move brag

Matthew Butterick 8 years ago
parent 1dc08fbe92
commit 48cd7f0082

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
0. Additional Definitions.
As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
General Public License.
"The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
of using an interface provided by the Library.
A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
2. Conveying Modified Versions.
If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
this License applicable to that copy.
3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License.
b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
4. Combined Works.
You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License.
b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
d) Do one of the following:
0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
Corresponding Source.
1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
for conveying Corresponding Source.)
5. Combined Libraries.
You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
Library side by side in a single library together with other library
facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
choice, if you do both of the following:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
conveyed under the terms of this License.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
conditions either of that published version or of any later version
published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
Beautiful Racket
© 2016 Matthew Butterick
Licensed under the LGPL (see "LGPL.txt")

@ -4,20 +4,31 @@ beautiful-racket [![Build Status](
Resources for the upcoming “Beautiful Racket” book, including:
* `#lang br` teaching language
* `#lang brag` parser generator language (a fork of Danny Yoo's [ragg](
* supporting modules
* sample languages
`raco pkg install beautiful-racket`
`raco pkg update beautiful-racket`
License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Matthew Butterick
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

@ -391,52 +391,6 @@ A special variable only available inside the body of @racket[define-macro] or @r
Like @racket[define-macro], but moves @racket[result-expr] into the lexical context of the calling site. For demonstration purposes only. If you really need to write an unhygienic macro, this is a rather blunt instrument.
@section{Reader utilities}
[read-syntax-proc procedure?]
[source-str string?])
Applies @racket[read-syntax-proc] to @racket[source-str] as if it were being read in from a source file.
(define-read-and-read-syntax (path-id port-id)
reader-result-expr ...+)
For use within a language reader. Automatically @racket[define] and @racket[provide] the @racket[read] and @racket[read-syntax] functions needed for the reader's public interface. @racket[reader-result-expr] can return either a syntax object or a datum (which will be converted to a syntax object).
The generated @racket[read-syntax] function takes two arguments, a path and an input port. It returns a syntax object stripped of all bindings.
The generated @racket[read] function takes one argument, an input port. It calls @racket[read-syntax] and converts the result to a datum.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(module sample-reader racket/base
(require br/reader-utils racket/list)
(define-read-and-read-syntax (path port)
(for/list ([datum (in-port read port)])
(require (prefix-in sample: 'sample-reader))
(define string-port (open-input-string "(+ 2 2) 'hello"))
(sample:read-syntax 'no-path string-port)
(define string-port-2 (open-input-string "(+ 2 2) 'hello"))
(sample:read string-port-2)

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2010-2014 PLT Design Inc.
This package is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public
License (LGPL). This means that you can link this package into proprietary
applications, provided you follow the rules stated in the LGPL. You
can also modify this package; if you distribute a modified version,
you must distribute it under the terms of the LGPL, which in
particular means that you must release the source code for the
modified software. See
for more information.

@ -1,769 +0,0 @@
#lang scribble/doc
@(require scribble/manual scribble/struct scribble/xref scribble/bnf
(for-label scheme/base
(prefix-in : br-parser-tools/lex-sre)
@title{Parser Tools: @exec{lex} and @exec{yacc}-style Parsing (Beautiful Racket edition)}
@author["Scott Owens (99%)" "Matthew Butterick (1%)"]
This documentation assumes familiarity with @exec{lex} and @exec{yacc}
style lexer and parser generators.
@; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@; ----------------------------------------
@subsection{Creating a Lexer}
@defform/subs[#:literals (repetition union intersection complement concatenation
char-range char-complement
eof special special-comment)
(lexer [trigger action-expr] ...)
([trigger re
[re id
(repetition lo hi re)
(union re ...)
(intersection re ...)
(complement re)
(concatenation re ...)
(char-range char char)
(char-complement re)
(id datum ...)])]{
Produces a function that takes an input-port, matches the
@racket[re] patterns against the buffer, and returns the result of
executing the corresponding @racket[action-expr]. When multiple
patterns match, a lexer will choose the longest match, breaking
ties in favor of the rule appearing first.
@margin-note{The implementation of @racketmodname[syntax-color/racket-lexer]
contains a lexer for the @racketmodname[racket] language.
In addition, files in the @filepath{examples} sub-directory
of the @filepath{br-parser-tools} collection contain
simpler example lexers.}
An @racket[re] is matched as follows:
@item{@racket[id] --- expands to the named @deftech{lexer abbreviation};
abbreviations are defined via @racket[define-lex-abbrev] or supplied by modules
like @racketmodname[br-parser-tools/lex-sre].}
@item{@racket[string] --- matches the sequence of characters in @racket[string].}
@item{@racket[character] --- matches a literal @racket[character].}
@item{@racket[(repetition lo hi re)] --- matches @racket[re] repeated between @racket[lo]
and @racket[hi] times, inclusive; @racket[hi] can be @racket[+inf.0] for unbounded repetitions.}
@item{@racket[(union re ...)] --- matches if any of the sub-expressions match}
@item{@racket[(intersection re ...)] --- matches if all of the @racket[re]s match.}
@item{@racket[(complement re)] --- matches anything that @racket[re] does not.}
@item{@racket[(concatenation re ...)] --- matches each @racket[re] in succession.}
@item{@racket[(char-range char char)] --- matches any character between the two (inclusive);
a single character string can be used as a @racket[char].}
@item{@racket[(char-complement re)] --- matches any character not matched by @racket[re].
The sub-expression must be a set of characters @racket[re].}
@item{@racket[(id datum ...)] --- expands the @deftech{lexer macro} named @racket[id]; macros
are defined via @racket[define-lex-trans].}
Note that both @racket[(concatenation)] and @racket[""] match the
empty string, @racket[(union)] matches nothing,
@racket[(intersection)] matches any string, and
@racket[(char-complement (union))] matches any single character.
