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93 lines
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8 years ago
#lang racket/base
(require racket/contract/base
(require racket/list)
(define (syntax->string c)
(let* ([s (open-output-string)]
[l (syntax->list c)]
[init-col (or (syntax-column (first l)) 0)]
[col init-col]
[line (or (syntax-line (first l)) 0)])
(define (advance c init-line!)
(let ([c (syntax-column c)]
[l (syntax-line c)])
(when (and l (l . > . line))
(for-each (λ (_) (newline)) (range (- l line)))
(set! line l)
(when c
(display (make-string (max 0 (- c col)) #\space))
(set! col c))))
(parameterize ([current-output-port s]
[read-case-sensitive #t])
(define (loop init-line!)
(lambda (c)
[(eq? 'code:blank (syntax-e c))
(advance c init-line!)]
[(eq? '_ (syntax-e c)) (void)]
[(eq? '... (syntax-e c))
[(and (pair? (syntax-e c))
(eq? (syntax-e (car (syntax-e c))) 'code:comment))
(advance c init-line!)
(printf "; ")
(display (syntax-e (cadr (syntax->list c))))]
[(and (pair? (syntax-e c))
(eq? (syntax-e (car (syntax-e c))) 'code:contract))
(advance c init-line!)
(printf "; ")
(let* ([l (cdr (syntax->list c))]
[s-col (or (syntax-column (first l)) col)])
(set! col s-col)
(for-each (loop (lambda ()
(set! col s-col)
(printf "; ")))
[(and (pair? (syntax-e c))
(eq? (syntax-e (car (syntax-e c))) 'quote))
(advance c init-line!)
(printf "'")
(let ([i (cadr (syntax->list c))])
(set! col (or (syntax-column i) col))
((loop init-line!) i))]
[(pair? (syntax-e c))
(advance c init-line!)
(define c-paren-shape (syntax-property c 'paren-shape))
(printf (format "~a" (or c-paren-shape #\()))
(set! col (+ col 1))
(map (loop init-line!) (syntax->list c))
(printf (case c-paren-shape
[(#\[) "]"]
[(#\{) "}"]
[else ")"]))
(set! col (+ col 1))]
[(vector? (syntax-e c))
(advance c init-line!)
(printf "#(")
(set! col (+ col 2))
(map (loop init-line!) (vector->list (syntax-e c)))
(printf ")")
(set! col (+ col 1))]
(advance c init-line!)
(let ([s (format "~s" (syntax-e c))])
(set! col (+ col (string-length s)))
(display s))])))
(for-each (loop (lambda () (set! col init-col))) l))
(get-output-string s)))
(provide/contract [syntax->string (-> (and/c syntax? stx-list?)
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (syntax->string
#'((define (f x)
[+ x x])
(define (g x)
(* x x)))) "(define (f x)\n [+ x x])\n\n(define (g x)\n (* x x))"))