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9 years ago
#lang scribble/manual
8 years ago
@(require (for-label racket/base racket/contract br))
8 years ago
@(require scribble/eval)
@(define my-eval (make-base-eval))
8 years ago
@(my-eval `(require br racket/stxparam))
8 years ago
9 years ago
@title[#:style 'toc]{Beautiful Racket}
@author[(author+email "Matthew Butterick" "")]
8 years ago
@link[""]{@italic{Beautiful Racket}} is a book about making programming languages with Racket.
9 years ago
This library provides the @tt{#lang br} teaching language used in the book, as well as supporting modules that can be used in other programs.
8 years ago
This library is designed to smooth over some of the small idiosyncrasies and inconsistencies in Racket, so that those new to Racket are more likely to say ``ah, that makes sense'' rather than ``huh? what?''
9 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
@section{The @tt{br} language(s)}
8 years ago
9 years ago
8 years ago
9 years ago
8 years ago
@defform[(while cond body ...)]{
Loop over @racket[body] as long as @racket[cond] is not @racket[#f]. If @racket[cond] starts out @racket[#f], @racket[body] is never evaluated.
8 years ago
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(let ([x 42])
(while (positive? x)
(set! x (- x 1)))
(let ([x 42])
(while (negative? x)
8 years ago
9 years ago
8 years ago
@defform[(until cond body ...)]{
Loop over @racket[body] until @racket[cond] is not @racket[#f]. If @racket[cond] starts out not @racket[#f], @racket[body] is never evaluated.
8 years ago
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(let ([x 42])
(until (zero? x)
(set! x (- x 1)))
(let ([x 42])
(until (= 42 x)
8 years ago
9 years ago
8 years ago
A @defterm{datum} is a literal representation of a single unit of Racket code, also known as an @defterm{S-expression}. Unlike a string, a datum preserves the internal structure of the S-expression. Meaning, if the S-expression is a single value, or list-shaped, or tree-shaped, so is its corresponding datum.
8 years ago
Datums are made with @racket[quote] or its equivalent notation, the @litchar{'} prefix (see @secref["quote" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/guide/guide.scrbl")]).
When I use ``datum'' in its specific Racket sense, I use ``datums'' as its plural rather than ``data'' because that term has an existing, more generic meaning.
9 years ago
[datum-form (or/c list? symbol?)]
8 years ago
[val any/c?] ...)
(or/c list? symbol?)]{
8 years ago
Similar to @racket[format], but the template @racket[datum-form] is a datum, rather than a string, and the function returns a datum, rather than a string. Otherwise, the same formatting escapes can be used in the template (see @racket[fprintf]).
8 years ago
Two special cases. First, a string that describes a list of datums is parenthesized so the result is a single datum. Second, an empty string returns @racket[void] (not @racket[#f], because that's a legitimate datum).
9 years ago
8 years ago
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(format-datum '42)
(format-datum '~a "foo")
(format-datum '(~a ~a) "foo" 42)
(format-datum '~a "foo bar zam")
(void? (format-datum '~a ""))
(format-datum '~a #f)
8 years ago
8 years ago
[datum-form (or/c list? symbol?)]
8 years ago
[vals (listof any/c?)] ...)
(listof (or/c list? symbol?))]{
8 years ago
Like @racket[format-datum], but applies @racket[datum-form] to the lists of @racket[vals] in similar way to @racket[map], where values for the format string are taken from the lists of @racket[vals] in parallel. This means that a) @racket[datum-form] must accept as many arguments as there are lists of @racket[vals], and b) the lists of @racket[vals] must all have the same number of items.
8 years ago
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(format-datums '~a '("foo" "bar" "zam"))
(format-datums '(~a 42) '("foo" "bar" "zam"))
(format-datums '(~a ~a) '("foo" "bar" "zam") '(42 43 44))
(format-datums '42 '("foo" "bar" "zam"))
(format-datums '(~a ~a) '("foo" "bar" "zam") '(42))
8 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
(report expr)
(report expr maybe-name)
8 years ago
Print the name and value of @racket[expr] to @racket[current-error-port], but also return the evaluated result of @racket[expr] as usual. This lets you see the value of an expression or variable at runtime without disrupting any of the surrounding code. Optionally, you can use @racket[maybe-name] to change the name shown in @racket[current-error-port].
8 years ago
For instance, suppose you wanted to see how @racket[first-condition?] was being evaluted in this expression:
(if (and (first-condition? x) (second-condition? x))
You can wrap it in @racket[report] and find out:
(if (and (report (first-condition? x)) (second-condition? x))
This code will run the same way as before. But when it reaches @racket[first-condition?], you willl see in @racket[current-error-port]:
@racketerror{(first-condition? x) = #t}
You can also add standalone calls to @racket[report] as a debugging aid at points where the return value will be irrelevant, for instance:
(report x x-before-function)
(if (and (report (first-condition? x)) (second-condition? x))
@racketerror{x-before-function = 42
@(linebreak)(first-condition? x) = #t}
8 years ago
But be careful — in the example below, the result of the @racket[if] expression will be skipped in favor of the last expression, which will be the value of @racket[x]:
8 years ago
(if (and (report (first-condition? x)) (second-condition? x))
(report x)]
@defform[(report* expr ...)]
