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25 lines
871 B

8 years ago
#lang br
(require "line.rkt" "struct.rkt")
(provide run)
(define (run line-table)
(define line-vec
(list->vector (sort (hash-keys line-table) <)))
(with-handlers ([end-program-signal? (λ (exn-val) (void))])
(for/fold ([line-idx 0])
([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (>= line-idx (vector-length line-vec)))
(define line-num (vector-ref line-vec line-idx))
(define line-func (hash-ref line-table line-num))
(λ (cls)
(define clsv (change-line-signal-val cls))
(and (exact-positive-integer? clsv)
(vector-member clsv line-vec))
(error (format "error in line ~a: line ~a not found"
line-num clsv))))])
(add1 line-idx)))))