(module lex mzscheme ;; Provides the syntax used to create lexers and the functions needed to ;; create and use the buffer that the lexer reads from. See doc.txt. (require-for-syntax (lib "list.ss") (lib "stx.ss" "syntax") (lib "define.ss" "syntax") (lib "boundmap.ss" "syntax") "private-lex/util.ss" "private-lex/actions.ss" "private-lex/front.ss" "private-lex/unicode-chars.ss") (require (lib "stxparam.ss") (lib "readerr.ss" "syntax") "private-lex/token.ss") (provide lexer lexer-src-pos define-lex-abbrev define-lex-abbrevs define-lex-trans ;; Dealing with tokens and related structures define-tokens define-empty-tokens token-name token-value token? (struct position (offset line col)) (struct position-token (token start-pos end-pos)) ;; File path for highlighting errors while lexing file-path ;; Lex abbrevs for unicode char sets. See mzscheme manual section 3.4. any-char any-string nothing alphabetic lower-case upper-case title-case numeric symbolic punctuation graphic whitespace blank iso-control ;; A regular expression operator char-set) (define file-path (make-parameter #f)) ;; wrap-action: syntax-object -> syntax-object (define-for-syntax (wrap-action action) (with-syntax ((action-stx action)) (syntax/loc action (lambda (start-pos-p end-pos-p lexeme-p return-without-pos-p input-port-p) (syntax-parameterize ((start-pos (make-rename-transformer #'start-pos-p)) (end-pos (make-rename-transformer #'end-pos-p)) (lexeme (make-rename-transformer #'lexeme-p)) (return-without-pos (make-rename-transformer #'return-without-pos-p)) (input-port (make-rename-transformer #'input-port-p))) action-stx))))) (define-for-syntax (make-lexer-trans wrap?) (lambda (stx) (syntax-case stx () ((_) (raise-syntax-error #f "accepts the empty string" stx)) ((_ re-act ...) (begin (for-each (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((re act) (void)) (_ (raise-syntax-error #f "not a regular expression / action pair" stx x)))) (syntax->list (syntax (re-act ...)))) (let* ((spec/re-act-lst (syntax->list (syntax (re-act ...)))) (eof-act (get-special-action spec/re-act-lst #'eof #''eof)) (spec-act (get-special-action spec/re-act-lst #'special #'(void))) (spec-error-act (get-special-action spec/re-act-lst #'special-error #'(raise lexeme))) (spec-comment-act (get-special-action spec/re-act-lst #'special-comment #'#f)) (ids (list #'special #'special-comment #'special-error #'eof)) (re-act-lst (filter (lambda (spec/re-act) (syntax-case spec/re-act () (((special) act) (not (ormap (lambda (x) (module-or-top-identifier=? (syntax special) x)) ids))) (_ #t))) spec/re-act-lst))) (let-values (((trans start actions no-look disappeared-uses) (build-lexer re-act-lst))) (with-syntax ((start-state-stx start) (trans-table-stx trans) (no-lookahead-stx no-look) (actions-stx `(vector ,@(map (lambda (a) (if a (wrap-action a) #f)) (vector->list actions)))) (spec-act-stx (wrap-action spec-act)) (spec-error-act-stx (wrap-action spec-error-act)) (has-comment-act?-stx (if (syntax-e spec-comment-act) #t #f)) (spec-comment-act-stx (wrap-action spec-comment-act)) (eof-act-stx (wrap-action eof-act)) (wrap? wrap?)) (syntax-property (syntax/loc stx (lexer-body start-state-stx trans-table-stx actions-stx no-lookahead-stx spec-act-stx spec-error-act-stx has-comment-act?-stx spec-comment-act-stx eof-act-stx wrap?)) 'disappeared-use disappeared-uses))))))))) (define-syntax lexer (make-lexer-trans #f)) (define-syntax lexer-src-pos (make-lexer-trans #t)) (define-syntax (define-lex-abbrev stx) (syntax-case stx () ((_ name re) (identifier? (syntax name)) (syntax/loc stx (define-syntax name (make-lex-abbrev (quote-syntax re))))) (_ (raise-syntax-error #f "form should be (define-lex-abbrev name re)" stx)))) (define-syntax (define-lex-abbrevs stx) (syntax-case stx () ((_ x ...) (with-syntax (((abbrev ...) (map (lambda (a) (syntax-case a () ((name re) (identifier? (syntax name)) (syntax/loc a (define-lex-abbrev name re))) (_ (raise-syntax-error #f "form should be (define-lex-abbrevs (name re) ...)" stx a)))) (syntax->list (syntax (x ...)))))) (syntax/loc stx (begin abbrev ...)))) (_ (raise-syntax-error #f "form should be (define-lex-abbrevs (name re) ...)" stx)))) (define-syntax (define-lex-trans stx) (syntax-case stx () ((_ name-form body-form) (let-values (((name body) (normalize-definition (syntax (define-syntax name-form body-form)) #'lambda))) #`(define-syntax #,name (let ((certifier (syntax-local-certifier))) (make-lex-trans (lambda (stx) (certifier (#,body stx) 'a))))))) (_ (raise-syntax-error #f "form should be (define-lex-trans name transformer)" stx)))) (define (get-next-state-helper char min max table) (if (>= min max) #f (let* ((try (quotient (+ min max) 2)) (el (vector-ref table try)) (r1 (vector-ref el 0)) (r2 (vector-ref el 1))) (cond ((and (>= char r1) (<= char r2)) (vector-ref el 2)) ((< char r1) (get-next-state-helper