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9 years ago
#lang racket/base
(require racket/provide racket/list racket/string racket/format racket/match racket/port
br/define br/syntax br/datum br/debug br/conditional racket/function
(for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax br/syntax br/debug br/define))
9 years ago
(provide (except-out (all-from-out racket/base) define)
(all-from-out racket/list racket/string racket/format racket/match racket/port
br/syntax br/datum br/debug br/conditional racket/function)
(for-syntax (all-from-out racket/base racket/syntax br/syntax br/debug))
8 years ago
(for-syntax caller-stx shared-syntax with-shared-id with-calling-site-id) ; from br/define
9 years ago
(λ (name)
(let ([pat (regexp "^br:")])
(and (regexp-match? pat name)
(regexp-replace pat name ""))))
(combine-out (all-from-out br/define))))
;; todo: activate at-exp reader by default
(define (remove-blank-lines strs)
(filter (λ(str) (regexp-match #px"\\S" str)) strs))
(provide remove-blank-lines)
(module reader syntax/module-reader
#:language 'br)