#cs (module yacc mzscheme (require-for-syntax "private-yacc/parser-builder.ss" "private-yacc/yacc-helper.ss") (require "private-yacc/array2d.ss" "private-lex/token.ss" "private-yacc/parser-actions.ss" (lib "readerr.ss" "syntax")) (provide parser) (define-syntax (parser stx) (syntax-case stx () ((_ args ...) (let ((arg-list (syntax->list (syntax (args ...)))) (src-pos #f) (debug #f) (error #f) (tokens #f) (start #f) (end #f) (precs #f) (suppress #f) (grammar #f) (yacc-output #f)) (for-each (lambda (arg) (syntax-case* arg (debug error tokens start end precs grammar suppress src-pos yacc-output) (lambda (a b) (eq? (syntax-object->datum a) (syntax-object->datum b))) ((debug filename) (cond ((not (string? (syntax-object->datum (syntax filename)))) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-debug "Debugging filename must be a string" (syntax filename))) (debug (raise-syntax-error #f "Multiple debug declarations" stx)) (else (set! debug (syntax-object->datum (syntax filename)))))) ((suppress) (set! suppress #t)) ((src-pos) (set! src-pos #t)) ((error expression) (if error (raise-syntax-error #f "Multiple error declarations" stx) (set! error (syntax expression)))) ((tokens def ...) (if tokens (raise-syntax-error #f "Multiple tokens declarations" stx) (set! tokens arg))) ((start symbol) (cond ((not (identifier? (syntax symbol))) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-start "Start non-terminal must be a symbol" (syntax symbol))) (start (raise-syntax-error #f "Multiple start declarations" stx)) (else (set! start (syntax symbol))))) ((end symbols ...) (begin (for-each (lambda (sym) (if (not (identifier? sym)) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-end "End token must be a symbol" sym))) (syntax->list (syntax (symbols ...)))) (let ((d (duplicate-list? (syntax-object->datum (syntax (symbols ...)))))) (if d (raise-syntax-error 'parser-end (format "Duplicate end token definition for ~a" d) arg))) (if (= 0 (length (syntax->list (syntax (symbols ...))))) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-end "end declaration must contain at least 1 token" arg)) (if end (raise-syntax-error #f "Multiple end declarations" stx)) (set! end (syntax->list (syntax (symbols ...)))))) ((precs decls ...) (if precs (raise-syntax-error #f "Multiple precs declarations" stx) (set! precs arg))) ((grammar prods ...) (if grammar (raise-syntax-error #f "Multiple grammar declarations" stx) (set! grammar arg))) ((yacc-output filename) (cond ((not (string? (syntax-object->datum (syntax filename)))) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-yacc-output "Yacc-output filename must be a string" (syntax filename))) (yacc-output (raise-syntax-error #f "Multiple yacc-output declarations" stx)) (else (set! yacc-output (syntax-object->datum (syntax filename)))))) (_ (raise-syntax-error 'parser-args "argument must match (debug filename), (error expression), (tokens def ...), (start non-term), (end tokens ...), (precs decls ...), or (grammar prods ...)" arg)))) (syntax->list (syntax (args ...)))) (if (not tokens) (raise-syntax-error #f "missing tokens declaration" stx)) (if (not error) (raise-syntax-error #f "missing error declaration" stx)) (if (not grammar) (raise-syntax-error #f "missing grammar declaration" stx)) (if (not end) (raise-syntax-error #f "missing end declaration" stx)) (if (not start) (raise-syntax-error #f "missing start declaration" stx)) (let-values (((table term-sym->index actions check-syntax-fix) (build-parser (if debug debug "") src-pos suppress tokens start end precs grammar stx))) (if (and yacc-output (not (string=? yacc-output ""))) (with-handlers [(exn:i/o:filesystem? (lambda (e) (fprintf (current-error-port) "Cannot write yacc-output to file \"~a\". ~a~n" (exn:i/o:filesystem-pathname e) (exn:i/o:filesystem-detail e))))] (call-with-output-file yacc-output (lambda (port) (display-yacc (syntax-object->datum grammar) tokens (syntax-object->datum start) (if precs (syntax-object->datum precs) #f) port))))) (with-syntax ((check-syntax-fix check-syntax-fix) (err error) (ends end) (table table) (term-sym->index term-sym->index) (actions actions) (src-pos src-pos)) (syntax (begin check-syntax-fix (parser-body err (quote ends) table term-sym->index actions src-pos))))))) (_ (raise-syntax-error #f "parser must have the form (parser args ...)" stx)))) (define (reduce-stack stack num ret-vals src-pos) (cond ((> num 0) (let* ((top-frame (car stack)) (ret-vals (if src-pos (cons (stack-frame-value top-frame) (cons (stack-frame-start-pos top-frame) (cons (stack-frame-end-pos top-frame) ret-vals))) (cons (stack-frame-value top-frame) ret-vals)))) (reduce-stack (cdr stack) (sub1 num) ret-vals src-pos))) (else (values stack ret-vals)))) (define-struct stack-frame (state value start-pos end-pos)) (define empty-stack (list (make-stack-frame 0 #f #f #f))) (define (false-thunk) #f) ;; The table format is an array2d that maps each state/term pair to either ;; an accept, shift or reduce structure - or a #f. Except that we will encode ;; by changing (make-accept) -> 'accept, (make-shift i) -> i and ;; (make-reduce i1 i2 i3) -> #(i1 i2 i3) (define (parser-body err ends table term-sym->index actions src-pos) (letrec ((input->token (if src-pos (lambda (ip) (cond ((and (list? ip) (= 3 (length ip))) (let ((tok (car ip))) (cond ((symbol? tok) (make-token tok #f)) ((token? tok) tok) (else (raise-type-error 'parser "(list (token or symbol) position position)" 0 ip))))) (else (raise-type-error 'parser "(list (token or symbol) position position)" 0 ip)))) (lambda (ip) (cond ((symbol? ip) (make-token ip #f)) ((token? ip) ip) (else (raise-type-error 'parser "token or symbol" 0 ip)))))) (fix-error (lambda (stack tok ip get-token) (letrec ((remove-input (lambda () (if (memq (token-name tok) ends) #f (let ((a (find-action stack tok ip))) (cond ((shift? a) ;; (printf "shift:~a~n" (shift-state a)) (cons (if src-pos (make-stack-frame (shift-state a) (if (token? ip) (token-value ip) #f) (cadr ip) (caddr ip)) (make-stack-frame (shift-state a) (if (token? ip) (token-value ip) #f) #f #f)) stack)) (else ;; (printf "discard input:~a~n" tok) (set! ip (get-token)) (set! tok (input->token ip)) (remove-input))))))) (remove-states (lambda () (let ((a (find-action stack (make-token 'error #f) ip))) (cond ((shift? a) ;; (printf "shift:~a~n" (shift-state a)) (set! stack (cons (if src-pos (make-stack-frame (shift-state a) #f (cadr ip) (caddr ip)) (make-stack-frame (shift-state a) #f #f #f)) stack)) (remove-input)) (else ;; (printf "discard state:~a~n" (car stack)) (cond ((< (length stack) 2) (printf "Unable to shift error token~n") #f) (else (set! stack (cdr stack)))))))))) (remove-states)))) (find-action (lambda (stack tok ip) (let ((token-index (hash-table-get term-sym->index (token-name tok) false-thunk))) (if token-index (array2d-ref table (stack-frame-state (car stack)) token-index) (begin (if src-pos (err #t (token-name tok) (token-value tok) (cadr ip) (caddr ip)) (err #t (token-name tok) (token-value tok))) (raise-read-error (format "parser: got token of unknown type ~a" (token-name tok)) #f #f #f #f #f))))))) (lambda (get-token) (let parsing-loop ((stack empty-stack) (ip (get-token))) (let* ((tok (input->token ip)) (action (find-action stack tok ip))) (cond ((shift? action) ;; (printf "shift:~a~n" (shift-state action)) (let ((val (token-value tok))) (parsing-loop (cons (if src-pos (make-stack-frame (shift-state action) val (cadr ip) (caddr ip)) (make-stack-frame (shift-state action) val #f #f)) stack) (get-token)))) ((reduce? action) ;; (printf "reduce:~a~n" (reduce-prod-num action)) (let-values (((new-stack args) (reduce-stack stack (reduce-rhs-length action) null src-pos))) (let* ((A (reduce-lhs-num action)) (goto (array2d-ref table (stack-frame-state (car new-stack)) A))) (parsing-loop (cons (if src-pos (make-stack-frame goto (apply (vector-ref actions (reduce-prod-num action)) args) (if (null? args) (cadr ip) (cadr args)) (if (null? args) (caddr ip) (list-ref args (- (* (reduce-rhs-length action) 3) 1)))) (make-stack-frame goto (apply (vector-ref actions (reduce-prod-num action)) args) #f #f)) new-stack) ip)))) ((accept? action) ;; (printf "accept~n") (stack-frame-value (car stack))) (else (if src-pos (err #t (token-name tok) (token-value tok) (cadr ip) (caddr ip)) (err #t (token-name tok) (token-value tok))) (let ((new-stack (fix-error stack tok ip get-token))) (if new-stack (parsing-loop new-stack (get-token)) (raise-read-error "parser: Could not parse input" #f #f #f #f #f)))))))))) )