The regular expression language is not designed to be used directly,
but rather as a basis for a user-friendly notation written with
regular expression macros. For example,
@racketmodname[br-parser-tools/lex-sre] supplies operators from Olin
Shivers's SREs, and @racketmodname[br-parser-tools/lex-plt-v200] supplies
(deprecated) operators from the previous version of this library.
Since those libraries provide operators whose names match other Racket
bindings, such as @racket[*] and @racket[+], they normally must be
imported using a prefix:
(require (prefix-in : br-parser-tools/lex-sre))
The suggested prefix is @racket[:], so that @racket[:*] and
@racket[:+] are imported. Of course, a prefix other than @racket[:]
(such as @racket[re-]) will work too.
Since negation is not a common operator on regular expressions, here
are a few examples, using @racket[:] prefixed SRE syntax:
@item{@racketblock0[(complement "1")]
Matches all strings except the string @racket["1"], including
@racket["11"], @racket["111"], @racket["0"], @racket["01"],
@racket[""], and so on.}
@item{@racketblock0[(complement (:* "1"))]
Matches all strings that are not sequences of @racket["1"],
including @racket["0"], @racket["00"], @racket["11110"],
@racket["0111"], @racket["11001010"] and so on.}
@item{@racketblock0[(:& (:: any-string "111" any-string)
(complement (:or (:: any-string "01") (:+ "1"))))]
Matches all strings that have 3 consecutive ones, but not those that
end in @racket["01"] and not those that are ones only. These
include @racket["1110"], @racket["0001000111"] and @racket["0111"]
but not @racket[""], @racket["11"], @racket["11101"], @racket["111"]
and @racket["11111"].}
@item{@racketblock0[(:: "/*" (complement (:: any-string "*/" any-string)) "*/")]
Matches Java/C block comments. @racket["/**/"],
@racket["/******/"], @racket["/*////*/"], @racket["/*asg4*/"] and so
on. It does not match @racket["/**/*/"], @racket["/* */ */"] and so
on. @racket[(:: any-string "*/" any-string)] matches any string
that has a @racket["*/"] in is, so @racket[(complement (:: any-string "*/"
any-string))] matches any string without a @racket["*/"] in it.}
@item{@racketblock0[(:: "/*" (:* (complement "*/")) "*/")]
Matches any string that starts with @racket["/*"] and ends with
@racket["*/"], including @racket["/* */ */ */"].
@racket[(complement "*/")] matches any string except @racket["*/"].
This includes @racket["*"] and @racket["/"] separately. Thus
@racket[(:* (complement "*/"))] matches @racket["*/"] by first
matching @racket["*"] and then matching @racket["/"]. Any other
string is matched directly by @racket[(complement "*/")]. In other
words, @racket[(:* (complement "xx"))] = @racket[any-string]. It is
usually not correct to place a @racket[:*] around a
The following binding have special meaning inside of a lexer
@item{@racket[start-pos] --- a @racket[position] struct for the first character matched.}
@item{@racket[end-pos] --- a @racket[position] struct for the character after the last character in the match.}
@item{@racket[lexeme] --- the matched string.}
@item{@racket[input-port] --- the input-port being
processed (this is useful for matching input with multiple
@item{@racket[(return-without-pos x)] and @racket[(return-without-srcloc x)] are functions (continuations) that
immediately return the value of @racket[x] from the lexer. This useful
in a src-pos or src-loc lexer to prevent the lexer from adding source
information. For example:
(define get-token
((comment) (get-token input-port))
would wrap the source location information for the comment around
the value of the recursive call. Using
@racket[((comment) (return-without-srcloc (get-token input-port)))]
will cause the value of the recursive call to be returned without
wrapping position around it.}
The lexer raises an @racket[exn:fail:read] exception if none of the
regular expressions match the input. Hint: If @racket[(any-char
_custom-error-behavior)] is the last rule, then there will always
be a match, and @racket[_custom-error-behavior] is executed to
handle the error situation as desired, only consuming the first
character from the input buffer.
In addition to returning characters, input
ports can return @racket[eof-object]s. Custom input ports can
also return a @racket[special-comment] value to indicate a
non-textual comment, or return another arbitrary value (a
special). The non-@racket[re] @racket[trigger] forms handle these
@item{The @racket[(eof)] rule is matched when the input port
returns an @racket[eof-object] value. If no @racket[(eof)]
rule is present, the lexer returns the symbol @racket['eof]
when the port returns an @racket[eof-object] value.}
@item{The @racket[(special-comment)] rule is matched when the
input port returns a @racket[special-comment] structure. If no
@racket[special-comment] rule is present, the lexer
automatically tries to return the next token from the input
@item{The @racket[(special)] rule is matched when the input
port returns a value other than a character,
@racket[eof-object], or @racket[special-comment] structure. If
no @racket[(special)] rule is present, the lexer returns
End-of-files, specials, special-comments and special-errors cannot
be parsed via a rule using an ordinary regular expression
(but dropping down and manipulating the port to handle them
is possible in some situations).
Since the lexer gets its source information from the port, use
@racket[port-count-lines!] to enable the tracking of line and
column information. Otherwise, the line and column information
will return @racket[#f].
