(module re mzscheme (require (lib "match.ss") (lib "list.ss") "util.ss") (provide ->re build-epsilon build-zero build-char-set build-concat build-repeat build-or build-and build-neg epsilonR? zeroR? char-setR? concatR? repeatR? orR? andR? negR? char-setR-chars concatR-re1 concatR-re2 repeatR-re orR-res andR-res negR-re re-nullable? re-index) ;; get-index : -> nat (define get-index (make-counter)) ;; An re is either ;; - (make-epsilonR bool nat) ;; - (make-zeroR bool nat) ;; - (make-char-setR bool nat (list-of char)) The list must be sorted ;; - (make-concatR bool nat re re) ;; - (make-repeatR bool nat re) ;; - (make-orR bool nat (list-of re)) Must not directly contain any orRs ;; - (make-andR bool nat (list-of re)) Must not directly contain any andRs ;; - (make-negR bool nat re) ;; ;; Every re must have an index field globally different from all ;; other re index fields. (define-struct re (nullable? index)) (define-struct (epsilonR re) ()) (define-struct (zeroR re) ()) (define-struct (char-setR re) (chars) (make-inspector)) (define-struct (concatR re) (re1 re2) (make-inspector)) (define-struct (repeatR re) (re)) (define-struct (orR re) (res) (make-inspector)) (define-struct (andR re) (res)) (define-struct (negR re) (re)) ;; e : re ;; The unique epsilon re (define e (make-epsilonR #t (get-index))) ;; z : re ;; The unique zero re (define z (make-zeroR #f (get-index))) ;; s-re = char match the given character ;; | string match its sequence of characters ;; | re a precompiled re ;; | (epsilon) match the empty string ;; | (* s-re) match 0 or more ;; | (+ s-re) match 1 or more ;; | (? s-re) match 0 or 1 ;; | (: s-re ...) match one of the sub-expressions ;; | (@ s-re ...) match each sub-expression in succession ;; | (- char char) match any character between two (inclusive) ;; | (^ char_or_range ...1) match any character not listed ;; (the null concatenation `(@) means epsilon as does "". ;; the null or `(:) means match nothing. The null carat `(^) means match ;; any character.) ;; ->re : s-re cache -> re (define (->re exp cache) (match exp ((? char?) (build-char-set (list exp) cache)) ((? string?) (->re `(@ ,@(string->list exp)) cache)) ((? re?) exp) (`(epsilon) (build-epsilon)) (`(* ,r) (build-repeat (->re r cache) cache)) (`(+ ,r) (->re `(@ ,r (* ,r)) cache)) (`(? ,r) (let ((c (->re r cache))) (if (re-nullable? c) c (build-or (list e c) cache)))) (`(: ,r) (->re r cache)) (`(: ,rs ...) (build-or (flatten-res (map (lambda (r) (->re r cache)) rs) cache) cache)) (`(@ ,rs ...) (foldr (lambda (x y) (build-concat (->re x cache) y cache)) e rs)) (`(- ,c1 ,c2) (let ((i1 (char->integer (if (string? c1) (string-ref c1 0) c1))) (i2 (char->integer (if (string? c2) (string-ref c2 0) c2)))) (if (<= i1 i2) (build-char-set (make-range i1 i2) cache) z))) (`(^ ,crs ...) (let ((cs (->re `(: ,@crs) cache))) (cond ((zeroR? cs) (build-char-set (make-range 0 255) cache)) ((char-setR? cs) (build-char-set (let loop ((bad-chars (map char->integer (char-setR-chars cs))) (i 0)) (cond ((> i 255) null) ((and (not (null? bad-chars)) (= i (car bad-chars))) (loop (cdr bad-chars) (add1 i))) (else (cons (integer->char i) (loop bad-chars (add1 i)))))) cache)) (else z)))))) ;; flatten-res: (list-of re) cache -> (list-of re) ;; Takes all the char-sets in l and combines them into one element. ;; Removes orRs too, (define (flatten-res l cache) (let loop ((res l) (chars null) (no-chars null)) (cond ((null? res) (if (null? chars) no-chars (cons (build-char-set (mergesort chars char re (define (build-epsilon) e) (define (build-zero) z) ;; build-char-set : (list-of char) cache -> re ;; cs must be sorted #;(define (build-char-set cs cache) (cond ((null? cs) z) (else (make-char-setR #f (get-index) cs)))) (define (build-char-set cs cache) (cond ((null? cs) z) (else (cache cs (lambda () (make-char-setR #f (get-index) cs)))))) ;; build-concat : re