You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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; Tries to test all of Teiresias's type inference algorithm
; and uses type assertions to detect when it fails
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Constants
(: 1 (exact num))
(: 'a (exact sym))
(: #\a (exact char))
(: #t (exact true))
(: #f (exact false))
(: nil (exact nil))
(: '() (exact nil))
(: "Cormac" (exact str))
(: '(a b c) (exact (listof sym)))
(: '(a b 1) (exact (listof (union sym num))))
(: #(1 2 3) (exact (vec num)))
(: #(1 2 "abc") (exact (vec (union num str))))
;;;(: #&4 (exact (box num)))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; misc kinds of exprs
; top-level def
(define x 'a-symbol)
(: x (exact sym))
; lexical binding -various sorts
(let ([y 4][z 'a])
(: y (exact num))
(: z (exact sym)))
(letrec ([y 4][z 'a])
(: y (exact num))
(: z (exact sym)))
(let* ([y 4][z 'a])
(: y (exact num))
(: z (exact sym)))
; if - one and two armed
(: (if (read) 1 'a) (exact (union num sym)))
(: (if (read) 1) (exact (union num void)))
; set!
(let ([z 4])
(set! z 'a)
(: z (exact (union num sym))))
; begin
(: (begin 'a 1) (exact num))
; now various lambdas and applications
((lambda (x y) (: x (exact num)) (: y (exact sym)))
4 'a)
((lambda x (: x (exact (cons num (cons num nil))))) 1 2)
(apply (lambda (x) (: x (exact num))) (list 1))
(apply (lambda x (: x (exact (cons num (cons num nil))))) (cons 1 (cons 2 nil)))
(: (lambda (x) x) (_ -> _))
(: ((lambda (x) 'a) 3) (exact sym))
;; Multiple calls, merged returns
(let ([I (lambda (x) (: x (exact (union num sym))))])
(: (I 3) (exact (union num sym)))
(: (I 'a) (exact (union num sym))))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; if-splitting
; (if (pred arg) ...)
(let ([x (if (read) 1 'a)])
(: x (exact (union num sym)))
(if (number? x)
(: x (exact num))
(: x (exact sym))))
; assigned arg
(let ([x (if (read) 1 'a)])
(set! x 2)
(if (number? x)
(: x (exact (union num sym)))
(: x (exact (union num sym)))))
; (if x ...)
(let ([x (if (read) #t #f)])
(if x
(: x (exact true))
(: x (exact false))))
(let ([x (if (read) 5 #f)])
(if x
(: x (exact num))
(: x (exact false))))
; (if (not x) ...)
(let ([x (if (read) #t #f)])
(if (not x)
(: x (exact false))
(: x (exact true))))
(let ([x (if (read) 5 #f)])
(if (not x)
(: x (exact false))
(: x (exact num))))
; (if (not (pred arg)) ...)
(let ([x (if (read) 1 'a)])
(if (not (number? x))
(: x (exact sym))
(: x (exact num))))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Flow sensitive
(let ([x (if 1 (cons 1 2) 'a)])
(: x (exact (union (cons num num) sym)))
(car x)
(: x (exact (cons num num)))
(cdr x))
; not on assigned vars
(let ([x (if (read) (cons 1 2) 'a)])
(set! x 'b)
(: x (exact (union (cons num num) sym)))
(car x)
(: x (exact (union (cons num num) sym)))
(cdr x))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Boxes
(let ([x (: (box 1) (exact (box num)))])
(: (unbox x) (exact num)))
(let ([x (: (box 1) (exact (box (union num sym))))])
(set-box! x 'a)
(: (unbox x) (exact (union num sym))))
(let ([x (if (read) (box 'a) #f)])
(if (box? x) (: x (exact (box sym)))))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; User primitives and types
(define-constructor Box #t)
(define-primitive Box? (_ -> bool) (predicate Box))
(define-primitive Box (a -> (Box a)))
(define-primitive unBox ((Box a) -> a))
(define-primitive set-Box! ((Box (! a)) a -> void))
(let ([x (: (Box 1) (exact (Box num)))])
(: (unBox x) (exact num)))
(let ([x (: (Box 1) (exact (Box (union num sym))))])
(set-Box! x 'a)
(: (unBox x) (exact (union num sym))))
(let ([x (if (read) (Box 'a) #f)])
(if (Box? x) (: x (exact (Box sym)))))
(define-type env (listof (list sym num)))
(define-primitive mk-env (-> env))
(: (mk-env) (exact (listof (list sym num))))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; define-structure
(define-structure (Triple a b c))
(let ([x (: (make-Triple 1 'a #\c) (exact (structure:Triple num sym char)))])
(: (Triple-a x) (exact num))
(: (Triple-1 x) (exact num)))
(let ([x (: (make-Triple 1 'a #\c) (exact (structure:Triple (union num sym) sym char)))])
(set-Triple-a! x 'a)
(: (Triple-a x) (exact (union num sym))))
(let ([x (if (read) (make-Triple 1 'a #\c) #f)])
(if (Triple? x) (: x (exact (structure:Triple num sym char)))))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; loops
(define Map
(lambda (f l)
(if (null? l)
(cons (f (car l)) (Map f (cdr l))))))
(: (Map add1 '(1 2 3)) (exact (listof num)))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Could test all the primitives ...