#lang br (require parser-tools/lex (prefix-in : parser-tools/lex-sre) brag/support racket/string) (provide tokenize) (define-lex-abbrevs (positive-integer (:+ numeric)) ;; don't lex the leading "-": muddles "-X" and "Y-X" (positive-number (:or positive-integer (:seq (:? positive-integer) (:seq "." positive-integer))))) (define (tokenize ip) (port-count-lines! ip) (define (next-token) (define get-token (lexer-src-pos [(eof) eof] [whitespace (token 'WHITE lexeme #:skip? #t)] [(from/to "/*" "*/") (token 'COMMENT lexeme #:skip? #t)] [(:: positive-number (:+ whitespace) (from/to (uc+lc "rem") "\n")) (token 'COMMENT lexeme #:skip? #t)] [(:or (uc+lc "print" "for" "to" "step" "if" "goto" "input" "let" "next" "return" "clear" "list" "run" "end" "then" "else" "gosub" "and" "or" "stop" "let" "def" "dim" "on") ";" "=" "(" ")" "+" "-" "*" "/" "^" "<=" ">=" "<>" "<" ">" "=" ":" ",") (string-downcase lexeme)] [positive-number (token 'NUMBER (string->number lexeme) #:position (pos lexeme-start) #:line (line lexeme-start) #:column (col lexeme-start) #:span (- (pos lexeme-end) (pos lexeme-start)))] [(:: alphabetic (:* (:or alphabetic numeric)) (:? "$")) (token 'ID (string->symbol lexeme) #:position (pos lexeme-start) #:line (line lexeme-start) #:column (col lexeme-start) #:span (- (pos lexeme-end) (pos lexeme-start)))] [(from/to "\"" "\"") (token 'STRING (trim-ends "\"" lexeme "\"") #:position (+ (pos lexeme-start) 1) #:line (line lexeme-start) #:column (+ (col lexeme-start) 1) #:span (- (pos lexeme-end) (pos lexeme-start) 2))])) (get-token ip)) next-token)