When peeking from the input port raises an exception (such as by
an embedded XML editor with malformed syntax), the exception can
be raised before all tokens preceding the exception have been
Each time the racket code for a lexer is compiled (e.g. when a
@filepath{.rkt} file containing a @racket[lexer] form is loaded),
the lexer generator is run. To avoid this overhead place the
lexer into a module and compile the module to a @filepath{.zo}
bytecode file.}
@defform[(lexer-src-pos (trigger action-expr) ...)]{
Like @racket[lexer], but for each @racket[_action-result] produced by
an @racket[action-expr], returns @racket[(make-position-token
_action-result start-pos end-pos)] instead of simply
@defform[(lexer-srcloc (trigger action-expr) ...)]{
Like @racket[lexer], but for each @racket[_action-result] produced by
an @racket[action-expr], returns @racket[(make-srcloc-token
_action-result lexeme-srcloc)] instead of simply
Use of these names outside of a @racket[lexer] action is a syntax
@defstruct[position ([offset exact-positive-integer?]
[line exact-positive-integer?]
[col exact-nonnegative-integer?])]{
Instances of @racket[position] are bound to @racket[start-pos] and
@racket[end-pos]. The @racket[offset] field contains the offset of
the character in the input. The @racket[line] field contains the
line number of the character. The @racket[col] field contains the
offset in the current line.}
@defstruct[position-token ([token any/c]
[start-pos position?]
[end-pos position?])]{
Lexers created with @racket[lexer-src-pos] return instances of @racket[position-token].}
@defstruct[srcloc-token ([token any/c]
[srcloc srcloc?])]{
Lexers created with @racket[lexer-srcloc] return instances of @racket[srcloc-token].}
@defparam[file-path source any/c]{
A parameter that the lexer uses as the source location if it
raises a @racket[exn:fail:read] error. Setting this parameter allows
DrRacket, for example, to open the file containing the error.}
@defparam[lexer-file-path source any/c]{
Alias for @racket[file-path].}
@; ----------------------------------------
@subsection{Lexer Abbreviations and Macros}
@defform[(char-set string)]{
A @tech{lexer macro} that matches any character in @racket[string].}
@defidform[any-char]{A @tech{lexer abbreviation} that matches any character.}
@defidform[any-string]{A @tech{lexer abbreviation} that matches any string.}
@defidform[nothing]{A @tech{lexer abbreviation} that matches no string.}
@tech{Lexer abbreviations} that match @racket[char-alphabetic?]
characters, @racket[char-lower-case?] characters, etc.}
@defform[(define-lex-abbrev id re)]{
Defines a @tech{lexer abbreviation} by associating a regular
expression to be used in place of the @racket[id] in other
regular expression. The definition of name has the same scoping
properties as a other syntactic binding (e.g., it can be exported
from a module).}
@defform[(define-lex-abbrevs (id re) ...)]{
Like @racket[define-lex-abbrev], but defines several @tech{lexer
@defform[(define-lex-trans id trans-expr)]{
Defines a @tech{lexer macro}, where @racket[trans-expr] produces a
transformer procedure that takes one argument. When @racket[(id
_datum ...)] appears as a regular expression, it is replaced with
the result of applying the transformer to the expression.}
@; ----------------------------------------
@subsection{Lexer SRE Operators}
@; Put the docs in a macro, so that we can bound the scope of
@; the import of `*', etc.:
@(define-syntax-rule (lex-sre-doc)
(require (for-label br-parser-tools/lex-sre))
@defform[(* re ...)]{
Repetition of @racket[re] sequence 0 or more times.}
@defform[(+ re ...)]{
Repetition of @racket[re] sequence 1 or more times.}
@defform[(? re ...)]{
Zero or one occurrence of @racket[re] sequence.}
@defform[(= n re ...)]{
Exactly @racket[n] occurrences of @racket[re] sequence, where
@racket[n] must be a literal exact, non-negative number.}
@defform[(>= n re ...)]{
At least @racket[n] occurrences of @racket[re] sequence, where
@racket[n] must be a literal exact, non-negative number.}
@defform[(** n m re ...)]{
Between @racket[n] and @racket[m] (inclusive) occurrences of
@racket[re] sequence, where @racket[n] must be a literal exact,
non-negative number, and @racket[m] must be literally either
@racket[#f], @racket[+inf.0], or an exact, non-negative number; a
@racket[#f] value for @racket[m] is the same as @racket[+inf.0].}
@defform[(or re ...)]{
Same as @racket[(union re ...)].}
@defform[(: re ...)]
@defform[(seq re ...)]
Both forms concatenate the @racket[re]s.}
@defform[(& re ...)]{
Intersects the @racket[re]s.}
@defform[(- re ...)]{
The set difference of the @racket[re]s.}
@defform[(~ re ...)]{
Character-set complement, which each @racket[re] must match exactly
one character.}
@defform[(/ char-or-string ...)]{
Character ranges, matching characters between successive pairs of
@; ----------------------------------------
@subsection{Lexer Legacy Operators}
@(define-syntax-rule (lex-v200-doc)
(require (for-label br-parser-tools/lex-plt-v200))
@t{The @racketmodname[br-parser-tools/lex-plt-v200] module re-exports
@racket[*], @racket[+], @racket[?], and @racket[&] from
@racketmodname[br-parser-tools/lex-sre]. It also re-exports
@racket[:or] as @racket[:], @racket[::] as @racket[|@|], @racket[:~]
as @racket[^], and @racket[:/] as @racket[-].}
A @tech{lexer macro} that matches an empty sequence.}
@defform[(~ re ...)]{
The same as @racket[(complement re ...)].})))
@; ----------------------------------------
Each @racket[_action-expr] in a @racket[lexer] form can produce any
kind of value, but for many purposes, producing a @deftech{token}
value is useful. Tokens are usually necessary for inter-operating with
a parser generated by @racket[br-parser-tools/parser], but tokens may not
be the right choice when using @racket[lexer] in other situations.