8 years ago
Apply @racket[report] separately to each @racket[expr] in the list.
8 years ago
@defform*[((report-datum stx-expr) (report-datum stx-expr maybe-name))]
A variant of @racket[report] for use with @secref["stx-obj" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/guide/guide.scrbl")]. Rather than print the whole object (as @racket[report] would), @racket[report-datum] prints only the datum inside the syntax object, but the return value is the whole syntax object.
8 years ago
9 years ago
8 years ago
(define-cases id
[pat body ...+] ...+)
8 years ago
Define a function that behaves differently depending on how many arguments are supplied (also known as @seclink["Evaluation_Order_and_Arity" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/guide/guide.scrbl")]{@italic{arity}}). Like @racket[cond], you can have any number of branches. Each branch starts with a @racket[_pat] that accepts a certain number of arguments. If the current invocation of the function matches the number of arguments in @racket[_pat], then the @racket[_body] on the right-hand side is evaluated. If there is no matching case, an arity error arises. (Derived from @racket[case-lambda], whose notation you might prefer.)
8 years ago
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define-cases f
[(f arg1) (* arg1 arg1)]
[(f arg1 arg2) (* arg1 arg2)]
[(f arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4) (* arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4)])
(f 4)
(f 6 7)
(f 1 2 3 4)
(f "three" "arguments" "will-trigger-an-error")
(define-cases f2
[(f2) "got zero args"]
[(f2 . args) (format "got ~a args" (length args))])
(f2 6 7)
(f2 1 2 3 4)
(f2 "three" "arguments" "will-not-trigger-an-error-this-time")
#:literals (syntax lambda stx)
(define-macro id (syntax other-id))
(define-macro id (lambda (arg-id) result-expr ...+))
8 years ago
(define-macro id transformer-id)
8 years ago
(define-macro id (syntax result-expr))
(define-macro (id pat-arg ...) expr ...+)
Create a macro using one of the subforms above, which are explained below:
@specsubform[#:literals (define-macro syntax lambda stx)
(define-macro id (syntax other-id))]{
If the first argument is an identifier @racket[id] and the second a syntaxed identifier that looks like @racket[(syntax other-id)], create a rename transformer, which is a fancy term for ``macro that replaces @racket[id] with @racket[other-id].'' (This subform is equivalent to @racket[make-rename-transformer].)
8 years ago
8 years ago
Why do we need rename transformers? Because an ordinary macro operates on its whole calling expression (which it receives as input) like @racket[(macro-name this-arg that-arg . and-so-on)]. By contrast, a rename transformer operates only on the identifier itself (regardless of where that identifier appears in the code). It's like making one identifier into an alias for another identifier.
8 years ago
Below, notice how the rename transformer, operating in the macro realm, approximates the behavior of a run-time assignment.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define foo 'foo-value)
(define bar foo)
(define-macro zam-macro #'foo)
(define add +)
(add 20 22)
(define-macro sum-macro #'+)
(sum-macro 20 22)
@specsubform[#:literals (define-macro lambda stx)
(define-macro id (lambda (arg-id) result-expr ...+))]{
8 years ago
If the first argument is an @racket[id] and the second a single-argument function, create a macro called @racket[id] that uses the function as a syntax transformer. This function must return a @seclink["stx-obj" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/guide/guide.scrbl")]{syntax object}, otherwise you'll trigger an error. Beyond that, the function can do whatever you like. (This subform is equivalent to @racket[define-syntax].)
8 years ago
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define-macro nice-sum (lambda (stx) #'(+ 2 2)))
(define-macro not-nice (lambda (stx) '(+ 2 2)))
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
@specsubform[#:literals (define-macro lambda stx)
(define-macro id transformer-id)]{
Similar to the previous subform, but @racket[transformer-id] holds an existing transformer function. Note that @racket[transformer-id] needs to be visible during compile time (aka @italic{phase 1}), so use @racket[define-for-syntax] or equivalent.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define-for-syntax summer-compile-time (lambda (stx) #'(+ 2 2)))
(define-macro nice-summer summer-compile-time)
(define summer-run-time (lambda (stx) #'(+ 2 2)))
(define-macro not-nice-summer summer-run-time)
8 years ago
@specsubform[#:literals (define-macro)
(define-macro id syntax-object)
#:contracts ([syntax-object syntax?])]{
If the first argument is an @racket[id] and the second a @racket[syntax-object], create a syntax transformer that returns @racket[syntax-object]. This is just alternate notation for the previous subform, wrapping @racket[syntax-object] inside a function body. The effect is to create a macro from @racket[id] that always returns @racket[syntax-object], regardless of how it's invoked. Not especially useful within programs. Mostly handy for making quick macros at the REPL.
8 years ago
@examples[#:eval my-eval
8 years ago
(define-macro bad-listener #'"what?")
