You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

112 lines
2.7 KiB

#lang racket
(require "txtadv.rkt")
;; Verbs ----------------------------------------
;; Declare all the verbs that can be used in the game.
;; Each verb has a canonical name, a `_' if it needs
;; an object (i.e., a transitive verb), a set of aliases,
;; and a printed form.
(define-verbs all-verbs
[north (= n) "go north"]
[south (= s) "go south"]
[east (= e) "go east"]
[west (= w) "go west"]
[up (=) "go up"]
[down (=) "go down"]
[in (= enter) "enter"]
[out (= leave) "leave"]
[get _ (= grab take) "take"]
[put _ (= drop leave) "drop"]
[open _ (= unlock) "open"]
[close _ (= lock) "close"]
[knock _]
[quit (= exit) "quit"]
[look (= show) "look"]
[inventory (=) "check inventory"]
;; Global actions ----------------------------------------
;; Handle verbs that work anywhere.
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions
([quit (begin (printf "Bye!\n") (exit))]
[look (show-current-place)]
[inventory (show-inventory)]
[save (save-game)]
[load (load-game)]
[help (show-help)]))
;; Objects ----------------------------------------
;; Each object handles a set of transitive verbs.
(define-thing cactus
[get "Ouch!"])
(define-thing door
[open (if (have-thing? key)
(set-thing-state! door 'open)
"The door is now unlocked and open.")
"The door is locked.")]
[close (begin
(set-thing-state! door #f)
"The door is now closed.")]
[knock "No one is home."])
(define-thing key
[get (if (have-thing? key)
"You already have the key."
(take-thing! key)
"You now have the key."))]
[put (if (have-thing? key)
(drop-thing! key)
"You have dropped the key.")
"You don't have the key.")])
(define-thing trophy
[get (begin
(take-thing! trophy)
"You win!")])
;; Places ----------------------------------------
;; Each place handles a set of non-transitive verbs.
(define-place meadow
"You're standing in a meadow. There is a house to the north."
([north house-front]
[south desert]))
(define-place house-front
"You are standing in front of a house."
([in (if (eq? (thing-state door) 'open)
"The door is not open.")]
[south meadow]))
(define-place desert
"You're in a desert. There is nothing for miles around."
[cactus key]
([north meadow]
[south desert]
[east desert]
[west desert]))
(define-place room
"You're in the house."
([out house-front]))
;; Go! ---------------------------------------------------
(start-game meadow