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9 years ago
#lang br
9 years ago
(define (split-bytes val)
9 years ago
[(zero? val) (list 0)]
(define-values (bytes residual)
(for/fold ([bytes empty][residual val])
([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (zero? residual))
(define m (modulo residual 16))
(values (cons m bytes) (arithmetic-shift residual -4))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
9 years ago
(check-equal? (split-bytes #x2B45) (list #x2 #xB #x4 #x5))
(check-equal? (split-bytes #xCD) (list #xC #xD))
(check-equal? (split-bytes #xA) (list #xA))
(check-equal? (split-bytes #x0) (list #x0)))
9 years ago
9 years ago
(define (join-bytes bytes)
9 years ago
(for/sum ([b (in-list (reverse bytes))]
[i (in-naturals)])
(* b (expt 16 i))))
(module+ test
9 years ago
(check-equal? #x2B45 (join-bytes (list #x2 #xB #x4 #x5)))
(check-equal? #xCD (join-bytes (list #xC #xD)))
(check-equal? #xA (join-bytes (list #xA)))
(check-equal? #x0 (join-bytes (list #x0))))
9 years ago
9 years ago
(define-macro (define-memory-vector ID [FIELD LENGTH SIZE] ...)
([(PREFIXED-ID ...) (prefix-id #'ID "-" #'(FIELD ...))]
[(PREFIXED-ID-REF ...) (suffix-id #'(PREFIXED-ID ...) "-ref")]
[(PREFIXED-ID-SET! ...) (suffix-id #'(PREFIXED-ID ...) "-set!")]
[(FIELD-OFFSET ...) (reverse (cdr
(for/fold ([accum-stxs (list #'0)])
([len-size-stx (in-list (syntax->list #'((LENGTH SIZE) ...)))])
(cons (with-pattern
([accum (car accum-stxs)]
[(len size) len-size-stx])
#'(+ (* len size) accum)) accum-stxs))))])
(define ID (make-vector (+ (* LENGTH SIZE) ...)))
(define (PREFIXED-ID-REF idx)
(unless (< idx LENGTH)
(raise-argument-error 'PREFIXED-ID-REF (format "index less than field length ~a" LENGTH) idx))
9 years ago
9 years ago
(for/list ([i (in-range SIZE)])
(vector-ref ID (+ FIELD-OFFSET i idx)))))
(define (PREFIXED-ID-SET! idx val)
(unless (< idx LENGTH)
(raise-argument-error 'PREFIXED-ID-SET! (format "index less than field length ~a" LENGTH) idx))
(unless (< val (expt 16 SIZE))
(raise-argument-error 'PREFIXED-ID-SET! (format "value less than field size ~a" (expt 16 SIZE)) val))
(for ([i (in-range SIZE)]
9 years ago
[b (in-list (split-bytes val))])
9 years ago
(vector-set! ID (+ FIELD-OFFSET i idx) b))) ...)))
9 years ago
9 years ago
(define-memory-vector chip8
9 years ago
[opcode 1 2] ; two bytes
[memory 4096 1] ; one byte per
[V 16 1] ; one byte per
9 years ago
[I 2 1] ; index register, 0x000 to 0xFFF (1.5 bytes)
[pc 2 1] ; program counter, 0x000 to 0xFFF (1.5 bytes)
9 years ago
[gfx (* 64 32) 1] ; pixels
[delay_timer 1 1]
[sound_timer 1 1]
[stack 16 2] ; 2 bytes each
9 years ago
[sp 1 2] ; stack pointer
9 years ago
[key 16 1]) ; keys
9 years ago
;; Set up render system and register input callbacks
;(setup-graphics chip8)
;(setup-input chip8)
9 years ago
;; Initialize the Chip8 system and load the game into the memory
#;(define (initialize c)
;; Initialize registers and memory once
9 years ago
;(initialize chip8)
;(load-game chip8 "pong")
9 years ago
#;(define (emulate-cycle c)
; // Fetch Opcode
; // Decode Opcode
; // Execute Opcode
; // Update timers
9 years ago
;; Emulation loop
#;(let loop ()
;; Emulate one cycle
(emulate-cycle chip8)
;; If the draw flag is set, update the screen
(when (draw-flag? chip8)
(draw-graphics chip8))
;; Store key press state (Press and Release)
(set-keys chip8)