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9 years ago
#lang racket/base
(provide [struct-out token-struct]
[struct-out exn:fail:parsing])
(struct token-struct (type val offset line column span skip?)
;; Token constructor.
;; This is intended to be a general token structure constructor that's nice
;; to work with.
;; It should cooperate with the tokenizers constructed with make-permissive-tokenizer.
(define token
(lambda (type ;; (U symbol string)
[val #f] ;; any
#:offset [offset #f] ;; (U #f number)
#:line [line #f] ;; (U #f number)
#:column [column #f] ;; (U #f number)
#:span [span #f] ;; boolean
#:skip? [skip? #f])
(token-struct (if (string? type) (string->symbol type) type)
offset line column span skip?)))
;; When bad things happen, we need to emit errors with source location.
(struct exn:fail:parsing exn:fail (srclocs)
#:property prop:exn:srclocs (lambda (instance)
(exn:fail:parsing-srclocs instance)))