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#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base br/syntax racket/syntax) syntax/strip-context racket/function)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (->syntax x)
(if (syntax? x) x (datum->syntax #f x)))
(define (context stx)
(hash-ref (syntax-debug-info stx) 'context))
(define-syntax-rule (scopes stx)
(format "~a = ~a" 'stx
(cons (syntax->datum stx)
(for/list ([scope (in-list (context stx))])
(define (syntax-find stx stx-or-datum)
(unless (syntax? stx)
(raise-argument-error 'syntax-find "not given syntax object as first argument" stx))
(define datum
(cond [(syntax? stx-or-datum) (syntax->datum stx-or-datum)]
[(symbol? stx-or-datum) stx-or-datum]
[else (raise-argument-error 'syntax-find "not given syntax or datum as second argument" stx-or-datum)]))
(let/ec exit
(let loop ([so stx])
[(eq? (syntax->datum so) datum) (exit so)]
[(syntax->list so) => (curry map loop)]))))
(define-syntax (define-scope stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ id)
#'(define-scope id ())]
[(_ id scope-ids)
(with-syntax ([id-sis (suffix-id #'id "-sis")]
[add-id (prefix-id "add-" #'id)]
[flip-id (prefix-id "flip-" #'id)]
[id-binding-form (suffix-id #'id "-binding-form")]
[define-id (prefix-id "define-" #'id)]
[with-id-identifiers (infix-id "with-" #'id "-identifiers")]
[let-id-syntax (infix-id "let-" #'id "-syntax")]
[with-id-binding-form (infix-id "with-" #'id "-binding-form")]
[remove-id (prefix-id "remove-" #'id)]
[id? (suffix-id #'id "?")]
[id* (suffix-id #'id "*")]
8 years ago
[(scope-id-sis ...) (suffix-id #'scope-ids "-sis")])
(define id-sis
(let ([sis-in (list scope-id-sis ...)])
(if (pair? sis-in)
(apply append sis-in)
(let ([si (make-syntax-introducer #t)])
(list (procedure-rename (curryr si 'add) 'add-id)
(procedure-rename (curryr si 'flip) 'flip-id)
(procedure-rename (curryr si 'remove) 'remove-id)))))))
(define add-id (λ(x) ((apply compose1 (map car id-sis)) (->syntax x))))
(define flip-id (λ(x) ((apply compose1 (map cadr id-sis)) (->syntax x))))
(define remove-id (λ(x) ((apply compose1 (map caddr id-sis)) (->syntax x))))
(define (id x) (add-id (datum->syntax #f (syntax-e (->syntax x)))))
(define (id-binding-form x) (syntax-local-introduce (id x)))
(define (id* x) (replace-context (add-id (datum->syntax #f '_)) (->syntax x)))
(define (id? x)
(member (car (context (add-id (datum->syntax #f '_))))
(context (->syntax x)))
(define-syntax-rule (with-id-identifiers (name (... ...)) . body)
(with-syntax ([name (id* 'name)] (... ...)) . body))
(define-syntax-rule (with-id-binding-form (name (... ...)) . body)
(with-syntax ([name (id-binding-form 'name)] (... ...)) . body))
(define-syntax-rule (let-id-syntax ([pat val] (... ...)) . body)
(let-syntax ([pat (id* val)] (... ...)) . body))))]))
(define (scopes-equal? stxl stxr)
;; "A bound-identifier=? comparison checks that two identifiers have exactly the same scope sets"
(bound-identifier=? (datum->syntax stxl '_) (datum->syntax stxr '_)))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define-scope red)
(define stx (datum->syntax #f 'x))
(define red-stx (add-red stx))
(define double-red-stx (add-red (add-red stx)))
(check-false (red? stx))
(check-true (red? red-stx))
(check-true (red? double-red-stx))
(check-false (scopes-equal? stx red-stx))
(check-true (scopes-equal? red-stx double-red-stx))
(check-false (scopes-equal? red-stx (remove-red double-red-stx)))
(define-scope blue) ; scope addition is commutative
(define blue-stx (blue stx))
(check-true (scopes-equal? (add-blue red-stx) (add-red blue-stx)))
(check-true (scopes-equal? (remove-red (add-blue red-stx)) (remove-red (add-red blue-stx))))
(define-scope green) ; replace scopes at outer layer
(check-true (scopes-equal? (green red-stx) (green blue-stx)))
;; replace scopes everywhere
(check-true (scopes-equal? (car (syntax->list (green* #`(#,blue-stx #,red-stx))))
(car (syntax->list (green* #`(#,red-stx #,blue-stx))))))
;; todo: test flipping
(define-scope purple (red blue))
(check-true (purple? (add-purple stx)))
(check-true (scopes-equal? (purple (green stx)) (add-blue (remove-green (add-red (add-green (add-blue stx))))))))
(define-syntax (with-scopes stx)
(syntax-case stx (syntax)
[(_ (scope-id) (syntax expr))
(with-syntax ([add-scope-id (format-id #'scope-id "add-~a" #'scope-id)])
#'(add-scope-id expr))]))