Matthew Butterick 8 years ago
parent 894c9780d8
commit aef9f8e9ae

@ -172,8 +172,11 @@
(with-syntax ([(translated-clause ...) translated-clauses])
#`[name translated-clause ...]))]))
MB: This function generates the input for the parse tree,
passing it to the two functions in "runtime.rkt".
(require (only-in sugar/debug report report*))
;; translates a single primitive rule clause.
;; A clause is a simple list of ids, lit, vals, and inferred-id elements.
;; The action taken depends on the pattern type.
@ -210,6 +213,7 @@
;; whose head is the name of the inferred rule . We strip that out,
;; leaving the residue to be absorbed.
[(inferred-id val reason)
(report* #'val #'reason)
#'(syntax-case $X ()
[(inferred-rule-name . rest)
(syntax->list #'rest)])]

@ -141,6 +141,10 @@
MB: The next three functions control the appearance of the generated parse tree.
;; We create a syntax using read-syntax; by definition, it should have the
;; original? property set to #t, which we then copy over to syntaxes constructed
;; with atomic-datum->syntax and rule-components->syntax.
@ -152,7 +156,7 @@
;; Helper that does the ugly work in wrapping a datum into a syntax
;; with source location.
(define (atomic-datum->syntax d start-pos end-pos)
(datum->syntax #f d (positions->srcloc start-pos end-pos) stx-with-original?-property))
(syntax-property (datum->syntax #f d (positions->srcloc start-pos end-pos) stx-with-original?-property) 'foo 'atom))
@ -161,10 +165,10 @@
;; The location information of the rule spans that of its components.
(define (rule-components->syntax rule-name/false #:srcloc [srcloc #f] . components)
(define flattened-components (apply append components))
(datum->syntax #f
(syntax-property (datum->syntax #f
(apply append
(datum->syntax #f rule-name/false srcloc stx-with-original?-property))
(syntax-property (datum->syntax #f rule-name/false srcloc stx-with-original?-property) 'foo 'rule-name))
stx-with-original?-property) 'foo 'whole-rule))

@ -14,8 +14,14 @@
(kvpair "message" ":" (json (string "'hello world'")))
(require sugar/debug)
(syntax-property (report (cadr (syntax->list (cadr (syntax->list (parse (list "{"
(token 'ID "message")
(token 'STRING "'hello world'")
"}"))))))) 'foo)
(parse "[[[{}]],[],[[{}]]]"))
'(json (array #\[ (json (array #\[ (json (array #\[ (json (object #\{ #\})) #\])) #\])) #\, (json (array #\[ #\])) #\, (json (array #\[ (json (array #\[ (json (object #\{ #\})) #\])) #\])) #\])))
