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#lang br
(require rackunit (for-syntax br/datum sugar/debug))
(provide define-datatype occurs-free?)
(struct lc-exp () #:transparent)
(struct var-exp lc-exp (var) #:transparent
#:guard (λ(var name)
(unless (symbol? var)
(error name (format "arg ~a not ~a" var 'symbol?)))
(values var)))
(struct lambda-exp lc-exp (bound-var body) #:transparent
#:guard (λ(bound-var body name)
(unless (symbol? bound-var)
(error name (format "arg ~a not ~a" bound-var 'symbol?)))
(unless (lc-exp? body)
(error name (format "arg ~a not ~a" body 'lc-exp?)))
(values bound-var body)))
(struct app-exp lc-exp (rator rand) #:transparent
#:guard (λ(rator rand name)
(unless (lc-exp? rator)
(error name (format "arg ~a not ~a" rator 'lc-exp?)))
(unless (lc-exp? rand)
(error name (format "arg ~a not ~a" rand 'lc-exp?)))
(values rator rand))))
(define #'(define-datatype <base-type> <base-type-predicate?>
(<subtype> [<field> <field-predicate?>] ...) ...)
(struct <base-type> () #:transparent)
(struct <subtype> <base-type> (<field> ...) #:transparent
#:guard (λ(<field> ... name)
(unless (<field-predicate?> <field>)
(error name (format "arg ~a is not ~a" <field> '<field-predicate?>))) ...
(values <field> ...))) ...))
(define-datatype lc-exp lc-exp?
(var-exp [var symbol?])
(lambda-exp [bound-var symbol?] [body lc-exp?])
(app-exp [rator lc-exp?] [rand lc-exp?]))
#;(define (occurs-free? search-var exp)
[(var-exp? exp) (let ([var (var-exp-var exp)])
(eqv? var search-var))]
[(lambda-exp? exp) (let ([bound-var (lambda-exp-bound-var exp)]
[body (lambda-exp-body exp)])
(and (not (eqv? search-var bound-var))
(occurs-free? search-var body)))]
[(app-exp? exp) (let ([rator (app-exp-rator exp)]
[rand (app-exp-rand exp)])
(occurs-free? search-var rator)
(occurs-free? search-var rand)))]))
(define #'(cases-let <input-var> <subtype> (<field> ...) <body> ...)
(inject-syntax ([#'(<subtype-field> ...) (map-syntax (λ(field) (format-datum '~a-~a #'<subtype> field)) #'(<field> ...))])
#'(let ([<field> (<subtype-field> <input-var>)] ...)
<body> ...)))
(define #'(cases <base-type> <input-var> [<subtype> (<field> ...) <body> ...] ...)
(inject-syntax ([#'(<subtype?> ...) (map-syntax (λ(s) (format-datum '~a? s)) #'(<subtype> ...))])
[(<subtype?> <input-var>) (cases-let <input-var> <subtype> (<field> ...) <body> ...)] ...)))
(define (occurs-free? search-var exp)
(cases lc-exp exp
[var-exp (var) (eqv? var search-var)]
[lambda-exp (bound-var body)
(and (not (eqv? search-var bound-var))
(occurs-free? search-var body))]
[app-exp (rator rand)
(occurs-free? search-var rator)
(occurs-free? search-var rand))]))
(check-true (occurs-free? 'foo (var-exp 'foo)))
(check-false (occurs-free? 'foo (var-exp 'bar)))
(check-false (occurs-free? 'foo (lambda-exp 'foo (var-exp 'bar))))
(check-true (occurs-free? 'foo (lambda-exp 'bar (var-exp 'foo))))
(check-true (occurs-free? 'foo (lambda-exp 'bar (lambda-exp 'zim (lambda-exp 'zam (var-exp 'foo))))))