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9 years ago
#lang br
(provide #%top-interaction) ; activates the REPL
;; reader goes first and
;; 1) converts surface syntax into Rackety expressions (wrapping in `(inst ...)`)
;; 2) creates a module specifying semantics source (in this case, same module)
(provide read-syntax)
(define (read-syntax src-path src-input-port)
(define inst-datums (for/list ([src-line (in-lines src-input-port)]
#:when (regexp-match #px"\\w" src-line))
(format-datum '(inst ~a) src-line)))
(syntax-let ([#'(inst-stx ...) inst-datums]) ; ok to bind with non-syntax
#'(module stack-lang-module "stack.rkt"
inst-stx ...)))
(define stack empty)
;; semantics always start with #%module-begin, which unwraps the content of the module and rewraps it
(provide (rename-out [stack-module-begin #%module-begin]))
(define #'(stack-module-begin instructions ...)
instructions ...
(first stack)))
;; then file is processed like a normal Racket file.
(provide inst)
(define (inst . args)
(if (<= 1 (length args) 2)
(let ([proc (first args)])
(apply proc (cdr args)))
(provide push)
(define (push arg)
(display "push: ")
[(procedure? arg)
(displayln (format "got ~a, replacing ~a and ~a with result" arg (first stack) (second stack) ))
(set! stack (cons (arg (first stack) (second stack)) (cddr stack)))]
[else (displayln (format "storing value ~a" arg))
(set! stack (cons arg stack))])
(displayln stack))
;; exercises
(provide pop)
(define (pop)
(display "pop: ")
(displayln (format "got ~a" (car stack)))
(set! stack (cdr stack))
(displayln stack))
(provide swap)
(define (swap)
(display "swap: ")
(displayln (format "~a and ~a" (first stack) (second stack)))
(set! stack (list* (second stack) (first stack) (cddr stack)))
(displayln stack))