#lang racket/base (require br/ragg/rules/lexer rackunit parser-tools/lex) (define (l s) (define t (lex/1 (open-input-string s))) (list (token-name (position-token-token t)) (token-value (position-token-token t)) (position-offset (position-token-start-pos t)) (position-offset (position-token-end-pos t)))) ;; WARNING: the offsets are not in terms of file positions. So they ;; start counting at 1, not 0. (check-equal? (l " hi") '(ID "hi" 2 4)) (check-equal? (l " hi") '(ID "hi" 3 5)) (check-equal? (l "hi") '(ID "hi" 1 3)) (check-equal? (l "# foobar\nhi") '(ID "hi" 10 12)) (check-equal? (l "# foobar\rhi") '(ID "hi" 10 12)) (check-equal? (l "# foobar\r\nhi") '(ID "hi" 11 13)) (check-equal? (l "hi:") '(RULE_HEAD "hi:" 1 4)) (check-equal? (l "hi :") '(RULE_HEAD "hi :" 1 7)) (check-equal? (l "|") '(PIPE "|" 1 2)) (check-equal? (l "(") '(LPAREN "(" 1 2)) (check-equal? (l "[") '(LBRACKET "[" 1 2)) (check-equal? (l ")") '(RPAREN ")" 1 2)) (check-equal? (l "]") '(RBRACKET "]" 1 2)) (check-equal? (l "'hello'") '(LIT "'hello'" 1 8)) (check-equal? (l "'he\\'llo'") '(LIT "'he\\'llo'" 1 10))