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#lang br
9 years ago
(require parser-tools/lex parser-tools/lex-sre
(provide tokenize)
9 years ago
(natural (repetition 1 +inf.0 numeric))
;; don't lex the leading "-": muddles "-X" and "Y-X"
(number (union (seq natural)
(seq (? natural) (seq "." natural))))
9 years ago
(quoted-string (seq "\"" (repetition 0 +inf.0 (char-complement "\"")) "\"")))
9 years ago
(define (tokenize input-port)
(define (next-token)
(define get-token
8 years ago
9 years ago
[(eof) eof]
[(seq "/*" (complement (seq any-string "*/" any-string)) "*/") (get-token input-port)]
8 years ago
[(union #\tab #\space #\newline
(seq number " REM" (repetition 0 +inf.0 (char-complement #\newline)) #\newline)) (get-token input-port)]
8 years ago
[(union "PRINT" "print" "FOR" "for" "TO" "to" "STEP" "step" "IF" "if"
"GOTO" "goto" "INPUT" "input" "LET" "let" "NEXT" "next"
"RETURN" "return" "CLEAR" "clear" "LIST" "list" "RUN" "run"
"END" "end" "THEN" "then" "ELSE" "else" "GOSUB" "gosub"
"AND" "and" "OR" "or" "STOP" "stop" "LET" "let" "DEF" "def" "DIM" "dim" "ON" "on"
";" "=" "(" ")" "+" "-" "*" "/" "^"
"<=" ">=" "<>" "<" ">" "=" ":" ",") (string-downcase lexeme)]
9 years ago
[number (token 'NUMBER (string->number lexeme))]
[(seq upper-case (repetition 0 +inf.0 (or upper-case numeric)) (? "$")) (token 'ID (string->symbol lexeme))]
9 years ago
[quoted-string (token 'STRING (string-trim lexeme "\""))]))
(get-token input-port))