#lang racket/base (require br/ragg/examples/simple-line-drawing br/ragg/support racket/list parser-tools/lex (prefix-in : parser-tools/lex-sre) rackunit) (define (make-tokenizer ip) (port-count-lines! ip) (define lex (lexer-src-pos [(:+ numeric) (token 'INTEGER (string->number lexeme))] [upper-case (token 'STRING lexeme)] ["b" (token 'STRING " ")] [";" (token ";" lexeme)] [whitespace (token 'WHITESPACE lexeme #:skip? #t)] [(eof) (void)])) (lambda () (lex ip))) (define the-parsed-object-stx (parse (make-tokenizer (open-input-string #<list the-parsed-object-stx)))) (check-equal? (syntax->datum the-parsed-object-stx) '(drawing (rows (repeat 3) (chunk 9 "X") ";") (rows (repeat 6) (chunk 3 " ") (chunk 3 "X") (chunk 3 " ") ";") (rows (repeat 3) (chunk 9 "X") ";"))) (define the-parsed-object (syntax->list the-parsed-object-stx)) (check-equal? (syntax-line the-parsed-object-stx) 1) (check-equal? (syntax-column the-parsed-object-stx) 0) (check-equal? (syntax-position the-parsed-object-stx) 1) (check-equal? (syntax-span the-parsed-object-stx) 28) (check-equal? (length the-parsed-object) 4) (check-equal? (syntax->datum (second the-parsed-object)) '(rows (repeat 3) (chunk 9 "X") ";")) (check-equal? (syntax-line (list-ref the-parsed-object 1)) 1) (check-equal? (syntax->datum (third the-parsed-object)) '(rows (repeat 6) (chunk 3 " ") (chunk 3 "X") (chunk 3 " ") ";")) (check-equal? (syntax-line (list-ref the-parsed-object 2)) 2) (check-equal? (syntax->datum (fourth the-parsed-object)) '(rows (repeat 3) (chunk 9 "X") ";")) (check-equal? (syntax-line (list-ref the-parsed-object 3)) 3) ;; FIXME: add tests to make sure location is as we expect. ;; ;; FIXME: handle the EOF issue better. Something in cfg-parser ;; appears to deviate from parser-tools/yacc with regards to the stop ;; token.