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1 Commits

@ -489,6 +489,12 @@
(fail-k max-depth tasks))))])
(k end max-depth tasks new-got-k new-fail-k)))])))))
;; These temp identifiers can't be `gensym` or `generate-temporary`
;; because they have to be consistent between module loads
;; (IIUC, the parser is multi-threaded, and this approach is not thread-safe)
;; so I see no alternative to the old standby of making them ludicrously unlikely
(define-for-syntax start-id-temp 'start_jihqolbbafscgxvsufnepvmxqipnxgmlpxukmdoqxqzmzgaogaftbkbyqjttwwfimifowdxfyekjiixdmtprfkcvfciraehoeuaz)
(define-for-syntax atok-id-temp 'atok_wrutdjgecmybyfipiwsgjlvsveryodlgassuzcargiuznzgdghrykfqfbwcjgzdhdoeqxcucmtjkuyucskzethozhqkasphdwbht)
(define-syntax (cfg-parser stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ clause ...)
@ -704,11 +710,17 @@
[(pos ...)
(if src-pos?
#'($1-start-pos $1-end-pos)
#'(#f #f))])
#`(grammar (start [() null]
[(atok start) (cons $1 $2)])
(atok [(tok) (make-tok 'tok-id 'tok $e pos ...)] ...)))
#`(start start)
#'(#f #f))]
;; rename `start` and `atok` to temp ids
;; so that "start" and "atok" can be used as literal string tokens in a grammar.
;; not sure why this works, but it passes all tests.
[%start start-id-temp]
[%atok atok-id-temp])
#`(grammar (%start [() null]
[(%atok %start) (cons $1 $2)])
(%atok [(tok) (make-tok 'tok-id 'tok $e pos ...)] ...)))
(with-syntax ([%start start-id-temp])
#`(start %start))
[(grammar . _)
@ -751,30 +763,30 @@
(error-proc tok-ok? tok-name tok-value)]))
[(null? tok-list)
(if error-proc
[(null? tok-list)
(if error-proc
(call-error-proc #t
(make-position #f #f #f)
(make-position #f #f #f))
"no tokens"))]
(let ([bad-tok (list-ref tok-list
(min (sub1 (length tok-list))
(if error-proc
(make-position #f #f #f)
(make-position #f #f #f))
"no tokens"))]
(let ([bad-tok (list-ref tok-list
(min (sub1 (length tok-list))
(if error-proc
(call-error-proc #t
(tok-orig-name bad-tok)
(tok-val bad-tok)
(tok-start bad-tok)
(tok-end bad-tok))
"failed at ~a"
(tok-val bad-tok))))]))])
(tok-orig-name bad-tok)
(tok-val bad-tok)
(tok-start bad-tok)
(tok-end bad-tok))
"failed at ~a"
(tok-val bad-tok))))]))])
(#,start tok-list
;; we simulate a token at the very beginning with zero width
;; for use with the position-generating code (*-start-pos, *-end-pos).