@defform[(define-tokens group-id (token-id ...))]{
Binds @racket[group-id] to the group of tokens being defined. For
each @racket[token-id], a function
@racketidfont{token-}@racket[token-id] is created that takes any
value and puts it in a token record specific to @racket[token-id].
The token value is inspected using @racket[token-id] and
A token cannot be named @racketidfont{error}, since
@racketidfont{error} it has special use in the parser.}
@defform[(define-empty-tokens group-id (token-id ...) )]{
Like @racket[define-tokens], except a each token constructor
@racketidfont{token-}@racket[token-id] takes no arguments and returns
@racket[(@#,racket[quote] token-id)].}
@defproc[(token-name [t (or/c token? symbol?)]) symbol?]{
Returns the name of a token that is represented either by a symbol
or a token structure.}
@defproc[(token-value [t (or/c token? symbol?)]) any/c]{
Returns the value of a token that is represented either by a symbol
or a token structure, returning @racket[#f] for a symbol token.}
@defproc[(token? [v any/c]) boolean?]{
Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[val] is a
token structure, @racket[#f] otherwise.}
@; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@section{LALR(1) Parsers}
@defform/subs[#:literals (grammar tokens start end precs src-pos
suppress debug yacc-output prec)
(parser clause ...)
([clause (grammar (non-terminal-id
((grammar-id ...) maybe-prec expr)
(tokens group-id ...)
(start non-terminal-id ...)
(end token-id ...)
(@#,racketidfont{error} expr)
(precs (assoc token-id ...) ...)
(debug filename)
(yacc-output filename)]
[maybe-prec code:blank
(prec token-id)]
[assoc left right nonassoc])]{
Creates a parser. The clauses may be in any order, as long as there
are no duplicates and all non-@italic{OPTIONAL} declarations are
@item{@racketblock0[(grammar (non-terminal-id
((grammar-id ...) maybe-prec expr)
Declares the grammar to be parsed. Each @racket[grammar-id] can
be a @racket[token-id] from a @racket[group-id] named in a
@racket[tokens] declaration, or it can be a
@racket[non-terminal-id] declared in the @racket[grammar]
declaration. The optional @racket[prec] declaration works with
the @racket[precs] declaration. The @racket[expr] is a
``semantic action,'' which is evaluated when the input is found
to match its corresponding production.
Each action is Racket code that has the same scope as its
parser's definition, except that the variables @racket[$1], ...,
@racketidfont{$}@math{i} are bound, where @math{i} is the number
of @racket[grammar-id]s in the corresponding production. Each
@racketidfont{$}@math{k} is bound to the result of the action
for the @math{k}@superscript{th} grammar symbol on the right of
the production, if that grammar symbol is a non-terminal, or the
value stored in the token if the grammar symbol is a terminal.
If the @racket[src-pos] option is present in the parser, then
variables @racket[$1-start-pos], ...,
@racketidfont{$}@math{i}@racketidfont{-start-pos} and
@racket[$1-end-pos], ...,
@racketidfont{$}@math{i}@racketidfont{-end-pos} and are also
available, and they refer to the position structures
corresponding to the start and end of the corresponding
@racket[grammar-symbol]. Grammar symbols defined as empty-tokens
have no @racketidfont{$}@math{k} associated, but do have
@racketidfont{$}@math{k}@racketidfont{-start-pos} and
Also @racketidfont{$n-start-pos} and @racketidfont{$n-end-pos}
are bound to the largest start and end positions, (i.e.,
@racketidfont{$}@math{i}@racketidfont{-start-pos} and
An @deftech{error production} can be defined by providing
a production of the form @racket[(error α)], where α is a
string of grammar symbols, possibly empty.
All of the productions for a given non-terminal must be grouped
with it. That is, no @racket[non-terminal-id] may appear twice
on the left hand side in a parser.}
@item{@racket[(tokens group-id ...)]
Declares that all of the tokens defined in each
@racket[group-id]---as bound by @racket[define-tokens] or
@racket[define-empty-tokens]---can be used by the parser in the
@racket[grammar] declaration.}
@item{@racket[(start non-terminal-id ...)]
Declares a list of starting non-terminals for the grammar.}
@item{@racket[(end token-id ...)]
Specifies a set of tokens from which some member must follow any
valid parse. For example, an EOF token would be specified for a
parser that parses entire files and a newline token for a parser
that parses entire lines individually.}
@item{@racket[(@#,racketidfont{error} expr)]
The @racket[expr] should evaluate to a function which will be
executed for its side-effect whenever the parser encounters an
If the @racket[src-pos] declaration is present, the function
should accept 5 arguments,:
@racketblock[(lambda (tok-ok? tok-name tok-value _start-pos _end-pos)
Otherwise it should accept 3:
@racketblock[(lambda (tok-ok? tok-name tok-value)
The first argument will be @racket[#f] if and only if the error
is that an invalid token was received. The second and third
arguments will be the name and the value of the token at which
the error was detected. The fourth and fifth arguments, if
present, provide the source positions of that token.}
@item{@racket[(precs (assoc token-id ...) ...)]
