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#lang br
(provide #%top-interaction #%app #%datum
(rename-out [basic-module-begin #%module-begin])
(rename-out [basic-top #%top])
(require br/stxparam (for-syntax br/datum))
; BASIC implementation details
(define-language-variables [A 0][B 0][C 0][D 0][E 0][F 0][G 0][H 0][I 0][J 0][K 0][L 0][M 0][N 0][O 0][P 0][Q 0][R 0][S 0][T 0][U 0][V 0][W 0][X 0][Y 0][Z 0][A$ ""][B$ ""][C$ ""][D$ ""][E$ ""][F$ ""][G$ ""][H$ ""][I$ ""][J$ ""][K$ ""][L$ ""][M$ ""][N$ ""][O$ ""][P$ ""][Q$ ""][R$ ""][S$ ""][T$ ""][U$ ""][V$ ""][W$ ""][X$ ""][Y$ ""][Z$ ""])
(define #'(basic-module-begin _parse-tree ...)
(inject-language-variables (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A$ B$ C$ D$ E$ F$ G$ H$ I$ J$ K$ L$ M$ N$ O$ P$ Q$ R$ S$ T$ U$ V$ W$ X$ Y$ Z$)
(println (quote _parse-tree ...))
_parse-tree ...)))
; #%app and #%datum have to be present to make #%top work
(define #'(basic-top . id)
(displayln (format "got unbound identifier: ~a" 'id))
(procedure-rename (λ xs (cons 'id xs)) (string->symbol (format "undefined:~a" 'id)))))
(define #'(program _line ...) #'(run (list _line ...)))
(struct exn:line-not-found exn:fail ())
(define (run lines)
(define program-lines (list->vector (filter (λ(ln) (not (equal? ln "cr"))) lines)))
(define (line-number->index ln)
(for/or ([idx (in-range (vector-length program-lines))])
(and (= (car (vector-ref program-lines idx)) ln)
(format "line number ~a not found in program" ln)
(for/fold ([program-counter 0])
([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (eq? program-counter 'end))
[(= program-counter (vector-length program-lines)) (basic:END)]
(define line-function (cdr (vector-ref program-lines program-counter)))
(define maybe-next-line (and line-function (line-function)))
[(number? maybe-next-line) (line-number->index maybe-next-line)]
[(eq? 'end maybe-next-line) 'end]
[else (add1 program-counter)])]))
(define #'(cr-line _arg ...) #'(begin _arg ...))
(define current-return-stack (make-parameter empty))
(define-cases #'line
[#'(_ _NUMBER (statement-list (statement "GOSUB" _WHERE)))
#'(cons _NUMBER
(λ _
(let ([return-stack (current-return-stack)])
[(or (empty? return-stack)
(not (= _NUMBER (car return-stack))))
(current-return-stack (cons _NUMBER (current-return-stack)))
(basic:GOTO _WHERE)]
[else (current-return-stack (cdr (current-return-stack)))]))))]
(define-cases #'statement-list
[#'(_ _STATEMENT) #'(begin _STATEMENT)]
(define-cases #'statement
[#'(statement _ID "=" _EXPR) #'(set! _ID _EXPR)]
;[#'(statement "PRINT" ARG ...) #'(print ARG ...)]
;[#'(statement "RETURN" ARG ...) #'(return ARG ...)]
;[#'(statement "END" ARG ...) #'(end ARG ...)]
[#'(statement _proc-string _arg ...)
(inject-syntax ([#'PROC-ID (format-datum "basic:~a" #'_proc-string)])
#'(PROC-ID _arg ...))])
(define-cases #'basic:IF
#'(if (true? _COND)
#'(when (true? _COND)
(define-cases #'value
[#'(value "(" _EXPR ")") #'_EXPR]
[#'(value _ID "(" _ARG ... ")") #'(_ID _ARG ...)]
[#'(value _ID-OR-DATUM) #'_ID-OR-DATUM])
(define true? (compose1 not zero?))
(define (cond->int cond) (if cond 1 0))
(define (basic:and . args) (cond->int (andmap true? args)))
(define (basic:or . args) (cond->int (ormap true? args)))
(define-cases #'expr-list
[#'(_ _EXPR) #'_EXPR]
[#'(_ _EXPR "," _EXPR-LIST) #'(_EXPR _EXPR-LIST)])
(define-cases #'expr
[#'(_ _COMP-EXPR "AND" _SUBEXPR) #'(basic:and _COMP-EXPR _SUBEXPR)]
[#'(_ _COMP-EXPR "OR" _SUBEXPR) #'(basic:or _COMP-EXPR _SUBEXPR)]
[#'(_ _COMP-EXPR) #'_COMP-EXPR])
(define-cases #'comp-expr
[#'(_ _LEXPR "=" _REXPR) #'(comp-expr _LEXPR "equal?" _REXPR)] ; special case because = is overloaded
[#'(_ _LEXPR _op _REXPR) (inject-syntax ([#'OP (string->symbol (syntax->datum #'_op))])
#'(cond->int (OP _LEXPR _REXPR)))]
[#'(_ _ARG) #'_ARG])
(define <> (compose1 not equal?))
(define-cases #'sum
[#'(_ _TERM "+" _SUM) #'(+ _TERM _SUM)]
[#'(_ _TERM "-" _SUM) #'(- _TERM _SUM)]
[#'(_ _TERM) #'_TERM])
(define-cases #'product
[#'(_ _value "*" _product) #'(* _value _product)]
[#'(_ _value "/" _product) #'(/ _value _product)]
[#'(_ _value) #'_value])
(define print-list list)
(define (basic:PRINT args)
(match args
[(list) (displayln "")]
[(list print-list-item ... ";" pl) (begin (for-each display print-list-item)
(basic:PRINT pl))]
[(list print-list-item ... ";") (for-each display print-list-item)]
[(list print-list-item ...) (for-each displayln print-list-item)]))
(define (TAB num) (make-string num #\space))
(define #'(INT _ARG ...) #'(inexact->exact (truncate (expr _ARG ...))))
(define (SIN num) (sin num))
(define (ABS num) (inexact->exact (abs num)))
(define (RND num) (* (random) num))
(define-cases #'basic:INPUT
[#'(_ _PRINT-LIST ";" _ID)
(basic:PRINT (append _PRINT-LIST (list ";")))
(basic:INPUT _ID))]
[#'(_ _ID) #'(set! _ID (let* ([str (read-line)]
[num (string->number str)])
(if num num str)))])
(define (basic:GOTO where) where)
(define (basic:RETURN) (car (current-return-stack)))
(define (basic:END)