#lang racket/base (require racket/class racket/gui/base racket/list) (provide (all-defined-out)) (module+ test (require racket/gui/base rackunit) (define t (new text%)) (define result (send t insert-port (open-input-string "foo\n ar\n m")))) (define indent-width 2) (define (char text pos) (and pos (send text get-character pos))) (module+ test (check-equal? (char t 0) #\f) (check-equal? (char t 2) #\o) (check-equal? (char t 3) #\newline) (check-equal? (char t 10) #\m) (check-equal? (char t 11) #\nul)) (define (line text pos) (send text position-line pos)) (module+ test (check-equal? (line t 0) 0) (check-equal? (line t 2) 0) (check-equal? (line t 5) 1) (check-equal? (line t 10) 2) (check-equal? (line t 11) 2)) (define (line-chars text line) (and (valid-line? text line) (for/list ([pos (in-range (line-start text line) (add1 (line-end text line)))]) (char text pos)))) (module+ test (check-equal? (line-chars t 0) '(#\f #\o #\o #\newline)) (check-equal? (line-chars t 1) '(#\space #\a #\r #\newline)) (check-equal? (line-chars t 2) '(#\space #\space #\m #\nul)) (check-equal? (line-chars t 3) #f)) (define (previous-line text pos) (define this-line (line text pos)) (and (this-line . > . 0) (sub1 this-line))) (module+ test (check-equal? (previous-line t 0) #f) (check-equal? (previous-line t 2) #f) (check-equal? (previous-line t 5) 0) (check-equal? (previous-line t 10) 1) (check-equal? (previous-line t 11) 1)) (define (next-line text pos) (define last (send text last-line)) (define this-line (line text pos)) (and (this-line . < . last) (add1 this-line))) (module+ test (check-equal? (next-line t 0) 1) (check-equal? (next-line t 2) 1) (check-equal? (next-line t 5) 2) (check-equal? (next-line t 10) #f) (check-equal? (next-line t 11) #f)) (define (valid-line? text line) (and line (<= 0 line (send text last-line)))) (define (line-start text line) (and (valid-line? text line) (send text line-start-position line))) (module+ test (check-equal? (line-start t 0) 0) (check-equal? (line-start t 1) 4) (check-equal? (line-start t 2) 8) (check-equal? (line-start t 3) #f)) (define (line-end text line) (and (valid-line? text line) (send text line-end-position line))) (module+ test (check-equal? (line-end t 0) 3) (check-equal? (line-end t 1) 7) (check-equal? (line-end t 2) 11) (check-equal? (line-end t 3) #f)) (define (first-visible-char-pos text start end) ;; private (for*/first ([pos (in-range start end (if (start . > . end) -1 1))] [c (in-value (char text pos))] #:when (not (char-blank? c))) pos)) (define (line-start-visible text line) (define start (line-start text line)) (define end (line-end text line)) (and start end (first-visible-char-pos text start end))) (module+ test (check-equal? (line-start-visible t 0) 0) (check-equal? (line-start-visible t 1) 5) (check-equal? (line-start-visible t 2) 10) (check-equal? (line-start-visible t 3) #f)) (define (line-end-visible text line) (define start+1 (line-end text line)) ; start before newline (define end+1 (line-start text line)) (and start+1 end+1 (first-visible-char-pos text (sub1 start+1) (sub1 end+1)))) (module+ test (check-equal? (line-end-visible t 0) 2) (check-equal? (line-end-visible t 1) 6) (check-equal? (line-end-visible t 2) 10) (check-equal? (line-end-visible t 3) #f)) (define (line-indent text line) (and (valid-line? text line) (let ([lsv (line-start-visible text line)]) (and lsv ; could be #f (- (line-start-visible text line) (line-start text line)))))) (module+ test (check-equal? (line-indent t 0) 0) (check-equal? (line-indent t 1) 1) (check-equal? (line-indent t 2) 2) (check-equal? (line-indent t 3) #f)) (define (count-char text c [start 0] [end (send text last-position)]) (for*/sum ([pos (in-range start (add1 end))]) (if ((char text pos) . char=? . c) 1 0))) (module+ test (check-equal? (count-char t #\f) 1) (check-equal? (count-char t #\o) 2) (check-equal? (count-char t #\o 0 1) 1) (check-equal? (count-char t #\newline) 2)) (define (str->text str) (define t (new text%)) (send t insert-port (open-input-string str)) t) (define (map-indenter indenter t) (for/list ([line-idx (in-range (add1 (send t last-line)))]) (indenter t (line-start t line-idx)))) (define (test-indenter indenter t-or-str) (define t (if (string? t-or-str) (str->text t-or-str) t-or-str)) (list->string (append* (for/list ([line-idx (in-range (add1 (send t last-line)))] [indent (in-list (map-indenter indenter t))]) ;; simulate DrR indentation ;; by dropping leading spaces and applying new indent. (append (make-list (or indent 0) #\space) (dropf (line-chars t line-idx) (λ(x) (x . char=? . #\space))))))))