Precedence declarations to resolve shift/reduce and
reduce/reduce conflicts as in @exec{yacc}/@exec{bison}. An
@racket[assoc] must be one of @racket[left], @racket[right] or
@racket[nonassoc]. States with multiple shift/reduce or
reduce/reduce conflicts (or some combination thereof) are not
resolved with precedence.}
@item{@racket[(src-pos)] @italic{OPTIONAL}
Causes the generated parser to expect input in the form
@racket[(make-position-token _token _start-pos _end-pos)] instead
of simply @racket[_token]. Include this option when using the
parser with a lexer generated with @racket[lexer-src-pos].}
@item{@racket[(debug filename)] @italic{OPTIONAL}
Causes the parser generator to write the LALR table to the file
named @racket[filename] (unless the file exists), where
@racket[filename] is a literal string. Additionally, if a debug
file is specified, when a running generated parser encounters a
parse error on some input file, after the user specified error
expression returns, the complete parse stack is printed to
assist in debugging the grammar of that particular parser. The
numbers in the stack printout correspond to the state numbers in
the LALR table file.}
@item{@racket[(yacc-output filename)] @italic{OPTIONAL}
Causes the parser generator to write a grammar file in
approximately the syntax of @exec{yacc}/@exec{bison}. The file
might not be a valid @exec{yacc} file, because the Racket
grammar can use symbols that are invalid in C.}
@item{@racket[(suppress)] @italic{OPTIONAL}
Causes the parser generator not to report shift/reduce or
reduce/reduce conflicts.}
The result of a @racket[parser] expression with one @racket[start]
non-terminal is a function, @racket[_parse], that takes one
argument. This argument must be a zero argument function,
@racket[_gen], that produces successive tokens of the input each
time it is called. If desired, the @racket[_gen] may return
symbols instead of tokens, and the parser will treat symbols as
tokens of the corresponding name (with @racket[#f] as a value, so
it is usual to return symbols only in the case of empty tokens).
The @racket[_parse] function returns the value associated with the
parse tree by the semantic actions. If the parser encounters an
error, after invoking the supplied error function, it will try to
use @tech{error production}s to continue parsing. If it cannot, it
raises @racket[exn:fail:read].
If multiple non-terminals are provided in @racket[start], the
@racket[parser] expression produces a list of parsing functions,
one for each non-terminal in the same order. Each parsing function
is like the result of a parser expression with only one
@racket[start] non-terminal,
Each time the Racket code for a @racket[parser] is compiled
(e.g. when a @filepath{.rkt} file containing a @racket[parser] form
is loaded), the parser generator is run. To avoid this overhead
place the parser into a module and compile the module to a
@filepath{.zo} bytecode file.}
@section{Context-Free Parsers}
@defmodule[br-parser-tools/cfg-parser]{The @racketmodname[br-parser-tools/cfg-parser]
library provides a parser generator that is an alternative to that of
@defform/subs[#:literals (grammar tokens start end precs src-pos
suppress debug yacc-output prec)
(cfg-parser clause ...)
([clause (grammar (non-terminal-id
((grammar-id ...) maybe-prec expr)
(tokens group-id ...)
(start non-terminal-id ...)
(end token-id ...)
(@#,racketidfont{error} expr)
Creates a parser similar to that of @racket[parser]. Unlike @racket[parser],
@racket[cfg-parser], can consume arbitrary and potentially ambiguous context-free
grammars. Its interface is a subset of @racketmodname[br-parser-tools/yacc], with
the following differences:
@item{@racket[(start non-terminal-id)]
Unlike @racket[parser], @racket[cfg-parser] only allows for
a single non-terminal-id.}
@item{The @racket[cfg-parser] form does not support the @racket[precs],
@racket[suppress], @racket[debug], or @racket[yacc-output]
options of @racket[parser].}
@; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@section{Converting @exec{yacc} or @exec{bison} Grammars}
@defproc[(trans [file path-string?]) any/c]{
Reads a C @exec{yacc}/@exec{bison} grammar from @racket[file] and
produces an s-expression that represents a Racket parser for use with
This function is intended to assist in the manual conversion of
grammars for use with @racket[parser], and not as a fully automatic
conversion tool. It is not entirely robust. For example, if the C
actions in the original grammar have nested blocks, the tool will fail.
Annotated examples are in the @filepath{examples} subdirectory of the
@filepath{br-parser-tools} collection.}
@; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
#lang info
(define scribblings '(("br-parser-tools.scrbl" (multi-page) (parsing-library))))

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#lang info
(define collection 'multi)
(define deps '("base"))
(define build-deps '("scheme-lib"
(define update-implies '("br-parser-tools-lib"))
(define pkg-desc "documentation part of \"br-parser-tools\"")
(define pkg-authors '(mflatt))

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2010-2014 PLT Design Inc.
This package is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public
License (LGPL). This means that you can link this package into proprietary
applications, provided you follow the rules stated in the LGPL. You
can also modify this package; if you distribute a modified version,
you must distribute it under the terms of the LGPL, which in
particular means that you must release the source code for the
modified software. See
for more information.

@ -1,982 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
;; This module implements a parser form like the br-parser-tools's
;; `parser', except that it works on an arbitrary CFG (returning
;; the first sucecssful parse).
;; I'm pretty sure that this is an implementation of Earley's
;; algorithm.
;; To a first approximation, it's a backtracking parser. Alternative
;; for a non-terminal are computed in parallel, and multiple attempts
;; to compute the same result block until the first one completes. If
;; you get into deadlock, such as when trying to match
;; <foo> := <foo>
;; then it means that there's no successful parse, so everything
;; that's blocked fails.
;; A cache holds the series of results for a particular non-terminal
;; at a particular starting location. (A series is used, instead of a
;; sinlge result, for backtracking.) Otherwise, the parser uses
;; backtracking search. Backtracking is implemented through explicit
;; success and failure continuations. Multiple results for a
;; particular nonterminal and location are kept only when they have
;; different lengths. (Otherwise, in the spirit of finding one
;; successful parse, only the first result is kept.)
;; The br-parser-tools's `parse' is used to transform tokens in the
;; grammar to tokens specific to this parser. In other words, this
;; parser uses `parser' so that it doesn't have to know anything about
;; tokens.
