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9 years ago
#lang racket/base
(require setup/getinfo racket/runtime-path)
(provide message run-source)
(define-runtime-path br-dir "../../beautiful-racket")
(define gi (get-info/full br-dir))
8 years ago
(define message
(format "You installed beautiful-racket~acorrectly."
(if gi
(format " v~a " (gi 'version))
" ")))
(require racket/port racket/system compiler/find-exe)
(define (run-source path)
(define racket-path (find-exe))
(define cmd-string (format "'~a' ~a" racket-path path))
(with-output-to-string (λ () (system cmd-string))))
9 years ago
(module+ main
(displayln message))