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#lang brag
;; rule of thumb: use [optional] bits judiciously as they multiply the cases needed for a production rule
;; rule of thumb: for a set of related IDs, put each into the same grammar entity
;; rule of thumb: avoid mushing unrelated IDs into one grammar entity
;; whereas a * corresponds directly to an ... in the expander macro
;; syntax patterns are good for
;; + single case / nonrecursive structure
;; + nonalternating pattern (no "this that this that ...")
chip-program : "CHIP" ID "{" pin-spec pin-spec part-spec "}"
pin-spec : ("IN" | "OUT") pin+ ";"
pin : ID [","]
part-spec : "PARTS:" part+
part : ID "(" pin-val-pair+ ")" ";"
pin-val-pair : ID "=" ID [","]