(require br-parser-tools/yacc
(require (for-syntax racket/base
(provide cfg-parser)
;; A raw token, wrapped so that we can recognize it:
(define-struct tok (name orig-name val start end))
;; Represents the thread scheduler:
(define-struct tasks (active active-back waits multi-waits cache progress?))
(define-for-syntax make-token-identifier-mapping make-hasheq)
(define-for-syntax token-identifier-mapping-get
[(t tok)
(hash-ref t (syntax-e tok))]
[(t tok fail)
(hash-ref t (syntax-e tok) fail)]))
(define-for-syntax token-identifier-mapping-put!
(lambda (t tok v)
(hash-set! t (syntax-e tok) v)))
(define-for-syntax token-identifier-mapping-map
(lambda (t f)
(hash-map t f)))
;; Used to calculate information on the grammar, such as whether
;; a particular non-terminal is "simple" instead of recursively defined.
(define-for-syntax (nt-fixpoint nts proc nt-ids patss)
(define (ormap-all val f as bs)
[(null? as) val]
[else (ormap-all (or (f (car as) (car bs)) val)
(cdr as) (cdr bs))]))
(let loop ()
(when (ormap-all #f
(lambda (nt pats)
(let ([old (bound-identifier-mapping-get nts nt)])
(let ([new (proc nt pats old)])
(if (equal? old new)
(bound-identifier-mapping-put! nts nt new)
nt-ids patss)
;; Tries parse-a followed by parse-b. If parse-a is not simple,
;; then after parse-a succeeds once, we parallelize parse-b
;; and trying a second result for parse-a.
(define (parse-and simple-a? parse-a parse-b
stream last-consumed-token depth end success-k fail-k
max-depth tasks)
(letrec ([mk-got-k
(lambda (success-k fail-k)
(lambda (val stream last-consumed-token depth max-depth tasks next1-k)
(if simple-a?
(parse-b val stream last-consumed-token depth end
(mk-got2-k success-k fail-k next1-k)
(mk-fail2-k success-k fail-k next1-k)
max-depth tasks)
(lambda (success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(parse-b val stream last-consumed-token depth end
success-k fail-k
max-depth tasks))
(lambda (success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(next1-k (mk-got-k success-k fail-k)
fail-k max-depth tasks))
success-k fail-k max-depth tasks))))]
(lambda (success-k fail-k next1-k)
(lambda (val stream last-consumed-token depth max-depth tasks next-k)
(success-k val stream last-consumed-token depth max-depth tasks
(lambda (success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(next-k (mk-got2-k success-k fail-k next1-k)
(mk-fail2-k success-k fail-k next1-k)
max-depth tasks)))))]
(lambda (success-k fail-k next1-k)
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
(next1-k (mk-got-k success-k fail-k)
(parse-a stream last-consumed-token depth end
(mk-got-k success-k fail-k)
max-depth tasks)))
;; Parallel or for non-terminal alternatives
(define (parse-parallel-or parse-a parse-b stream last-consumed-token depth end success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(parallel-or (lambda (success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(parse-a stream last-consumed-token depth end success-k fail-k max-depth tasks))
(lambda (success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(parse-b stream last-consumed-token depth end success-k fail-k max-depth tasks))
success-k fail-k max-depth tasks))
;; Generic parallel-or
(define (parallel-or parse-a parse-b success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(define answer-key (gensym))
(letrec ([gota-k
(lambda (val stream last-consumed-token depth max-depth tasks next-k)
(report-answer answer-key
(list val stream last-consumed-token depth next-k)))]
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
(report-answer answer-key
(let* ([tasks (queue-task
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
(parse-a gota-k
max-depth tasks)))]
[tasks (queue-task
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
(parse-b gota-k
max-depth tasks)))]
[queue-next (lambda (next-k tasks)
(queue-task tasks
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
(next-k gota-k
max-depth tasks))))])
(letrec ([mk-got-one
(lambda (immediate-next? get-nth success-k)
(lambda (val stream last-consumed-token depth max-depth tasks next-k)
(let ([tasks (if immediate-next?
(queue-next next-k tasks)
(success-k val stream last-consumed-token depth max-depth
(lambda (success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(let ([tasks (if immediate-next?
(queue-next next-k tasks))])
(get-nth max-depth tasks success-k fail-k)))))))]
(lambda (max-depth tasks success-k fail-k)
(wait-for-answer #f max-depth tasks answer-key
(mk-got-one #t get-first success-k)
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
(get-second max-depth tasks success-k fail-k))
(lambda (max-depth tasks success-k fail-k)
(wait-for-answer #f max-depth tasks answer-key
(mk-got-one #f get-second success-k)
fail-k #f))])
(get-first max-depth tasks success-k fail-k)))))
;; Non-terminal alternatives where the first is "simple" can be done
;; sequentially, which is simpler
(define (parse-or parse-a parse-b
stream last-consumed-token depth end success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(letrec ([mk-got-k
(lambda (success-k fail-k)
(lambda (val stream last-consumed-token depth max-depth tasks next-k)
(success-k val stream last-consumed-token depth
max-depth tasks
(lambda (success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(next-k (mk-got-k success-k fail-k)
(mk-fail-k success-k fail-k)
max-depth tasks)))))]
(lambda (success-k fail-k)
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
(parse-b stream last-consumed-token depth end success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)))])
(parse-a stream last-consumed-token depth end
(mk-got-k success-k fail-k)
(mk-fail-k success-k fail-k)
max-depth tasks)))
;; Starts a thread
(define queue-task
(lambda (tasks t [progress? #t])
(make-tasks (tasks-active tasks)
(cons t (tasks-active-back tasks))
(tasks-waits tasks)
(tasks-multi-waits tasks)
(tasks-cache tasks)
(or progress? (tasks-progress? tasks)))))
;; Reports an answer to a waiting thread:
(define (report-answer answer-key max-depth tasks val)
(let ([v (hash-ref (tasks-waits tasks) answer-key (lambda () #f))])
(if v
(let ([tasks (make-tasks (cons (v val)
(tasks-active tasks))
(tasks-active-back tasks)
(tasks-waits tasks)
(tasks-multi-waits tasks)
(tasks-cache tasks)
(hash-remove! (tasks-waits tasks) answer-key)
(swap-task max-depth tasks))
;; We have an answer ready too fast; wait
(swap-task max-depth
(queue-task tasks
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
(report-answer answer-key max-depth tasks val))
;; Reports an answer to multiple waiting threads:
(define (report-answer-all answer-key max-depth tasks val k)
(let ([v (hash-ref (tasks-multi-waits tasks) answer-key (lambda () null))])
(hash-remove! (tasks-multi-waits tasks) answer-key)
(let ([tasks (make-tasks (append (map (lambda (a) (a val)) v)
(tasks-active tasks))
(tasks-active-back tasks)
(tasks-waits tasks)
(tasks-multi-waits tasks)
(tasks-cache tasks)
(k max-depth tasks))))
;; Waits for an answer; if `multi?' is #f, this is sole waiter, otherwise
;; there might be many. Use wither #t or #f (and `report-answer' or
;; `report-answer-all', resptively) consistently for a particular answer key.
