(module front mzscheme (require "util.ss" "stx.ss" "re.ss" "deriv.ss") (provide build-lexer) (define-syntax time-label (syntax-rules () ((_ l e ...) (begin (printf "~a: " l) (time (begin e ...)))))) ;; dfa->table : dfa -> (same as build-lexer) (define (dfa->table dfa) (let ( ;; no-look : (vector-of bool) ;; For each state whether the lexer can ignore the next input. ;; It can do this only if there are no transitions out of the ;; current state. (no-look (make-vector (dfa-num-states dfa) #t)) ;; actions : (vector-of (union #f syntax-object)) ;; The action for each final state, #f if the state isn't final (actions (make-vector (dfa-num-states dfa) #f)) ;; char-table : (vector-of (union #f nat)) ;; The lexer table, one entry per state per char. ;; Each entry specifies a state to transition to. ;; #f indicates no transition (char-table (make-vector (* 256 (dfa-num-states dfa)) #f))) ;; Fill the char-table vector (for-each (lambda (trans) (let ((from-state (car trans))) (for-each (lambda (chars/to) (let ((to-state (cdr chars/to))) (char-set-for-each (lambda (char) (vector-set! char-table (bitwise-ior char (arithmetic-shift from-state 8)) to-state)) (car chars/to)))) (cdr trans)))) (dfa-transitions dfa)) (for-each (lambda (trans) (vector-set! no-look (car trans) #f)) (dfa-transitions dfa)) (for-each (lambda (state/action) (vector-set! actions (car state/action) (cdr state/action))) (dfa-final-states/actions dfa)) (values char-table (dfa-start-state dfa) actions no-look))) (test-block () ((call-with-values (lambda () (dfa->table (make-dfa 1 1 (list) (list)))) list) (list (make-vector 256 #f) 1 (vector #f) (make-vector 1 #t))) ((call-with-values (lambda () (dfa->table (make-dfa 4 1 (list (cons 2 2) (cons 3 3)) (list (cons 1 (list (cons (make-range 49 50) 1) (cons (make-range 51 51) 2))) (cons 2 (list (cons (make-range 49 49) 3))))))) list) (list (let ((v (make-vector 1024 #f))) (vector-set! v 305 1) (vector-set! v 306 1) (vector-set! v 307 2) (vector-set! v 561 3) v) 1 (vector #f #f 2 3) (vector #t #f #f #t)))) ;; build-lexer : syntax-object list -> (values (vector-of (union #f nat)) nat (vector-of (union #f syntax-object)) (vector-of bool)) ;; each syntax object has the form (re action) (define (build-lexer sos) (let* ((s-re-acts (map (lambda (so) (cons (parse (car (syntax->list so))) (cadr (syntax->list so)))) sos)) (cache (make-cache)) (re-acts (map (lambda (s-re-act) (cons (->re (car s-re-act) cache) (cdr s-re-act))) s-re-acts)) (dfa (build-dfa re-acts cache))) ;(print-dfa dfa) (dfa->table dfa))) )