paser-tools: doc clarifications

Nothing in the docs said that `parser-tools/yacc' is for LALR grammars
--- although I guess that it implied for most reader by the name "yacc",
but it doesn't hurt to say so explicitly. Meanwhile,
`parser-tools/cfg-parser' is useful for non-ambigious (non-LALR) grammars.

Also, from the style guide:
 * Section Titles Should be In Titlecase, Like This
 * Don't start a setence with an uncapitalized identifier.

original commit: 9e0fce224b9fb48e3b79e10863ca303c21c936c4
Matthew Flatt 11 years ago
parent ab6d67eb8b
commit ec6cb60c00

@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ the right choice when using @racket[lexer] in other situations.
@; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@section{LALR(1) Parsers}
@ -685,14 +685,13 @@ the right choice when using @racket[lexer] in other situations.
@section{Ambiguous parsing}
@section{Context-Free Parsers}
@racketmodname[parser-tools/cfg-parser] provides another parser
generator as an alternative to @racketmodname[parser-tools/yacc].
@defmodule[parser-tools/cfg-parser]{The @racketmodname[parser-tools/cfg-parser]
library provides a parser generator that is an alternative to that of
@defform/subs[#:literals (grammar tokens start end precs src-pos
suppress debug yacc-output prec)
@ -706,10 +705,11 @@ generator as an alternative to @racketmodname[parser-tools/yacc].
(end token-id ...)
(@#,racketidfont{error} expr)
Creates a parser similar to that of @racket[parser]. Unlike @racket[parser],
@racket[cfg-parser] can consume ambiguous grammars.
Its interface is a subset of @racketmodname[parser-tools/yacc].
The major differences in the interface are:
@racket[cfg-parser], can consume arbitrary and potentially ambiguous context-free
grammars. Its interface is a subset of @racketmodname[parser-tools/yacc], with
the following differences:
@ -718,12 +718,11 @@ generator as an alternative to @racketmodname[parser-tools/yacc].
Unlike @racket[parser], @racket[cfg-parser] only allows for
a single non-terminal-id.}
@item{@racket[cfg-parser] does not support the @racket[precs],
@item{The @racket[cfg-parser] form does not support the @racket[precs],
@racket[suppress], @racket[debug], or @racket[yacc-output]
options of @racket[parser].}
@; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
