You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

41 lines
855 B

#lang ragg
txtadv-program : [verb-section] [everywhere-section] [things-section] places-section start-section
verb-section : "===VERBS===" verb-item+
verb-item : verb-name+ desc
verb-name : [","] ID ["_"]
everywhere-section : "===EVERYWHERE===" everywhere-item+
everywhere-item : ID desc
things-section : "===THINGS===" thing-item+
thing-item : thing-id thing-action+
thing-id : DASHED-NAME
thing-action : ID desc
places-section : "===PLACES===" place-item+
place-item : place-id place-descrip place-items place-action+
place-id : DASHED-NAME
place-descrip : STRING ; place-desc is already used in expander
place-items : "[" place-name* "]" ; place-things is already used
place-name : [","] ID
place-action : ID desc
start-section : "===START===" place-name
desc : s-exp
s-exp : ID | STRING | ("(" | "[" | "{") s-exp* (")" | "]" | "}")