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9 years ago
#lang scribble/manual
8 years ago
@(require (for-label racket/base racket/contract br/cond br/datum))
@(require scribble/eval)
@(define my-eval (make-base-eval))
@(my-eval `(require br/cond br/datum))
9 years ago
@title[#:style 'toc]{Beautiful Racket}
@author[(author+email "Matthew Butterick" "")]
8 years ago
@link[""]{@italic{Beautiful Racket}} is a book about making programming languages with Racket.
9 years ago
This library provides the @tt{#lang br} teaching language used in the book, as well as supporting modules that can be used in other programs.
8 years ago
This library is designed to smooth over some of the small idiosyncrasies and inconsistencies in Racket, so that those new to Racket are more likely to say ``ah, that makes sense'' rather than ``huh? what?''
9 years ago
8 years ago
@section{The @tt{br} language(s)}
9 years ago
8 years ago
9 years ago
@defform[(while cond body ...)]
8 years ago
Loop over @racket[_body] as long as @racket[_cond] is not @racket[#f]. If @racket[_cond] starts out @racket[#f], @racket[_body] is never evaluated.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(let ([x 42])
(while (positive? x)
(set! x (- x 1)))
(let ([x 42])
(while (negative? x)
9 years ago
8 years ago
@defform[(until cond body ...)]
Loop over @racket[_body] until @racket[_cond] is not @racket[#f]. If @racket[_cond] starts out not @racket[#f], @racket[_body] is never evaluated.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(let ([x 42])
(until (zero? x)
(set! x (- x 1)))
(let ([x 42])
(until (= 42 x)
9 years ago
8 years ago
A @defterm{datum} is a literal representation of Racket code that describes an S-expression. Unlike a string, a datum preserves the internal structure of the S-expression. Meaning, if the S-expression is a single value, or list-shaped, or tree-shaped, so is its corresponding datum.
Datums are made with @racket[quote] or its equivalent notation, the @litchar{'} prefix (see @secref["quote" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/guide/guide.scrbl")]).
When I use ``datum'' in its specific Racket sense, I use ``datums'' as its plural rather than ``data'' because that term has an existing, more generic meaning.
9 years ago
8 years ago
[datum-form datum?]
[val any/c?] ...)
9 years ago
8 years ago
Similar to @racket[format], but the template @racket[_datum-form] is a datum, rather than a string, and the function returns a datum, rather than a string. Otherwise, the same formatting escapes can be used in the template (see @racket[fprintf]).
Two special cases. First, a string that describes a list of datums is parenthesized so the result is a single datum. Second, an empty string returns @racket[void] (not @racket[#f], because that's a legitimate datum).
9 years ago
8 years ago
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(format-datum '42)
(format-datum '~a "foo")
(format-datum '(~a ~a) "foo" 42)
(format-datum '~a "foo bar zam")
(void? (format-datum '~a ""))
(format-datum '~a #f)
[datum-form datum?]
[vals (listof any/c?)] ...)
(listof datum?)]
Like @racket[format-datum], but applies @racket[_datum-form] to the lists of @racket[_vals] in similar way to @racket[map], where values for the format string are taken from the lists of @racket[_vals] in parallel. This means that a) @racket[_datum-form] must accept as many arguments as there are lists of @racket[_vals], and b) the lists of @racket[_vals] must all have the same number of items.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(format-datums '~a '("foo" "bar" "zam"))
(format-datums '(~a 42) '("foo" "bar" "zam"))
(format-datums '(~a ~a) '("foo" "bar" "zam") '(42 43 44))
(format-datums '42 '("foo" "bar" "zam"))
(format-datums '(~a ~a) '("foo" "bar" "zam") '(42))
9 years ago
8 years ago
@defform*[((report expr) (report expr maybe-name))]
Print the name and value of @racket[_expr] to @racket[current-error-port], but also return the evaluated result of @racket[_expr] as usual. This lets you see the value of an expression or variable at runtime without disrupting any of the surrounding code. Optionally, you can use @racket[_maybe-name] to change the name shown in @racket[current-error-port].
For instance, suppose you wanted to see how @racket[first-condition?] was being evaluted in this expression:
(if (and (first-condition? x) (second-condition? x))
You can wrap it in @racket[report] and find out:
(if (and (report (first-condition? x)) (second-condition? x))
This code will run the same way as before. But when it reaches @racket[first-condition?], you willl see in @racket[current-error-port]:
@racketerror{(first-condition? x) = #t}
You can also add standalone calls to @racket[report] as a debugging aid at points where the return value will be irrelevant, for instance:
(report x x-before-function)
(if (and (report (first-condition? x)) (second-condition? x))
@racketerror{x-before-function = 42
@(linebreak)(first-condition? x) = #t}
But be careful — in the example below, the result of the @racket[if] expression will be skipped in favor of the last expression, which will be the value of @racket[_x]:
(if (and (report (first-condition? x)) (second-condition? x))
(report x)]
@defform[(report* expr ...)]
Apply @racket[report] separately to each @racket[_expr] in the list.
@defform*[((report-datum stx-expr) (report-datum stx-expr maybe-name))]
A variant of @racket[report] for use with @secref["stx-obj" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/guide/guide.scrbl")]. Rather than print the whole object (as @racket[report] would), @racket[report-datum] prints only the datum inside the syntax object, but the return value is the whole syntax object.
9 years ago
(tag-id attr-id elem-id) body ...)]
(tag-id attr-id elem-id) body ...)]
9 years ago
@section{Reader utilities}