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#lang racket/base
(provide Xor)
(define Xor
(λ (kws kw-args . rest)
(define kw-pairs (map cons kws kw-args))
(let ([a (cdr (assq (string->keyword (format "~a" 'a)) kw-pairs))]
[b (cdr (assq (string->keyword (format "~a" 'b)) kw-pairs))])
(define nota
(let ()
(local-require "Not.hdl")
(Not #:in a)))
(define notb
(let ()
(local-require "Not.hdl")
(Not #:in b)))
(define w1
(let ()
(local-require "And.hdl")
(And #:a a #:b notb)))
(define w2
(let ()
(local-require "And.hdl")
(And #:a nota #:b b)))
(define out
(let ()
(local-require "Or.hdl")
(Or #:a w1 #:b w2)))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (Xor #:a 0 #:b 0) 0)
(check-equal? (Xor #:a 0 #:b 1) 1)
(check-equal? (Xor #:a 1 #:b 0) 1)
(check-equal? (Xor #:a 1 #:b 1) 0))