#lang at-exp racket/base (require (for-syntax racket/base racket/match)) ;; adapted from the far superior work of Jay McCarthy ;; https://github.com/jeapostrophe/remix/blob/master/remix/stx0.rkt (provide module/lang module*/lang) (define-syntax (module/lang stx) (do-lang 'module/lang #'module stx)) (define-syntax (module*/lang stx) (do-lang 'module*/lang #'module* stx)) (define-for-syntax (do-lang caller-id module-maker-stx stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ MODULE-NAME . STX-STRS) (identifier? #'MODULE-NAME) (let () (define input-port (syntax-strings->input-port (syntax-source stx) (syntax->list #'STX-STRS))) (define module-body (parameterize ([read-accept-reader #t] [read-accept-lang #t]) (read-syntax #'MODULE-NAME input-port))) (with-handlers ([exn:fail:syntax? (λ (exn) (raise-syntax-error caller-id "body did not read as module" stx module-body))]) (with-syntax ([(_ _ MODULE-LANG . REST) module-body] [MODULE-MAKER module-maker-stx]) (syntax/loc stx (MODULE-MAKER MODULE-NAME MODULE-LANG . REST)))))])) (define-for-syntax (syntax-strings->input-port name first-ss) #;(-> any/c (listof syntax?) input-port?) (unless (and (pair? first-ss) (andmap syntax? first-ss)) (raise-argument-error 'syntax-strings->input-port "list of syntax" first-ss)) (define line 1) (define col 0) (define pos 1) (define current-idx #f) (define current-bs #f) (define next-ss first-ss) (define (consume-ss!) (match next-ss ['() (void)] [(cons ss more-ss) (set! line (syntax-line ss)) (set! col (syntax-column ss)) (set! pos (syntax-position ss)) (set! current-bs (string->bytes/utf-8 (syntax->datum ss))) (set! current-idx 0) (set! next-ss more-ss)])) (consume-ss!) (define (read-in bs) (cond [(not current-bs) (match next-ss ['() eof] [(cons ss more-ss) (consume-ss!) (read-in bs)])] [(< current-idx (bytes-length current-bs)) (define how-many (min (bytes-length bs) (- (bytes-length current-bs) current-idx))) (define end (+ current-idx how-many)) (bytes-copy! bs 0 current-bs current-idx end) (set! current-idx end) (set! col (+ col how-many)) (set! pos (+ pos how-many)) (unless (< current-idx (bytes-length current-bs)) (consume-ss!)) how-many] [else (set! current-bs #f) (read-in bs)])) (define (get-location) (values line col pos)) (parameterize ([port-count-lines-enabled #t]) (make-input-port name read-in #f void #f #f get-location void #f #f))) ;; can't run tests without the underlying languages installed #;(module+ test (require rackunit) @module/lang[pollen-pre]{ #lang pollen ◊whoomp{there it is} } (require 'pollen-pre) (check-equal? doc "'(whoomp \"there it is\")") #| ;; raises "body did not read as module" error @module/lang[pollen-pre]{ ◊whoomp{there it is} } |# @module/lang[brag]{ #lang brag top: /"x" } (require 'brag) (check-equal? (parse-to-datum "x") '(top)) )