8 years ago
(bad-listener "hello")
(bad-listener 1 2 3 4)
@specsubform[#:literals (define-macro)
(define-macro (id pat-arg ...) result-expr ...+)]{
8 years ago
If the first argument is a @seclink["stx-patterns" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/reference/reference.scrbl")]
{syntax pattern} starting with @racket[id], then create a syntax transformer for this pattern using @racket[result-expr ...] as the return value. As usual, @racket[result-expr ...] needs to return a @seclink["stx-obj" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/guide/guide.scrbl")]{syntax object} or you'll get an error.
8 years ago
8 years ago
The syntax-pattern notation is the same as @racket[syntax-case], with one key difference. If a @racket[pat-arg] has a @tt{CAPITALIZED-NAME}, it's treated as a named wildcard (meaning, it will match any expression in that position, and can be subsequently referred to by that name). Otherwise, @racket[pat-arg] is treated as a literal (meaning, it will only match the same expression).
8 years ago
For instance, the @racket[sandwich] macro below requires three arguments, and the third must be @racket[please], but the other two are wildcards:
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define-macro (sandwich TOPPING FILLING please)
#'(format "I love ~a with ~a." 'FILLING 'TOPPING))
(sandwich brie ham)
(sandwich brie ham now)
(sandwich brie ham please)
(sandwich banana bacon please)
8 years ago
The ellipsis @racket[...] can be used with a wildcard to match a list of arguments. Please note: though a wildcard standing alone must match one argument, once you add an ellipsis, it's allowed to match zero:
8 years ago
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define-macro (pizza TOPPING ...)
#'(string-join (cons "Waiter!"
(list (format "More ~a!" 'TOPPING) ...))
" "))
(pizza mushroom)
(pizza mushroom pepperoni)
8 years ago
The capitalization requirement for a wildcard @racket[pat-arg] makes it easy to mix literals and wildcards in one pattern. But it also makes it easy to mistype a pattern and not get the wildcard you were expecting. Below, @racket[bad-squarer] doesn't work because @racket[any-number] is meant to be a wildcard. But it's not capitalized, so it's considered a literal, and it triggers an error:
8 years ago
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define-macro (bad-squarer any-number)
#'(* any-number any-number))
(bad-squarer +10i)
8 years ago
The error is cleared when the argument is capitalized, thus making it a wilcard:
8 years ago
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define-macro (good-squarer ANY-NUMBER)
(good-squarer +10i)
@;{You can use the special identifier @racket[caller-stx] — available only within the body of @racket[define-macro] — to access the original input argument to the macro.}
8 years ago
@;{todo: fix this example. complains that caller-stx is unbound}
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(require (for-syntax br))
(define-macro (inspect ARG ...)
(let ([calling-pattern '#,(syntax->datum caller-stx)])
(format "Called as ~a with ~a args"
(length (cdr calling-pattern))))))
(inspect 42)
(inspect "foo" "bar")
(inspect #t #f #f #t)
8 years ago
This subform of @racket[define-macro] is useful for macros that have one calling pattern. To make a macro with multiple calling patterns, see @racket[define-macro-cases].
8 years ago
(define-macro-cases id
[pattern result-expr ...+] ...+)
Create a macro called @racket[id] with multiple branches, each with a @racket[pattern] on the left and @racket[result-expr] on the right. The input to the macro is tested against each @racket[pattern]. If it matches, then @racket[result-expr] is evaluated.
As with @racket[define-macro], wildcards in each syntax pattern must be @tt{CAPITALIZED}. Everything else is treated as a literal match, except for the ellipsis @racket[...] and the wildcard @racket[_].
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define-macro-cases yogurt
[(yogurt) #'(displayln (format "No toppings? Really?"))]
[(yogurt TOPPING)
#'(displayln (format "Sure, you can have ~a." 'TOPPING))]
[(yogurt TOPPING ANOTHER-TOPPING ... please)
#'(displayln (format "Since you asked nicely, you can have ~a toppings."
(length '(TOPPING ANOTHER-TOPPING ...))))]
#'(displayln (format "Whoa! Rude people only get one topping."))])
(yogurt granola)
(yogurt coconut almonds hot-fudge brownie-bites please)
(yogurt coconut almonds)
9 years ago
@section{Reader utilities}
8 years ago
(define-read-and-read-syntax (path-id port-id)
reader-result-expr ...+)
For use within a language reader. Automatically @racket[define] and @racket[provide] the @racket[read] and @racket[read-syntax] functions needed for the reader's public interface. @racket[reader-result-expr] can return either a syntax object or a datum (which will be converted to a syntax object).
The generated @racket[read-syntax] function takes two arguments, a path and an input port. It returns a syntax object stripped of all bindings.
The generated @racket[read] function takes one argument, an input port. It calls @racket[read-syntax] and converts the result to a datum.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(module sample-reader racket/base
(require br/reader-utils racket/list)
(define-read-and-read-syntax (path port)
(for/list ([datum (in-port read port)])
(require (prefix-in sample: 'sample-reader))
(define string-port (open-input-string "(+ 2 2) 'hello"))
(sample:read-syntax 'no-path string-port)
(define string-port-2 (open-input-string "(+ 2 2) 'hello"))
(sample:read string-port-2)
9 years ago
8 years ago
9 years ago
8 years ago