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#lang br
(require racket/list (for-syntax br/syntax) racket/splicing "bus-properties.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
9 years ago
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(define (bitwise-bit-set x bit)
(if (not (bitwise-bit-set? x bit))
(bitwise-ior x (expt 2 bit))
(define (bitwise-bit-unset x bit)
(if (bitwise-bit-set? x bit)
(bitwise-and x (bitwise-not (expt 2 bit)))
(module+ test
(define x-bitset (string->number "1011" 2)) ; decimal 11
(check-true (bitwise-bit-set? x-bitset 0))
(check-true (bitwise-bit-set? x-bitset 1))
(check-false (bitwise-bit-set? x-bitset 2))
(check-true (bitwise-bit-set? x-bitset 3))
(set! x-bitset (bitwise-bit-set x-bitset 2))
(check-true (bitwise-bit-set? x-bitset 2))
(set! x-bitset (bitwise-bit-unset x-bitset 2))
(check-false (bitwise-bit-set? x-bitset 2)))
(define (bus-range start [finish start])
(range start (add1 finish)))
9 years ago
(define (integer->bitvals int width)
(reverse (for/list ([i (in-range width)])
(bitwise-bit-field int i (add1 i)))))
7 years ago
(define max-bus-width 16)
(define default-bus-width 1)
9 years ago
(define (check-bit-against-width bus-name bit width)
(unless (< bit width)
(raise-argument-error bus-name (format "bit less than bus width ~a" width) bit)))
(define (check-val-against-width bus-name val width)
(when (and val (> val (sub1 (expt 2 width))))
(raise-argument-error bus-name
(format "~a-bit value (0 to ~a inclusive)" width (sub1 (expt 2 width))) val)))
(define (make-bus-reader reader-name width)
(define-cases bus-reader-func
[(_ id-thunk-val) (bus-reader-func id-thunk-val 0 (sub1 width))]
[(_ id-thunk-val bit) (bus-reader-func id-thunk-val bit bit)]
[(_ id-thunk-val first-bit last-bit)
(unless (<= first-bit last-bit)
(raise-argument-error reader-name (format "last bit greater than or equal to first bit ~a" first-bit) last-bit))
(check-bit-against-width reader-name first-bit width)
(check-bit-against-width reader-name last-bit width)
(bitwise-bit-field id-thunk-val first-bit (add1 last-bit))])
(procedure-rename bus-reader-func reader-name))
(define (make-bus-writer writer-name width)
(define-cases bus-writer-func
[(_ id-thunk-val) (raise-argument-error writer-name "new value" empty)]
[(_ id-thunk-val new-val-in)
(define new-val (cond
[(boolean? new-val-in)
(if new-val-in (sub1 (expt 2 width)) 0)]
[(or (input-bus? new-val-in) (output-bus? new-val-in)) (new-val-in)]
[else new-val-in]))
(check-val-against-width writer-name new-val width)
[(_ id-thunk-val bit new-val) (bus-writer-func id-thunk-val bit bit new-val)]
[(_ id-thunk-val first-bit last-bit new-val-in)
(define bit-range-width (add1 (- last-bit first-bit)))
(define new-val (cond
[(boolean? new-val-in)
(if new-val-in (sub1 (expt 2 bit-range-width)) 0)]
[(or (input-bus? new-val-in) (output-bus? new-val-in)) (new-val-in)]
[else new-val-in]))
(unless (<= first-bit last-bit)
(raise-argument-error writer-name (format "last bit greater than or equal to first bit ~a" first-bit) last-bit))
(check-bit-against-width writer-name first-bit width)
(check-bit-against-width writer-name last-bit width)
(check-val-against-width writer-name new-val bit-range-width)
(define last-val
(for/fold ([val id-thunk-val])
([bit (in-range first-bit (add1 last-bit))]
[new-bit-val (in-list (integer->bitvals new-val bit-range-width))])
((if (= 1 new-bit-val) bitwise-bit-set bitwise-bit-unset) val bit)))
base bus:
+ can read all, or bits
+ every read invokes a thunk
9 years ago
(define-macro-cases define-base-bus
8 years ago
[(_ ID THUNK) #'(define-base-bus ID THUNK default-bus-width)]
9 years ago
8 years ago
([ID-THUNK (suffix-id #'ID "-val")]
[BUS-TYPE (or (syntax-property caller-stx 'impersonate) #'bus)])
#`(splicing-let ([ID-THUNK THUNK]
[bus-width BUS-WIDTH-IN])
9 years ago
(define ID
(unless (<= bus-width max-bus-width)
7 years ago
(raise-argument-error 'ID (format "bus width <= max width ~a" max-bus-width) bus-width))
9 years ago
7 years ago
(let ([reader (make-bus-reader 'ID bus-width)])
8 years ago
(procedure-rename (λ args (apply reader (ID-THUNK) args)) (string->symbol (format "~a:~a-bit" 'ID bus-width))))
8 years ago
#f BUS-TYPE #t)))
9 years ago
#,(when (syntax-property caller-stx 'writer)
8 years ago
([ID-WRITE (suffix-id #'ID "-write")])
