add `syntax-property` annotations to parse tree

Matthew Butterick 8 years ago
parent 281bd09e25
commit 157787a99f

@ -158,21 +158,32 @@ This would be the place to check a syntax property for hiding.
(datum->syntax #f d (positions->srcloc start-pos end-pos) stx-with-original?-property))
(require sugar/debug)
;; rule-components->syntax: (U symbol false) (listof stx) ... #:srcloc (U #f (list src line column offset span)) -> stx
;; Creates an stx out of the rule name and its components.
;; The location information of the rule spans that of its components.
(define (rule-components->syntax rule-name/false #:srcloc [srcloc #f] #:hide-or-splice? [hide-or-splice #f] . componentss)
(define (remove-rule-name cs) (cdr (syntax->list cs)))
(define (remove-rule-name cs)
;; when removing a rule name, we apply it as a syntax property to the remaining elements
;; for possible later usage (aka, why throw away information)
;; todo: distinguish hiding and splicing behavior.
;; when hiding, returned list should be a syntaxed list with the property.
;; when splicing, returned list should be a regualr list, with each element having the property.
(let* ([cs-list (syntax->list cs)]
[rule-name (syntax->datum (car cs-list))]
[elements (cdr cs-list)])
(map (λ(e) (syntax-property e rule-name #t)) elements)))
(define spliced-componentss
(apply append
(for/list ([css (in-list componentss)])
[(and (pair? css) (eq? (syntax-property (car css) 'hide-or-splice) 'hide))
(list (remove-rule-name (car css)))] ; hidden version still contained in sublist
(list (remove-rule-name (car css)))] ; hidden version still contained in `list`
[(and (pair? css) (or (eq? (syntax-property (car css) 'hide-or-splice) 'splice)
(syntax-property (car css) 'splice-rh-id)))
(remove-rule-name (car css))] ; spliced version is "unlisted"
(remove-rule-name (car css))] ; spliced version is "delisted"
[else css])))))
(datum->syntax #f

@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
(parse (list "{"
(define parse-result (parse (list "{"
(token 'ID "message")
(token 'STRING "'hello world'")
'(json ":"))
(check-equal? (syntax->datum parse-result) '(json ":"))
(define syntaxed-colon (cadr (syntax->list parse-result)))
(check-true (syntax-property syntaxed-colon 'kvpair))
