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8 years ago
#lang br
(require "lexer.rkt" brag/support)
8 years ago
(provide basic-colorer)
8 years ago
8 years ago
(define (basic-colorer port)
(define (handle-lexer-error excn)
(define excn-srclocs (exn:fail:read-srclocs excn))
(srcloc-token (token 'ERROR) (car excn-srclocs)))
(define srcloc-tok
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:read? handle-lexer-error])
(basic-lexer port)))
8 years ago
(match srcloc-tok
[(? eof-object?) (values srcloc-tok 'eof #f #f #f)]
8 years ago
(token-struct type val _ _ _ _ _)
(srcloc _ _ _ posn span)) srcloc-tok)
(define start posn)
(define end (+ start span))
(match-define (list cat paren)
(match type
['STRING '(string #f)]
['REM '(comment #f)]
['ERROR '(error #f)]
[else (match val
[(? number?)'(constant #f)]
[(? symbol?) '(symbol #f)]
["(" '(parenthesis |(|)]
[")" '(parenthesis |)|)]
[else '(no-color #f)])]))
(values val cat paren start end)]))