#'(define ID-WRITE
9 years ago
(let ([writer (make-bus-writer 'id-write bus-width)])
(λ args
8 years ago
(define result (apply writer (ID-THUNK) args))
(set! ID-THUNK (λ () result)))))))))])
9 years ago
(module+ test
(define-base-bus bb (λ () #b0110) 4)
(check-true (bus? bb))
(check-false (input-bus? bb))
(check-false (output-bus? bb))
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (define-base-bus bb (λ () #b0110) 17) bb)) ; exceeds 16-bit width
(check-equal? (bb) #b0110)
(check-equal? (bb 0) #b0)
(check-equal? (bb 1) #b1)
(check-equal? (bb 2) #b1)
(check-equal? (bb 3) #b0)
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (bb 5))) ; exceeds bus width
(check-equal? (bb 0 1) #b10)
(check-equal? (bb 1 2) #b11)
(check-equal? (bb 2 3) #b01)
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (bb 3 2))) ; inverted bus spec
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (bb 5 10))) ; exceeds bus width
output bus:
+ thunk is a runtime computation
+ cannot write
8 years ago
(define-macro (define-output-bus . ARGS)
(syntax-property #'(define-base-bus . ARGS) 'impersonate #'output-bus))
9 years ago
(module+ test
(define-output-bus ob (λ () #b0110) 4)
(check-false (bus? ob))
(check-false (input-bus? ob))
(check-true (output-bus? ob))
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (define-base-bus ob (λ () #b0110) 17) ob)) ; exceeds 16-bit width
(check-equal? (ob) #b0110)
(check-equal? (ob 0) #b0)
(check-equal? (ob 1) #b1)
(check-equal? (ob 2) #b1)
(check-equal? (ob 3) #b0)
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (ob 5))) ; exceeds bus width
(check-equal? (ob 0 1) #b10)
(check-equal? (ob 1 2) #b11)
(check-equal? (ob 2 3) #b01)
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (ob 3 2))) ; inverted bus spec
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (ob 5 10))) ; exceeds bus width
input bus:
+ thunk returns a constant
+ identifies itself as input bus
+ can write all, or bits
9 years ago
(define-macro-cases define-input-bus
8 years ago
#'(MACRO-NAME ID default-bus-width)]
8 years ago
(syntax-property #'(define-base-bus ID (λ () 0) BUS-WIDTH)
'impersonate #'input-bus)
'writer #t)])
(module+ test
(define-input-bus ib 4)
(check-false (bus? ib))
(check-false (output-bus? ib))
(check-true (input-bus? ib))
7 years ago
#;(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (define-input-bus ib 17) ib)) ; exceeds 16-bit width
(check-equal? (ib) 0)
(ib-write 11) ; set whole value
(check-equal? (ib) 11)
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (ib-write #b11111))) ; overflow
(ib-write 2 1) ; set bit
(check-equal? (ib) #b1111)
(ib-write 0 #b0) ; set bit
(ib-write 1 #b0) ; set bit
(ib-write 2 #b0) ; set bit
(check-equal? (ib) #b1000)
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (ib-write 5 1 #b0))) ; last index smaller than first
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (ib-write 1 300 #b0))) ; overlarge bit index
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (ib-write 300 500 #b0))) ; overlarge bit index
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (ib-write 1 #b11111))) ; overflow value
(ib-write 0)
(ib-write 1 2 #b11)
(check-equal? (ib) #b0110)
(ib-write 3 3 #b1)
(ib-write 0 0 #b1)
(check-equal? (ib) #b1111)
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (ib-write 0 300 #b0))) ; overlarge bit index
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (ib-write 1 1 #b11111))) ; overflow value
(ib-write 0)
(ib-write 1 2 #t) ; using #t to fill certain bits
(check-equal? (ib) #b0110)
(ib-write 2 2 #f) ; using #f to fill certain bits
(check-equal? (ib) #b0010)
(ib-write 0)
(ib-write #t) ; using #t to fill all bits
(check-equal? (ib) #b1111)
(ib-write #f) ; using #f to fill all bits
(check-equal? (ib) #b0000)
(ib-write 1 #t)
(check-equal? (ib) 2)
(ib-write 1 #f)
(check-equal? (ib) 0)
(ib-write 2 1)
(check-equal? (ib) 4)
(ib-write 2 0)
(check-equal? (ib) 0)
(ib-write 1 2 #t)
(check-equal? (ib) 6)
(ib-write 2 3 #t)
(check-equal? (ib) 14)
(ib-write 0 2 #f)
(check-equal? (ib) 8)
(ib-write #b1011)
(check-equal? (ib) 11)
(define-input-bus ib2 4)
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (ib2-write 16))) ; overflow value
(ib2-write #b1100)
9 years ago
(ib-write ib2) ; using bus as input value
(check-equal? (ib) (ib2))
9 years ago