char min try table)) (else (get-next-state-helper char (add1 try) max table)))))) (define (get-next-state char table) (if table (get-next-state-helper char 0 (vector-length table) table) #f)) (define (lexer-body start-state trans-table actions no-lookahead special-action special-error-action has-special-comment-action? special-comment-action eof-action wrap?) (letrec ((lexer (lambda (ip) (unless (input-port? ip) (raise-type-error 'lexer "input-port" 0 ip)) (let ((first-pos (get-position ip)) (first-char (peek-char-or-special ip 0))) ;; (printf "(peek-char-or-special port 0) = ~e~n" first-char) (cond ((eof-object? first-char) (do-match ip first-pos eof-action (read-char-or-special ip) wrap?)) ((not (char? first-char)) (let* ((comment? #f) (error? #f) (spec (with-handlers ((special-comment? (lambda (x) (set! comment? #t))) (exn:fail? (lambda (ex) (set! error? #t) ex))) (read-char-or-special ip)))) (cond ((and comment? (not has-special-comment-action?)) (lexer ip)) (else (do-match ip first-pos (cond (comment? special-comment-action) (error? special-error-action) (else special-action)) spec wrap?))))) (else (let lexer-loop ( ;; current-state (state start-state) ;; the character to transition on (char first-char) ;; action for the longest match seen thus far ;; including a match at the current state (longest-match-action (vector-ref actions start-state)) ;; how many characters have been read ;; including the one just read (length-bytes (char-utf-8-length first-char)) (length-chars 1) ;; how many characters are in the longest match (longest-match-length 1)) ;; (printf "(peek-char-or-special port ~e) = ~e~n" (sub1 length-bytes) char) (let ((next-state (cond ((eof-object? char) #f) ((not (char? char)) #f) (else (get-next-state (char->integer char) (vector-ref trans-table state)))))) (cond ((not next-state) (check-match ip first-pos longest-match-length length-chars longest-match-action wrap?)) ((vector-ref no-lookahead next-state) (let ((act (vector-ref actions next-state))) (check-match ip first-pos (if act length-chars longest-match-length) length-chars (if act act longest-match-action) wrap?))) (else (let ((act (vector-ref actions next-state))) (lexer-loop next-state (peek-char-or-special ip length-bytes) (if act act longest-match-action) (+ (char-utf-8-length char) length-bytes) (add1 length-chars) (if act length-chars longest-match-length))))))))))))) lexer)) (define id (lambda (x) x)) (define (check-match lb first-pos longest-match-length length longest-match-action wrap?) (unless longest-match-action (let* ((match (read-string length lb)) (end-pos (get-position lb))) (raise-read-error (format "lexer: No match found in input starting with: ~a" match) (file-path) (position-line first-pos) (position-col first-pos) (position-offset first-pos) (- (position-offset end-pos) (position-offset first-pos))))) (let ((match (read-string longest-match-length lb))) ;; (printf "(read-string ~e port) = ~e~n" longest-match-length match) (do-match lb first-pos longest-match-action match wrap?))) (define (do-match ip first-pos action value wrap?) (let ((end-pos (get-position ip))) (cond (wrap? (let/ec ret (make-position-token (action first-pos end-pos value ret ip) first-pos end-pos))) (else (action first-pos end-pos value id ip))))) (define (get-position ip) (let-values (((line col off) (port-next-location ip))) (make-position off line col))) (define-syntax (create-unicode-abbrevs stx) (syntax-case stx () ((_ ctxt) (with-syntax (((ranges ...) (map (lambda (range) `(union ,@(map (lambda (x) `(char-range ,(integer->char (car x)) ,(integer->char (cdr x)))) range))) (list (force alphabetic-ranges) (force lower-case-ranges) (force upper-case-ranges) (force title-case-ranges) (force numeric-ranges) (force symbolic-ranges) (force punctuation-ranges) (force graphic-ranges) (force whitespace-ranges) (force blank-ranges) (force iso-control-ranges)))) ((names ...) (map (lambda (sym) (datum->syntax-object (syntax ctxt) sym #f)) '(alphabetic lower-case upper-case title-case numeric symbolic punctuation graphic whitespace blank iso-control)))) (syntax (define-lex-abbrevs (names ranges) ...)))))) (define-lex-abbrev any-char (char-complement (union))) (define-lex-abbrev any-string (intersection)) (define-lex-abbrev nothing (union)) (create-unicode-abbrevs #'here) (define-lex-trans (char-set stx) (syntax-case stx () ((_ str) (string? (syntax-e (syntax str))) (with-syntax (((char ...) (string->list (syntax-e (syntax str))))) (syntax (union char ...)))))) (define-syntax provide-lex-keyword (syntax-rules () [(_ id ...) (begin (define-syntax-parameter id (make-set!-transformer (lambda (stx) (raise-syntax-error #f (format "use of a lexer keyword (~a) is not in an appropriate lexer action" 'id) stx)))) ... (provide id ...))])) (provide-lex-keyword start-pos end-pos lexeme input-port return-without-pos) )