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#lang racket
CHIP Not {
IN in;
OUT out, outb;
;; each part has only as many args as wires in that part
Nand(a=in, b=in, out=nand-out);
Fanout(in=nand-out, outa=out, outb=outb);
(require "helper.rkt" "helper-macro.rkt" (for-syntax "helper.rkt" racket/syntax racket/list))
;; IN and OUT spec becomes provide spec, prefixed with chip name
(provide (prefix-out Not- (combine-out in out outb)))
;; all IN and OUT pins are functions.
(define in (make-input)) ; all inputs are made from the same function that holds state like a parameter.
;; all outputs are computed at runtime.
(require "Nand2.hdl.rkt" (for-syntax "Nand2.hdl.rkt"))
(handle-part Nand2 [a in] [b in] [out nand-out])
(require "Fanout.hdl.rkt" (for-syntax "Fanout.hdl.rkt"))
(handle-part Fanout [in nand-out] [outa out] [outb outb])
;(handle-require Fanout [in nand-out] [outa out] [outb outb])
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(in 1)
(check-equal? (out) 0)
(in 0)
(check-equal? (out) 1))