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#lang racket
(provide hdlprint)
(define (hdlprint val fmt)
(match-define (list _ radix-letter number-strings) (regexp-match #px"^%(.)(.*)$" fmt)) ; like %B1.16.1
(match-define (list left-margin width right-margin) (map string->number (string-split number-strings ".")))
[(number? val)
(define radix (case radix-letter
[("B") 2]))
(string-append (make-string left-margin #\space)
(~r val #:min-width width #:pad-string "0" #:base radix)
(make-string right-margin #\space))]
[(string? val) (~a val #:min-width (+ left-margin width right-margin) #:pad-string " " #:align 'center)]
[else (error 'unknown-value)]))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define a 123)
(check-equal? (hdlprint a "%B1.16.1") " 0000000001111011 ")
(check-equal? (hdlprint "out" "%B1.16.1") " out ")
(check-equal? (hdlprint "out" "%B3.1.3") " out ")
(check-equal? (hdlprint "in" "%B3.1.3") " in "))