#lang reader "reader.rkt" ===VERBS=== north, n "go north" south, s "go south" east, e "go east" west, w "go west" up "go up" down "go down" in, enter "enter" out, leave "leave" get _, grab _, take _ "take" put _, drop _, leave _ "drop" open _, unlock _ "open" close _, lock _ "close" knock _ quit, exit "quit" look, show "look" inventory "check inventory" help save load ===EVERYWHERE=== quit (begin (printf "Bye!\n") (exit)) look (show-current-place) inventory (show-inventory) save (save-game) load (load-game) help (show-help) ===THINGS=== ---cactus--- get "Ouch!" ---door--- open (if (have-thing? key) (begin (set-thing-state! door 'open) "The door is now unlocked and open.") "The door is locked.") close (begin (set-thing-state! door #f) "The door is now closed.") knock "No one is home." ---key--- get (if (have-thing? key) "You already have the key." (begin (take-thing! key) "You now have the key.")) put (if (have-thing? key) (begin (drop-thing! key) "You have dropped the key.") "You don't have the key.") ---trophy--- get (begin (take-thing! trophy) "You win!") ===PLACES=== ---meadow--- "You're standing in a meadow. There is a house to the north." [] north house-front south desert ---house-front--- "You are standing in front of a house." [door] in (if (eq? (thing-state door) 'open) room "The door is not open.") south meadow ---desert--- "You're in a desert. There is nothing for miles around." [cactus, key] north meadow south desert east desert west desert ---room--- "You're in the house." [trophy] out house-front