(define (wait-for-answer multi? max-depth tasks answer-key success-k fail-k deadlock-k)
(let ([wait (lambda (val)
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
(if val
(if (null? val)
(fail-k max-depth tasks)
(let-values ([(val stream last-consumed-token depth next-k) (apply values val)])
(success-k val stream last-consumed-token depth max-depth tasks next-k)))
(deadlock-k max-depth tasks))))])
(if multi?
(hash-set! (tasks-multi-waits tasks) answer-key
(cons wait (hash-ref (tasks-multi-waits tasks) answer-key
(lambda () null))))
(hash-set! (tasks-waits tasks) answer-key wait))
(let ([tasks (make-tasks (tasks-active tasks)
(tasks-active-back tasks)
(tasks-waits tasks)
(tasks-multi-waits tasks)
(tasks-cache tasks)
(swap-task max-depth tasks))))
;; Swap thread
(define (swap-task max-depth tasks)
;; Swap in first active:
(if (null? (tasks-active tasks))
(if (tasks-progress? tasks)
(swap-task max-depth
(make-tasks (reverse (tasks-active-back tasks))
(tasks-waits tasks)
(tasks-multi-waits tasks)
(tasks-cache tasks)
;; No progress, so issue failure for all multi-waits
(if (zero? (hash-count (tasks-multi-waits tasks)))
(error 'swap-task "Deadlock")
(swap-task max-depth
(make-tasks (apply
(hash-map (tasks-multi-waits tasks)
(lambda (k l)
(map (lambda (v) (v #f)) l))))
(tasks-active-back tasks)
(tasks-waits tasks)
(tasks-cache tasks)
(let ([t (car (tasks-active tasks))]
[tasks (make-tasks (cdr (tasks-active tasks))
(tasks-active-back tasks)
(tasks-waits tasks)
(tasks-multi-waits tasks)
(tasks-cache tasks)
(tasks-progress? tasks))])
(t max-depth tasks))))
;; Finds the symbolic representative of a token class
(define-for-syntax (map-token toks tok)
(car (token-identifier-mapping-get toks tok)))
(define no-pos-val (make-position #f #f #f))
(define-for-syntax no-pos
(let ([npv ((syntax-local-certifier) #'no-pos-val)])
(lambda (stx) npv)))
(define-for-syntax at-tok-pos
(lambda (sel expr)
(lambda (stx)
#`(let ([v #,expr]) (if v (#,sel v) no-pos-val)))))
;; Builds a matcher for a particular alternative
(define-for-syntax (build-match nts toks pat handle $ctx)
(let loop ([pat pat]
[pos 1])
(if (null? pat)
#`(success-k #,handle stream last-consumed-token depth max-depth tasks
(lambda (success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(fail-k max-depth tasks)))
(let ([id (datum->syntax (car pat)
(string->symbol (format "$~a" pos)))]
[id-start-pos (datum->syntax (car pat)
(string->symbol (format "$~a-start-pos" pos)))]
[id-end-pos (datum->syntax (car pat)
(string->symbol (format "$~a-end-pos" pos)))]
[n-end-pos (and (null? (cdr pat))
(datum->syntax (car pat) '$n-end-pos))])
[(bound-identifier-mapping-get nts (car pat) (lambda () #f))
;; Match non-termimal
;; First part is simple? (If so, we don't have to parallelize the `and'.)
