix-check-syntax start input-terms prods) ,parser-code) src))))