#cs (module input-file-parser mzscheme ;; routines for parsing the input to the parser generator and producing a ;; grammar (See grammar.ss) (require "yacc-helper.ss" "terminal-syntax.ss" "grammar.ss" (lib "list.ss")) (provide parse-input) ;; get-args: num * syntax-object -> syntax-object list (define (get-args x act) (let loop ((i 1)) (cond ((> i x) null) (else (cons (datum->syntax-object act (string->symbol (format "$~a" i))) (loop (add1 i))))))) ;; nullable: production list * int -> non-term set ;; determines which non-terminals can derive epsilon (define (nullable prods num-nts) (letrec ((nullable (make-vector num-nts #f)) (added #f) ;; possible-nullable: producion list -> production list ;; Removes all productions that have a terminal (possible-nullable (lambda (prods) (filter (lambda (prod) (vector-andmap non-term? (prod-rhs prod))) prods))) ;; set-nullables: production list -> production list ;; makes one pass through the productions, adding the ones ;; known to be nullable now to nullable and returning a list ;; of productions that we don't know about yet. (set-nullables (lambda (prods) (cond ((null? prods) null) ((vector-ref nullable (gram-sym-index (prod-lhs (car prods)))) (set-nullables (cdr prods))) ((vector-andmap (lambda (nt) (vector-ref nullable (gram-sym-index nt))) (prod-rhs (car prods))) (vector-set! nullable (gram-sym-index (prod-lhs (car prods))) #t) (set! added #t) (set-nullables (cdr prods))) (else (cons (car prods) (set-nullables (cdr prods)))))))) (let loop ((P (possible-nullable prods))) (cond ((null? P) nullable) (else (set! added #f) (let ((new-P (set-nullables P))) (if added (loop new-P) nullable))))))) ;; Given the list of terminal symbols and the precedence/associativity definitions, ;; builds terminal structures (See grammar.ss) ;; build-terms: symbol list * symbol list list -> term list (define (build-terms term-list precs) (let ((counter 0) ;;(term-list (cons (gensym) term-list)) ;; Will map a terminal symbol to its precedence/associativity (prec-table (make-hash-table))) ;; Fill the prec table (for-each (lambda (p-decl) (begin0 (let ((assoc (car p-decl))) (for-each (lambda (term-sym) (hash-table-put! prec-table term-sym (make-prec counter assoc))) (cdr p-decl))) (set! counter (add1 counter)))) precs) (set! counter 0) ;; Build the terminal structures (map (lambda (term-sym) (begin0 (make-term term-sym counter (hash-table-get prec-table term-sym (lambda () #f))) (set! counter (add1 counter)))) term-list))) ;; Retrieves the terminal symbols from a terminals-def (See terminal-syntax.xx) ;; get-terms-from-def: syntax-object -> symbol list (define (get-terms-from-def term-syn) (let ((t (syntax-local-value term-syn (lambda () #f)))) (cond ((terminals-def? t) (terminals-def-t t)) (else (raise-syntax-error 'parser-tokens "undefined token group" term-syn))))) ;; parse-input: syntax-object * syntax-object list * syntax-object^4 -> grammar (define (parse-input start ends term-defs prec-decls prods runtime) (let* ((counter 0) (start-sym (syntax-object->datum start)) (list-of-terms (syntax-case term-defs (tokens) ((tokens term-def ...) (andmap identifier? (syntax->list (syntax (term-def ...)))) (remove-duplicates (cons 'error (apply append (map get-terms-from-def (syntax->list (syntax (term-def ...)))))))) (_ (raise-syntax-error 'parser-tokens "Token declaration must be (tokens symbol ...)" term-defs)))) (end-terms (map (lambda (end) (if (not (memq (syntax-object->datum end) list-of-terms)) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-end-tokens (format "End token ~a not defined as a token" (syntax-object->datum end)) end) (syntax-object->datum end))) ends)) ;; Get the list of terminals out of input-terms (list-of-non-terms (syntax-case prods (grammar) ((grammar (non-term production ...) ...) (begin (for-each (lambda (nts) (if (memq (syntax-object->datum nts) list-of-terms) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-non-terminals (format "~a used as both token and non-terminal" (syntax-object->datum nts)) nts))) (syntax->list (syntax (non-term ...)))) (if (not (memq start-sym (syntax-object->datum (syntax (non-term ...))))) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-start (format "Start symbol ~a not defined as a non-terminal" start-sym) start)) (let ((dup (duplicate-list? (syntax-object->datum (syntax (non-term ...)))))) (if dup (raise-syntax-error 'parser-non-terminals (format "non-terminal ~a defined multiple times" dup) prods))) (syntax-object->datum (syntax (non-term ...))))) (_ (raise-syntax-error 'parser-grammar "Grammar must be of the form (grammar (non-terminal productions ...) ...)" prods)))) ;; Check the precedence declarations for errors and turn them into data (precs (syntax-case prec-decls (precs) ((precs (type term ...) ...) (let ((p-terms (apply append (syntax-object->datum (syntax ((term ...) ...)))))) (cond ((duplicate-list? p-terms) => (lambda (d) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-precedences (format "duplicate precedence declaration for token ~a" d) prec-decls))) (else (for-each (lambda (a) (for-each (lambda (t) (if (not (memq (syntax-object->datum t) list-of-terms)) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-precedences (format "Precedence declared for non-token ~a" (syntax-object->datum t)) t))) (syntax->list a))) (syntax->list (syntax ((term ...) ...)))) (for-each (lambda (type) (if (not (memq (syntax-object->datum type) `(left right nonassoc))) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-precedences "Associativity must be left, right or nonassoc" type))) (syntax->list (syntax (type ...)))) (cdr (syntax-object->datum prec-decls)))))) (#f null) (_ (raise-syntax-error 'parser-precedences "Precedence declaration must be of the form (precs (assoc term ...) ...) where assoc is left, right or nonassoc" prec-decls)))) (terms (build-terms list-of-terms precs)) (non-terms (begin (set! counter 2) (map (lambda (non-term) (begin0 (make-non-term non-term counter) (set! counter (add1 counter)))) list-of-non-terms))) (term-table (make-hash-table)) (non-term-table (make-hash-table))) (for-each (lambda (t) (hash-table-put! term-table (gram-sym-symbol t) t)) terms) (for-each (lambda (nt) (hash-table-put! non-term-table (gram-sym-symbol nt) nt)) non-terms) (let* ( ;; parse-prod: syntax-object -> gram-sym vector (parse-prod (lambda (prod-so) (syntax-case prod-so () ((prod-rhs-sym ...) (andmap identifier? (syntax->list prod-so)) (list->vector (map (lambda (s) (hash-table-get term-table (syntax-object->datum s) (lambda () (hash-table-get non-term-table (syntax-object->datum s) (lambda () (raise-syntax-error 'parser-production-rhs (format "~a is not declared as a terminal or non-terminal" (syntax-object->datum s)) s)))))) (syntax->list prod-so)))) (_ (raise-syntax-error 'parser-production-rhs "production right-hand-side must have form (symbol ...)" prod-so))))) ;; parse-action: gram-sym vector * syntax-object -> syntax-object (parse-action (lambda (prod act) (datum->syntax-object runtime `(lambda ,(get-args (vector-length prod) act) ,act) act))) ;; parse-prod+action: non-term * syntax-object -> production (parse-prod+action (lambda (nt prod-so) (syntax-case prod-so (prec) ((prod-rhs action) (let ((p (parse-prod (syntax prod-rhs)))) (set! counter (add1 counter)) (make-prod nt p counter (let loop ((i (sub1 (vector-length p)))) (if (>= i 0) (let ((gs (vector-ref p i))) (if (term? gs) (term-prec gs) (loop (sub1 i)))) #f)) (parse-action p (syntax action))))) ((prod-rhs (prec term) action) (identifier? (syntax term)) (let ((p (parse-prod (syntax prod-rhs)))) (set! counter (add1 counter)) (make-prod nt p counter (term-prec (hash-table-get term-table (syntax-object->datum (syntax term)) (lambda () (raise-syntax-error 'parser-production-rhs (format "unrecognized terminal ~a in precedence declaration" (syntax-object->datum (syntax term))) (syntax term))))) (parse-action p (syntax action))))) (_ (raise-syntax-error 'parser-production-rhs "production must have form [(symbol ...) expression] or [(symbol ...) (prec symbol) expression]" prod-so))))) ;; parse-prod-for-nt: syntax-object -> production list (parse-prods-for-nt (lambda (prods-so) (syntax-case prods-so () ((nt productions ...) (> (length (syntax->list (syntax (productions ...)))) 0) (let* ((prods (syntax-e prods-so)) (nt (hash-table-get non-term-table (syntax-e (car prods))))) (map (lambda (p) (parse-prod+action nt p)) (cdr prods)))) (_ (raise-syntax-error 'parser-productions "A production for a non-terminal must be (non-term right-hand-side ...) with at least 1 right hand side" prods-so)))))) (set! counter 0) (let* ((start (make-non-term (gensym) 0)) (end-non-term (make-non-term (gensym) 1)) (prods `((,(make-prod start (vector end-non-term) 0 #f #f)) ,(map (lambda (end) (set! counter (add1 counter)) (make-prod end-non-term (vector (hash-table-get non-term-table start-sym) (hash-table-get term-table end)) counter #f (datum->syntax-object runtime `(lambda (x) x)))) end-terms) ,@(map parse-prods-for-nt (cdr (syntax->list prods))))) (nulls (nullable (apply append prods) (+ 2 (length non-terms))))) ; (printf "nullable: {~a}~n~n" ; (apply string-append ; (let loop ((i 0)) ; (cond ; ((>= i (vector-length nulls)) null) ; ((vector-ref nulls i) ; (cons ; (format "~a" ; (gram-sym-symbol ; (list-ref (cons start non-terms) i))) ; (loop (add1 i)))) ; (else (loop (add1 i))))))) (make-grammar (list->vector prods) (apply append prods) nulls (cons start (cons end-non-term non-terms)) terms (add1 counter) end-terms))))))