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8 years ago
#lang br
(require "struct.rkt" "expr.rkt")
8 years ago
(provide b-rem b-print b-let b-input b-import b-export b-repl)
8 years ago
(define (b-rem val) (void))
(define (b-print . vals)
(displayln (string-append* (map ~a vals))))
(define-macro (b-let ID VAL) #'(set! ID VAL))
(define-macro (b-input ID)
#'(b-let ID (let* ([str (read-line)]
[num (string->number (string-trim str))])
(or num str))))
8 years ago
(define-macro (b-import NAME) #'(void))
8 years ago
8 years ago
(define-macro (b-export NAME) #'(void))
8 years ago
8 years ago
(define-macro (b-repl . ALL-INPUTS)
([INPUTS (pattern-case-filter #'ALL-INPUTS
[(b-print . PRINT-ARGS)
#'(b-print . PRINT-ARGS)]
[(b-expr . EXPR-ARGS)
#'(b-print (b-expr . EXPR-ARGS))]
[(b-let ID VAL)
#'(define ID VAL)]
[(b-def FUNC-ID VAR-ID ... EXPR)
#'(define (FUNC-ID VAR-ID ...) EXPR)]
#'(error 'invalid-repl-input)])])
8 years ago
#'(begin . INPUTS)))