#,(let ([l (bound-identifier-mapping-get nts (car pat) (lambda () #f))])
(or (not l)
(andmap values (caddr l))))
#,(car pat)
(let ([original-stream stream])
(lambda (#,id stream last-consumed-token depth end success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(let-syntax ([#,id-start-pos (at-tok-pos #'(if (eq? original-stream stream)
#'(if (eq? original-stream stream)
(and (pair? original-stream)
(car original-stream))))]
[#,id-end-pos (at-tok-pos #'tok-end #'last-consumed-token)]
#,@(if n-end-pos
#`([#,n-end-pos (at-tok-pos #'tok-end #'last-consumed-token)])
#,(loop (cdr pat) (add1 pos)))))
stream last-consumed-token depth
#,(let ([cnt (apply +
(map (lambda (item)
[(bound-identifier-mapping-get nts item (lambda () #f))
=> (lambda (l) (car l))]
[else 1]))
(cdr pat)))])
#`(- end #,cnt))
success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)]
;; Match token
(let ([tok-id (map-token toks (car pat))])
#`(if (and (pair? stream)
(eq? '#,tok-id (tok-name (car stream))))
(let* ([stream-a (car stream)]
[#,id (tok-val stream-a)]
[last-consumed-token (car stream)]
[stream (cdr stream)]
[depth (add1 depth)])
(let ([max-depth (max max-depth depth)])
(let-syntax ([#,id-start-pos (at-tok-pos #'tok-start #'stream-a)]
[#,id-end-pos (at-tok-pos #'tok-end #'stream-a)]
#,@(if n-end-pos
#`([#,n-end-pos (at-tok-pos #'tok-end #'stream-a)])
#,(loop (cdr pat) (add1 pos)))))
(fail-k max-depth tasks)))])))))
;; Starts parsing to match a non-terminal. There's a minor
;; optimization that checks for known starting tokens. Otherwise,
;; use the cache, block if someone else is already trying the match,
;; and cache the result if it's computed.
;; The cache maps nontermial+startingpos+iteration to a result, where
;; the iteration is 0 for the first match attempt, 1 for the second,
;; etc.
(define (parse-nt/share key min-cnt init-tokens stream last-consumed-token depth end max-depth tasks success-k fail-k k)
(if (and (positive? min-cnt)
(pair? stream)
(not (memq (tok-name (car stream)) init-tokens)))
;; No such leading token; give up
(fail-k max-depth tasks)
;; Run pattern
(let loop ([n 0]
[success-k success-k]
[fail-k fail-k]
[max-depth max-depth]
[tasks tasks]
[k k])
(let ([answer-key (gensym)]
[table-key (vector key depth n)]
[old-depth depth]
[old-stream stream])
#;(printf "Loop ~a\n" table-key)
[(hash-ref (tasks-cache tasks) table-key (lambda () #f))
=> (lambda (result)
#;(printf "Reuse ~a\n" table-key)
(result success-k fail-k max-depth tasks))]
#;(printf "Try ~a ~a\n" table-key (map tok-name stream))
(hash-set! (tasks-cache tasks) table-key
(lambda (success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
#;(printf "Wait ~a ~a\n" table-key answer-key)
(wait-for-answer #t max-depth tasks answer-key success-k fail-k
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
#;(printf "Deadlock ~a ~a\n" table-key answer-key)
(fail-k max-depth tasks)))))
(let result-loop ([max-depth max-depth][tasks tasks][k k])
(letrec ([orig-stream stream]
(lambda (val stream last-consumed-token depth max-depth tasks next-k)
;; Check whether we already have a result that consumed the same amount:
(let ([result-key (vector #f key old-depth depth)])
[(hash-ref (tasks-cache tasks) result-key (lambda () #f))
;; Go for the next-result
(result-loop max-depth
(lambda (end max-depth tasks success-k fail-k)
(next-k success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)))]
#;(printf "Success ~a ~a\n" table-key
(map tok-name (let loop ([d old-depth][s old-stream])
(if (= d depth)
(cons (car s) (loop (add1 d) (cdr s)))))))
(let ([next-k (lambda (success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(loop (add1 n)
(lambda (end max-depth tasks success-k fail-k)
(next-k success-k fail-k max-depth tasks))))])
(hash-set! (tasks-cache tasks) result-key #t)
(hash-set! (tasks-cache tasks) table-key
(lambda (success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(success-k val stream last-consumed-token depth max-depth tasks next-k)))
(report-answer-all answer-key
(list val stream last-consumed-token depth next-k)
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
(success-k val stream last-consumed-token depth max-depth tasks next-k))))])))]
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
#;(printf "Failure ~a\n" table-key)
(hash-set! (tasks-cache tasks) table-key
(lambda (success-k fail-k max-depth tasks)
(fail-k max-depth tasks)))
(report-answer-all answer-key
(lambda (max-depth tasks)
(fail-k max-depth tasks))))])
(k end max-depth tasks new-got-k new-fail-k)))])))))
(define-syntax (cfg-parser stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ clause ...)
(let ([clauses (syntax->list #'(clause ...))])
(let-values ([(start grammar cfg-error parser-clauses src-pos?)
(let ([all-toks (apply
(map (lambda (clause)
(syntax-case clause (tokens)
[(tokens t ...)
(map (lambda (t)
(let ([v (syntax-local-value t (lambda () #f))])
[(terminals-def? v)
(map (lambda (v)
(cons v #f))
(syntax->list (terminals-def-t v)))]
[(e-terminals-def? v)
(map (lambda (v)
(cons v #t))
(syntax->list (e-terminals-def-t v)))]
[else null])))
(syntax->list #'(t ...))))]
[_else null]))
[all-end-toks (apply
(map (lambda (clause)
(syntax-case clause (end)
[(end t ...)
(syntax->list #'(t ...))]
[_else null]))
(let loop ([clauses clauses]
[cfg-start #f]
[cfg-grammar #f]
[cfg-error #f]
[src-pos? #f]
[parser-clauses null])
(if (null? clauses)
(values cfg-start
(reverse parser-clauses)
(syntax-case (car clauses) (start error grammar src-pos)
[(start tok)
(loop (cdr clauses) #'tok cfg-grammar cfg-error src-pos? parser-clauses)]
[(error expr)
(loop (cdr clauses) cfg-start cfg-grammar #'expr src-pos? parser-clauses)]
[(grammar [nt [pat handle0 handle ...] ...] ...)
(let ([nts (make-bound-identifier-mapping)]
[toks (make-token-identifier-mapping)]