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#lang br
(provide #%top-interaction #%module-begin #%datum (rename-out [my-top #%top]) #%app
; #%app and #%datum have to be present to make #%top work
(define #'(my-top . id)
(displayln (format "got unbound identifier: ~a" 'id))
(procedure-rename (λ xs (cons 'id xs)) (string->symbol (format "undefined:~a" 'id)))))
(define #'(tst-program _arg ...) #'(begin _arg ...))
(define #'(header-expr _filename (_colid ... _outid))
(with-syntax* ([filename-string (symbol->string (syntax->datum #'_filename))]
[procname (string->symbol (cadr (regexp-match #rx"^(.*)\\.hdl$"(symbol->string (syntax->datum #'_filename)))))]
[output (syntax-local-introduce (datum->syntax #f 'output))])
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define procname
(dynamic-require (findf file-exists?
(list filename-string (format "~a.rkt" filename-string))) 'procname))
(display-header '_colid ... '_outid)
(define _colid (make-parameter 0)) ...
(define (_outid)
(keyword-apply procname
(map (compose1 string->keyword symbol->string) (list '_colid ...))
(list (_colid) ...) null))
(define (output)
(display-values (_colid) ... (_outid))))))
(define #'(display-header _sym ...)
(apply display-values (list _sym ...))
(apply display-dashes (list _sym ...))))
(define (vals->text vals) (string-join (map ~a vals) " | "))
(define (display-values . vals) (displayln (vals->text vals)))
(define (display-dashes . vals)
(displayln (make-string (string-length (vals->text vals)) #\-)))
(define #'test-expr #'begin)
(define #'eval-expr #'void)
(define #'(output-expr)
(inject-syntax ([#'output 'output])