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#lang br
(define (read-syntax source-path input-port)
(define src-strs (remove-blank-lines (port->lines input-port)))
(define (make-datum str) (format-datum '(dispatch ~a) str))
(define src-exprs (map make-datum src-strs))
(inject-syntax ([#'(SRC-EXPR ...) src-exprs])
#'(module stacker-mod br/demo/stacker
SRC-EXPR ...))))
(provide read-syntax)
(define #'(stacker-module-begin READER-LINE ...)
(display (first stack))))
(provide (rename-out [stacker-module-begin #%module-begin]))
(provide #%top-interaction)
(define stack empty)
(define (push num) (set! stack (cons num stack)))
(provide push)
(define (dispatch arg-1 [arg-2 #f])
[(number? arg-2) (push arg-2)]
(define op arg-1)
(define op-result (op (first stack) (second stack)))
(set! stack (cons op-result (drop stack 2)))]))
(provide dispatch)
(provide + *)
(provide #%app #%datum)