re cache -> re (define (build-concat r1 r2 cache) (cond ((eq? e r1) r2) ((eq? e r2) r1) ((or (eq? z r1) (eq? z r2)) z) (else (let* ((i1 (re-index r1)) (i2 (re-index r2)) (key (if (< i1 i2) (cons i1 i2) (cons i2 i1)))) (cache (cons 'concat key) (lambda () (make-concatR (and (re-nullable? r1) (re-nullable? r2)) (get-index) r1 r2))))))) ;; build-repeat : re cache -> re (define (build-repeat r cache) (cache (cons 'repeat (re-index r)) (lambda () (make-repeatR #t (get-index) r)))) ;; build-or : (list-of re) cache -> re (define (build-or rs cache) (let ((rs (filter (lambda (x) (not (eq? x z))) (do-simple-equiv (replace rs orR? orR-res null) re-index)))) (cond ((null? rs) z) ((null? (cdr rs)) (car rs)) (else (cache (cons 'or (map re-index rs)) (lambda () (make-orR (ormap re-nullable? rs) (get-index) rs))))))) ;; build-and : (list-of re) cache -> re (define (build-and rs cache) (let ((rs (do-simple-equiv (replace rs andR? andR-res null) rs))) (cond ((ormap (lambda (x) (eq? x z)) rs) z) (else (cache (cons 'and (map re-index rs)) (lambda () (make-andR (andmap re-nullable? rs) (get-index) rs))))))) ;; build-neg : re cache -> re (define (build-neg r cache) (cache (cons 'neg (re-index r)) (lambda () (make-negR (not (re-nullable? r)) (get-index) r)))) (test-block ((c (make-cache)) (r1 (->re #\1 c)) (r2 (->re #\2 c)) (rc (->re `(@ ,r1 ,r2) c)) (rc2 (->re `(@ ,r2 ,r1) c)) (rr (->re `(* ,rc) c)) (ro (->re `(: ,rr ,rc ,rr) c)) (ro2 (->re `(: ,rc ,rr ,z) c)) (ro3 (->re `(: ,rr ,rc) c))) (rc rc2) (ro ro2) (ro ro3) ((->re `(* ,rc) c) rr) ((build-char-set null c) z) ((->re `(@ ,r1 (epsilon)) c) r1) ((->re `(@ (epsilon) ,r1) c) r1) ((->re `(@ ,r1 ,z) c) z) ((->re `(@ ,z ,r1) c) z) ((->re `(@ ,z (epsilon)) c) z) ((->re `(@ (epsilon) ,z) c) z) ((->re `(:) c) z) ((->re `(: ,rr) c) rr) ((build-or `(,z ,r1 ,z) c) r1) ((build-or (list (build-or (list r1 r2) c) (build-or (list rc rr) c)) c) (build-or (list r1 r2 rc rr) c)) ((concatR-re1 rc2) r1) ((concatR-re2 rc2) r2) ((orR-res ro) (list rc rr)) ((repeatR-re rr) rc) ((re-nullable? r1) #f) ((re-nullable? rc) #f) ((re-nullable? (->re `(@ ,rr ,rr) c)) #t) ((re-nullable? rr) #t) ((re-nullable? ro) #t) ((re-nullable? (->re `(: ,r1 ,r2) c)) #f)) (test-block ((c (make-cache)) (r1 (->re #\1 c)) (r2 (->re #\2 c)) (r3-5 (->re '(- #\3 #\5) c)) (r4 (build-or `(,r1 ,r2) c)) (r5 (->re `(: ,r3-5 #\7) c)) (r6 (->re #\6 c))) ((flatten-res null c) null) ((char-setR-chars (car (flatten-res `(,r1) c))) '(#\1)) ((char-setR-chars (car (flatten-res `(,r4) c))) '(#\1 #\2)) ((char-setR-chars (car (flatten-res `(,r6 ,r5 ,r4 ,r3-5 ,r2 ,r1) c))) (string->list "1234567"))) (test-block ((c (make-cache)) (r (->re #\a c)) (rr (->re `(@ ,r ,r) c)) (rrr (->re `(@ ,r ,rr) c)) (rrr* (->re `(* ,rrr) c))) ((char-setR-chars r) '(#\a)) ((->re "" c) e) ((->re "asdf" c) (->re `(@ #\a #\s #\d #\f) c)) ((->re r c) r) ((->re `(epsilon) c) e) ((->re `(* ,r) c) (build-repeat r c)) ((->re `(+ ,r) c) (build-concat r (build-repeat r c) c)) ((->re `(? ,r) c) (build-or (list e r) c)) ((->re `(? ,rrr*) c) rrr*) ((->re `(: (: (- #\a #\c) (^ (- #\000 #\110) (- #\112 #\377))) (: (* #\2))) c) (build-or (list (build-char-set (list #\111 #\a #\b #\c) c) (build-repeat (build-char-set '(#\2) c) c)) c)) ((->re `(: ,rr ,rrr) c) (build-or (list rr rrr) c)) ((->re `(: ,r) c) r) ((->re `(:) c) z) ((->re `(@) c) e) ((->re `(@ ,rrr*) c) rrr*) (rr (build-concat r r c)) ((->re `(@ ,r ,rr ,rrr) c) (build-concat r (build-concat rr rrr c) c)) ((char-setR-chars (->re `(- #\1 #\1) c)) '(#\1)) ((char-setR-chars (->re `(- #\1 #\9) c)) (string->list "123456789")) ((char-setR-chars (->re `(- "1" "1") c)) '(#\1)) ((char-setR-chars (->re `(- "1" "9") c)) (string->list "123456789")) ((->re `(- "9" "1") c) z) ((char-setR-chars (->re `(^) c)) (char-setR-chars (->re `(- #\000 #\377) c))) ((char-setR-chars (->re `(^ #\001 (- #\002 #\377)) c)) `(#\000)) ) )