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#lang racket/base
(require "syntax-flatten.rkt" racket/list racket/match syntax/parse)
(provide ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? literalize-pat)
(define (literal-identifier? x)
(let ([x (if (syntax? x) (syntax-e x) x)])
(and (symbol? x)
(not (memq x '(... _))) ; isn't a reserved identifier
(let ([pat-str (symbol->string x)])
(or (not (regexp-match #rx"[A-Z]" pat-str)) ; either doesn't contain at least one uppercase letter ...
(not (equal? (string-upcase pat-str) pat-str))))))) ;... or doesn't contain all uppercase letters
(define (wildcard-datum? x) (and (symbol? x) (not (literal-identifier? x))))
(define (literalize-pat pat [literalizer-id #'~literal])
;; take `literalizer-id` as explicit input from the calling site
;; because this is a macro helper
;; so hygiene is not enforced
(let loop ([pat pat])
(syntax-case pat ()
[(HEAD . TAIL) (datum->syntax pat (cons (loop #'HEAD) (loop #'TAIL)))]
[MAYBE-LIT-ID (literal-identifier? #'MAYBE-LIT-ID)
(with-syntax ([literalizer-id literalizer-id]
[lit-id #'MAYBE-LIT-ID])
#'(literalizer-id lit-id))]
[ANY #'ANY])))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (literalize-pat #'(hello WORLD))) '((~literal hello) WORLD))
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (literalize-pat #'(hello . WORLD))) '((~literal hello) . WORLD))
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (literalize-pat #'(hello WORLD (... ...)))) '((~literal hello) WORLD ...))
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (literalize-pat #'(hello (cruel WORLD)))) '((~literal hello) ((~literal cruel) WORLD)))
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (literalize-pat #'(hello (cruel . WORLD)))) '((~literal hello) ((~literal cruel) . WORLD))))
7 years ago
7 years ago
(define (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? pat)
(let loop ([datum (syntax->datum pat)])
(match datum
[(? null?) #t]
[(cons '... _) #f]
[(cons _ '...) #f]
[(list head '... tail ...) (and (or (wildcard-datum? head) (pair? head))
(loop head)
(loop tail))]
[(list head tail ...) (and (loop head) (loop tail))]
[(cons x y) (loop (list x y))]
7 years ago
[else #t])))
7 years ago
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(test-case "wildcard-identifier?"
(check-true (wildcard-datum? 'FOO))
(check-true (wildcard-datum? 'TOPPING))
(check-false (wildcard-datum? 'piZZa))
(check-false (wildcard-datum? 'please)))
7 years ago
(test-case "all-...-follow-wildcards"
(check-true (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? #'()))
(check-true (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? #'foo))
7 years ago
(check-true (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? #'(foo . bar)))
7 years ago
(check-true (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(a b))))
(check-true (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(a b C ...))))
(check-true (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '((a b) ...))))
(check-true (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '((C D) ...))))
(check-true (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '((C ...) ...))))
(check-true (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(((C ...) ...) ...))))
(check-true (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(((C ...) D ...) ...))))
7 years ago
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(...))))
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(a ...))))
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(A ... b ...))))
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '((a ...) ...))))
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(((a ...) ...) ...))))
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(((B ...) a ...) ...))))
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '((...) B ...))))
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(((((...))))))))
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(A . ...))))
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(... A))))
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(... . A))))
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '(... . ...))))
(check-false (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? (datum->syntax #f '((... . A) ...))))))